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Zombie economics: As good and brief a description of where we're at

Posted: Feb 15, 2013

[BTW, these are not new concepts and are very mainstream; I was taught this stuff in Econ 101...way long ago. :) Also, as a former real estate appraiser who lived through the 1990s housing bubble crash in California, I can promise that every knowledgeable policymaker watched the national housing bubble develop and knew a crash was inevitable, the only question just how bad the fallout. A dem]

Rubio and the Zombies


The State of the Union address was not, I’m sorry to say, very interesting. True, the president offered many good ideas. But we already know that almost none of those ideas will make it past a hostile House of Representatives.

On the other hand, the G.O.P. reply, delivered by Senator Marco Rubio of Florida, was both interesting and revelatory. And I mean that in the worst way. For Mr. Rubio is a rising star, to such an extent that Time magazine put him on its cover, calling him “The Republican Savior.” What we learned Tuesday, however, was that zombie economic ideas have eaten his brain.

In case you’re wondering, a zombie idea is a proposition that has been thoroughly refuted by analysis and evidence, and should be dead — but won’t stay dead because it serves a political purpose, appeals to prejudices, or both. The classic zombie idea in U.S. political discourse is the notion that tax cuts for the wealthy pay for themselves, but there are many more. And, as I said, when it comes to economics it appears that Mr. Rubio’s mind is zombie-infested.

Start with the big question: How did we get into the mess we’re in?

The financial crisis of 2008 and its painful aftermath, which we’re still dealing with, were a huge slap in the face for free-market fundamentalists. Circa 2005, the usual suspects — conservative publications, analysts at right-wing think tanks like the American Enterprise Institute and the Cato Institute, and so on — insisted that deregulated financial markets were doing just fine, and dismissed warnings about a housing bubble as liberal whining. Then the nonexistent bubble burst, and the financial system proved dangerously fragile; only huge government bailouts prevented a total collapse.

Instead of learning from this experience, however, many on the right have chosen to rewrite history. Back then, they thought things were great, and their only complaint was that the government was getting in the way of even more mortgage lending; now they claim that government policies, somehow dictated by liberals even though the G.O.P. controlled both Congress and the White House, were promoting excessive borrowing and causing all the problems.

Every piece of this revisionist history has been refuted in detail. No, the government didn’t force banks to lend to Those People; no, Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac didn’t cause the housing bubble (they were doing relatively little lending during the peak bubble years); no, government-sponsored lenders weren’t responsible for the surge in risky mortgages (private mortgage issuers accounted for the vast majority of the riskiest loans).

But the zombie keeps shambling on — and here’s Mr. Rubio Tuesday night: “This idea — that our problems were caused by a government that was too small  — it’s just not true. In fact, a major cause of our recent downturn was a housing crisis created by reckless government policies.” Yep, it’s the full zombie.

What about responding to the crisis? Four years ago, right-wing economic analysts insisted that deficit spending would destroy jobs, because government borrowing would divert funds that would otherwise have gone into business investment, and also insisted that this borrowing would send interest rates soaring. The right thing, they claimed, was to balance the budget, even in a depressed economy.

Now, this argument was obviously fallacious from the beginning. As people like me tried to point out, the whole reason our economy was depressed was that businesses weren’t willing to invest as much as consumers were trying to save. So government borrowing would not, in fact, drive up interest rates — and trying to balance the budget would simply deepen the depression.

Sure enough, interest rates, far from soaring, are at historic lows — and countries that slashed spending have also seen sharp job losses. You rarely get this clear a test of competing economic ideas, and the right’s ideas failed.

But the zombie still shambles on. And here’s Mr. Rubio: “Every dollar our government borrows is money that isn’t being invested to create jobs. And the uncertainty created by the debt is one reason why many businesses aren’t hiring.” Zombies 2, Reality 0.

In fairness to Mr. Rubio, what he’s saying isn’t any different from what everyone else in his party is saying. But that, of course, is what’s so scary.

For here we are, more than five years into the worst economic slump since the Great Depression, and one of our two great political parties has seen its economic doctrine crash and burn twice: first in the run-up to crisis, then again in the aftermath. Yet that party has learned nothing; it apparently believes that all will be well if it just keeps repeating the old slogans, but louder.

