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Do you remember that almost from day one - Trump began calling

Posted: Nov 24th, 2019 - 6:25 am In Reply to: No matter how many times WHO fact checks? The - dishonest press? When anyone

the press the enemy of the people (something another famous world leader did years ago)and began using the phrase "fake news" to describe anything about him that was not complimentary. Well he did that for a reason, to plant seeds of doubt in his followers minds about other people and to be able to advance his own untruths. Another tactic he uses is to repeat statements (true or untrue) over and over again, which cements these thoughts in the minds of his followers as the truth. His whole campaign and presidency has been carefully orchestrated with these techniques to keep his base happy. He doesn't care if he is being a good and effective leader. He just cares about the adulation he receives (size of crowd during inauguration as an example)even if he has to make stuff up. The day he announced his candidacy, he came down the escalator and started railing against Mexican illegals and calling them bad hombres. He was setting up his base to think he was going to do something about illegal immigration. He has pretty much botched that one up. And his "WALL," well that's been a nonstarter and a failure. Watch very carefully, and you will see it's all about HIM. Really. Have you seen any other world leaders in recent memory who comport themselves like he does? I can think of a few, but they were in the distant past and they are now infamous for their misdeeds.


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