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Your statement that the MSM is a - danger to America

Posted: Nov 24th, 2019 - 7:04 am In Reply to: The media is corrupt and I don't trust their so-called - "fact checkers." Where do they

is proof positive that you have bought the lie hook, line, and sinker. The press reports on news that is extremely complex at times and, yes, most journalists have the integrity and professionalism to do their research very, very well before reporting a story. I'm not talking about editorials and opinion pieces. That's a completely different branch of journalism and also has its place in America. You might want to take your own advice and expand your own research away from just Google--read multiple newspapers, both liberal and conservative; watch/listen to TV/radio news, both liberal and conservative; read internet sites, both liberal and conservative; and do your own fact checking. While you're at it, you might want to investigate what happens to a country without a free press--Germany under the Nazi regime comes to mind and also China is a good example. I'm sure you don't want any of the scenarios in those countries happening here. Thank your lucky stars that we have a free press because you really don't want to have to live the consequences of not having one, and we don't want a leader who wants to destroy our free press either.


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