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There were plenty of impeachable offenses committed - by Obama, but with a willing

Posted: Nov 24th, 2019 - 5:39 am In Reply to: If Trump is impeached and it goes to the Senate for trial, can the Pubs... - sm

press to help him politically by not reporting it or covering it up it never would have happened. With all the negative press about Trump, they are trying to drive his poll numbers down. It's not working though.

The Republicans were too weak to push back against Obama.

The press always reported things in his favor, like:
Obama’s Iran nuke deal, Obama knew about Hillary’s private email server, Obama IRS targets conservatives, his DOJ spied on AP reporters

Obama lied about Obamacare.

Illegal-alien amnesty by executive order, operation fast and furious, recess appointments when Senate was in session, appointment of ‘czars’ without Senate approval, suing Arizona for enforcing federal law

Illegally conducting war against Libya

Solyndra and the lost $535 million

Cap & Trade bypass Congress

Refusal to prosecute New Black Panthers

And of course spying on Trump.


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