It’s a disturbing picture, and one that bodes ill for our nation’s future.



Sorry but I think people just have to be stupid - Fairminded

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To believe that this "new" GOP will ever do anything than throw crumbs to the middle class and poor while lining their OWN pockets and those who brung 'em.

Now I have a visual of a Rubio Zombie chugging water... LOL

I'm more hopeful that the GOP is, unfortunately, still - self destructing but will be forced to change--

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of necessity. Zombie economics is only one of their incredibly foolish denials.

Much of those who haven't already abandoned the GOP are also still convinced it can be a white-power party in future the way it used to be; and many of the rest of them are still locked in the grief stage for the good old days.

Then there's the continued obstructionism and attack-dog mentality that lost them so much before, with 2014 already on the horizon...

It's awful and we'll all pay, but could be worse. After all, we still have shovels and energy to keep digging...

I think it's more fun - A Proud Republican Patriot

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To watch the democrat party imploding, watching the communists show their ugly faces, factions in the democrat party fighting for power.

However, it's not fun watching the libs/communist destroy our economy and send our jobs overseas (and no, Bush is not in office anymore. Jobs going overseas today, tomorrow and in the future will not be his fault).

The democrats are doing nothing to better the lives of all Americans. Taxing til we are poor and destroying anything good all with they enrich their uber 1 and 2%'er friends, their wall street and banker buddies getting richer while we suffer. There is just pure evil and anyone who supports the psychopaths is evil too (or blinded by hatred because that is what they've been told by the media who what? Class, class, anyone, anyone? what to think and who to hate. Sponsored and paid for by the creatures themselves.

Democrats have never been for the middle class, since probably Kennedy. The democrat party is now infiltrated with communists and just about everything else that is not democrat and not good for the country.

Yes, I do love sitting back and reading about the fist fights in the oval office between money hungry libs who all they care about is power and enriching themselves. Implosions can be heard as I sit back and watch them fight it out for power. I would say the seat of evil in this world has shifted. Unfortunately it's not good for the country and especially the middle income.
psychopaths, pure evil, infiltrated with communists!? - please give us a break
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I wish they would give us a break - do your research
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and not just what they tell you to think on MSNBC.

Psychopaths, pure evil, and infiltrated with the communist. Oh sure you might find 1 or 2 true democtrats, but they are fading away with the infiltrations and implosion of the factions of that party.

Psycopaths - that's for sure. Psycopaths have a complete disregard for the feelings or rights of others, is secretive and manipulative and has no compassion for others. Most psychopaths are only out for themselves. Yes, my post was correct.

Again, do your research (and something else besides what MSNBC, NPR, or Daily Kos tells you.
Since you're the one casting the accusation, the burden of proving it is on YOU - Vamonos Pest
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You're the one bringing up pure evil, psychopaths, and commies (oh my!), and meanwhile not backing up your claim with anything other than a "do your research." Not good enough. Please, share YOUR research in order to prove what you're saying is true.

I have a funny feeling we'll be directed to a YouTube video of an Allen West rant.
Did I ask for your approval? - No, I didn't
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I wrote my opinions and feelings from the research I've done. Of course it wouldn't matter if I posted my research from Huff or NPR, you don't like it so you don't accept it. Hey, that's your prerogative. The "burden" of proof is in their every day actions.

You don't have the right to tell me to prove anything, especially since I have the funny feeling if it's not in your pre-approved liberal library of doctrine you will not accept it.
"Proud" illustrated my point and our nation's problem far - worse than I wanted. Some people
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cannot be reached, but those who vote present a problem that must be dealt with. They won't or can't change--it comes to the same thing either way--and are not going away.

My only comfort is, as serious a problem as this is for all of us, it's a GOP problem first and foremost--the GOP WILL be forced to unshackle from the group our member here represents or dwindle into a little far-right fringe party.
I illustrated nothing - please direct your comments about me - to me
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I illustrated nothing of what you said.

Your own post illustrated what you think the problem is - "some people cannot be reached, but those who vote present a problem that must be dealt with. They won't change or can't change - It comes to the same either either way - and are not going away". You just described yourself and what you wrote.

