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Politics Latest Messages: Citywide transcription..

A biased media is a dangerous media. It's been going - on since way before Trump. He

Posted: Nov 24th, 2019 - 6:42 am In Reply to: It is a world gone mad when it is the "right" concerned - with a government using a secret

just called them out on it. It's not just their bias, it's their not reporting messages they don't like.

Look how they all worked together to give the Democrat message that the "whistleblower" should be kept secret.

This is not some neutral bystander, this is someone with a clear vendetta against Pres. Trump.

Instead, the MSM gave the Dem talking points and refused to mention Ciaramella’s name, citing concern for the man’s safety. They showed no similar concern when they published the name of high school student Nick Sandmann. They tried to destroy that kid.

Remember, the press did the same thing to Winston Churchill.


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