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Politics Latest Messages: Citywide transcription..

Trump misleads about lots of things. - He repeats untruths

Posted: Nov 24th, 2019 - 5:37 am In Reply to: If Trump is impeached and it goes to the Senate for trial, can the Pubs... - sm

so many times (which is a tactic of his) that people (his followers) start to believe whatever he says. No matter how many times anyone fact checks with the truth of the matter, not one of his followers wants to believe him and think it is just a big conspiracy to get rid of him. Well of course, we'd rather that he tell the truth and be factual when he opens his mouth, then we wouldn't have to get rid of him. Is this really the type of person you want leading our country, one who can't get his facts straight, who lies, and makes impulsive, perhaps dangerous decisions, when he gets a notion stuck in his head that he can't get rid of?

LINK/URL: Trump misleads about lots of things.


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