My only hope is that the people responsible for the destruction of the country will soon be held responsible. The truth lies right in front of us all and yet there are still those that won't open their eyes and see the truth. They are much happier to drink juice and keep their heads in the sand.

But please, if you want to direct your comments about me to ridicule me then either email me privately or don't do it at all. This board is not a place for schoolyard bullies.
tell us - sm
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What kind of research supports calling about half the country psychopaths, pure evil, and communists? It's deplorable. If you feel that way about the people, or the government, you should leave.
I didn't call about half the country psychopaths - You didn't read my message
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Instead of taking offense and attacking me for my opinions, why don't you read what I wrote. I didn't accuse the American people of being psychopaths or pure evil. I was talking about the politicians. Politicians do not make up "about half the country".

Now, if you are inclined to support these beings who are hell bent on passing their communist/socialist agenda and you don't like a free country where I have the right to say what I want as much as you do then you should leave. Maybe North Korea, China or Cuba would do. There you are not allowed to give your opinion. But here in America we have freedom of speech. That means I have the right to do my own research and say what I feel about it.

Article 19 of the ICCPR states that "[e]veryone shall have the right to hold opinions without interference" and "everyone shall have the right to freedom of expression; this right shall include freedom to seek, receive and impart information and ideas of all kinds, regardless of frontiers, either orally, in writing or in print, in the form of art, or through any other media of his choice".
We did. Your own words... - SM
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"To watch the democrat party imploding, watching the communists show their ugly faces..."

"However, it's not fun watching the libs/communist destroy our economy and send our jobs overseas..."

"The democrats are doing nothing to better the lives of all Americans. ... There is just pure evil and anyone who supports the psychopaths is evil too"

"The democrat party is now infiltrated with communists and just about everything else that is not democrat and not good for the country."


Perhaps you thought you were implying politicians, but your statements as written seem inclusive of all members of the "democrat party" (it's Democratic Party, by the way) or those who consider themselves "libs."  

Regardless, "anyone who supports the psychopaths is evil too" leaves no room for doubt that you were talking about more than just politicians and smearing with a very wide brush and did indeed implicate more than half of the electorate as being "evil."

scary - nm
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Research. Psychopaths. Pure evil. Infiltration. - (what library do you go to?)
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It's really quite easy to find the information - do your reseach
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Libraries are becoming a thing of the past. That's the wonderful world of the internet. You can research and cross reference. The information is out there. But since you are unfamiliar with it, here are some hints on how to find things.

Research the individual politicians. Find out what they have done in their careers. Who they supports, what bills they support and what they don't. Research their history. Do they jump from party to party just to get elected? That gives you some clues. Do they support treasonous actions like sending our jobs overseas? That gives you more hints. Who are their "friends". When you find that the uber rich 1%ers and wall street, and banker buddies are paying $$$$ to put them back in office that gives you some more clues. When you find out people like Soros, Ayers, etc are working with them that's another clue. When they are responsible for the deaths of Americans and take no responsibility and then think they are qualified to run for president that gives you more clues. When they prove by their actions they don't care what happens to middle income Americans that's another clue. When they call people not in their party the enemy, yet you have another clue.

Keep researching and cross check your references. Read articles even from sites you don't like because just maybe there will be some truth in what they write. Research what people in other countries have found. Research and listen to the people who have lived through the hard times before. Read about the depression and what led up to the depression. Read what was going on in Germany pre WWII. Read what led up to the civil war and why there was a civil war and what the people were fighting for. Read what people who live under communism have to say. Read what the founding fathers wrote. Read why they sacrificed their lives and their families so that American could be a free country. You many not like it. When politicians decide they want to change it because it doesn't support them enriching their own lives that gives you some more clues. Read what happens to countries when you start taking away the rights of others. Listen to what ex KGB people have to say. Read about the fighting between the factions in the parties. Don't discount anything just because you don't like what it says.

If you (not you personally, just using you in general), but if you support communism and want the country to be communist/socialist then you should be proud of your beliefs and not be ashamed to say what it is you believe in. If you are ashamed then maybe its time to start asking yourself why and taking a deeper look into why you are so ashamed to admit you want communism/socialism.
I guess I was too subtle - sm
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I wonder what makes you think that notions like "psychopath" and "pure evil" are somehow gleaned from research. I was hoping you would show a little accountability.
Is that you, Ann Coulter? - Fairminded
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because your post was pretty venomous - like she tends to be on a good day...

