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Politics Latest Messages: Citywide transcription..

I just read a story about a woman in Tennessee who woke - up to find workers ripping off her

Posted: Mar 2nd, 2020 - 2:22 pm In Reply to: Chinese illegals were caught trying to enter the country - through the southern border

roof - after they went to the wrong home in the wrong city.

The work crew had started ripping off the roof of Belinda Hungate's home in Spring Hill on February 20 when she was woken by the noise.

She then confronted the crew, but she said that they didn't speak English.

'They did not speak English. The sub-contractor is from Honduras. No business cards, no contractors license,' her husband Philip Hungate told DailyMail.com.

'My wife called me at work in a panic saying there were guys on the roof and they were tearing things off.'

LINK/URL: I just read a story about a woman in Tennessee who woke


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