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I'm posting a link that explains the myth of - open borders.

Posted: Mar 2nd, 2020 - 4:12 pm In Reply to: Democrats don't want immigration laws to be followed. - If they did, we wouldn't have DACA,

If you would just take the time to read the whole article, you will understand what the Dem leadership is actually trying to do with enforcing our immigration laws. Yes, even the leadership does not want so-called "open borders." It has just become a catch phrase to make Dems look bad, when we do not want to just let anybody and everybody in. As for DACA, personally I thought it was the just and right thing to do for young people who grew up here through no fault of their own because they were brought here by their parents. They had no say, no control. Are Republicans so hard-hearted that they couldn't have done something to redeem these kid's lives?

LINK/URL: I'm posting a link that explains the myth of


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