Here's a challenge I bet you won't take: specify how the libs/democrats you speak of are *communists.*

You might first try looking up the term in the dictionary.
I know full well what it means. You need to look it up however - as you do not
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Oh yeah, is that you Chris Matthews?

I will write my viewpoints as how I see fit regarding the communists/libs. My viewpoints are based on research. Something I don't believe you quite know how to do. After all, why should you. Chris Matthews tells you what to think and say.

You don't challenge me on anything. I will do my research and write from what I learn. Not falling for the bait.
lol.. No one really watches Chris Matthews lol - Vamonos Pest
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Seriously, I don't understand why there is constant reference to him here. But if you wanna sit there and think that we're all glued to his every word... that's your thing I guess. Whatever floats your boat... even though it's kinda silly.
It is kind of hilarious how they've picked him as our "poster boy." - a lib
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No doubt it has to do with some blather from Free Republic or elsewhere about who "we" worship.
It might also have something to do with a lousy sense of humor - VP
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Nothing annoys me more than when someone doesn't know when to quit and that a joke is no longer funny, and I think that many (on here at least) are still trying to ride the Chris Matthews leg tingle train which, unfortunately for the humorously challenged, departed and derailed back in 2008. I think they mention him in the hopes that a Tingles joke will come up yet AGAIN *yawn*
You notice how many conservative comedians there are compared to liberal. - 'nuff said
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Drew Carey is okay, I guess, or I used to like him on Whose Line is it Anyway? and his sitcom. Dennis Miller is one of the unfunniest men to walk the planet now (and he actually used to be fairly funny). Not sure what's left ... The Blue Collar Comedy Tour?
Yes... total unfunny snoozefest. But wait... there's hope! There's this gem: - VP
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*sarcasm alert*
Oh no, I can't watch her anymore, LOL. The amazingness of her change - a lib
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from her SNL days to this whackadoodle was jaw-droppingly compelling to watch at first, but my patience done gone now, heh. You sure couldn't have picked a better example, though (gave you the "like" for that). :)
And what about this little gem - sm
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Listen to what she says at 0:18. People think that's funny???

No, thanks, I'll pass. Liberals comedians prove why they are not funny and should keep their tongue in their mouths.

I don't think she's funny hardly at all (sometimes, barely). - a lib
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But there are plenty enough liberal comedians to choose from that I don't have to like all of them. She's certainly not "representative" of the whole group.
Just think... if you put a huge bow in your hair, strum on a guitar, and sing this post off key - Vamonos Pest
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you can be a RW comedian too!

Dream big.
I didn't know who Chris Matthews was - til some Republican mentioned him here.
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The whole board is pretty amusing that way. People just say WHATEVER.
Well, hello again Barack! - I remember you from below.
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I'd recognize your deflection anywhere.
Joe McCarthy, is that you? - sm
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Still living in the 1950s, seeing a communist behind every tree? When I first read your post, I thought it was satirical, but then I realized that you were serious.
Nope, just a Proud Republican Patriot here - living in the current time, but
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If you don't see what is going on in the government at this time, then you are the one living in the 1950s. I don't "see a communist behind every tree"; however, there are communists in the country. You do know that don't you? If not, you need to do some research. This is not 1950 or 1960. The democrats of that time have long since gone. Take a good look at the individual politicians and what they have voted for and by their own words what they want to do. It's really quite easy. There are literally hundreds of videos you can pull up. I promise you they are not all put out by some imaginary republican right-winger who is voicing over what the politicians say. It really is them and their own voices and words.

But no, have no idea why you would think what I wrote was satirical. Maybe, your are trying to be funny or feel some strange emotional need to ridicule those who do not believe what you believe:

Satirical: of satire: using wit, especially irony, sarcasm, and ridicule, to criticize faults.

If I was being satirical you would know it. Sorry you couldn't handle what I wrote. I kind of tend to be blunt when it comes to telling the truth.
"strange emotional need to ridicule" - nm
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