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I know people who believe everything they read on - Wikipedia. They are so anti-Israel

Posted: Nov 24th, 2019 - 8:01 am In Reply to: No matter how many times WHO fact checks? The - dishonest press? When anyone

and we forget what a huge propaganda information influence Wikipedia truly is. Everyone refers to it for facts, and those facts are “adjusted” as liked to fit a chosen narrative. Much of it is just as personally opinionated and skewed as the MSM and manipulated like Google.

I ran across and run across this editing on most climate related issues - yes, in favor of the catastrophists. Yesterday, I was trying to get a simple list of the 2016 Presidential results by State and noted that almost every article on Trump included a lengthy comment on Russian collusion! Somebody has been busy and very naughty. Wikipedia is colluding in its own demise.

Look in Wikipedia at various social subjects, and you’ll see it’s blatant leftist orientation.

And they’re proud leftists, proven by the not-so-subtle phrasing in many of their pages. Pick a subject where left and right disagree and see for yourself. And, there’s more:

RationalWiki (quite the oxymoron)


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