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They aren't as bad as the Washington Post, that isn't - even a newspaper anymore, just

Posted: Mar 3rd, 2020 - 6:03 am In Reply to: Daily Beast. Now there's an objective and - professional organ of reportage.

a mouthpiece for Jeff Bezos. WaPo lies and makes up stories. They make up a story about Nunes and Russia, when it can be proven he was in Oklahoma at the time. Daily Beast does make up stories though. Dan Bongino is using for $15 million after they refused to correct a lie.

This is the way to combat the outright lies that the NewsMisleadia publishes. Look at CNN and WaPo after the Covington kids story.

We need more people to step up and sue the media for smears and mischaracterizations. Lies are not news.

Daily Beast should be called the Daily Unicorn.


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