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Why the heck is Obamagod in Asia?? We have

Posted: Nov 18, 2012

wanting answers with Libya and by the way, WHERE THE HECK IS H. CLINTON with this Libya attack that has caused 4 Americans dead???  They need to answer, but why should they??  They know they changed the memo from Petraeus and IF Obama did not know about it being Al Qaeda, then he has to be the stupidist, weakest president and administration that ever lived.  Obamagod is a power hungry man and just had to win the election or else...   Now we have Obamagod visiting Asia who states....

It is crucial to American job creation and security. 

Oh sure, just like when Obama visited India 3 years ago and now most of our jobs are there. 

Obamagod wants oure country to fail.  He wants it to be equal to the other countries and if you really think about it, he is getting it ready for the World Leader during the end times. 

President Obama on Sunday officially began his three-day tour of Asia, saying in Thailand that he made the region his first post-election stop because it is crucial to American job creation and security

Read more: http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2012/11/18/obama-emphasizes-that-us-is-pacific-nation-during-trip-to-bangkok/#ixzz2CaUC78ZM
President Obama on Sunday officially began his three-day tour of Asia, saying in Thailand that he made the region his first post-election stop because it is crucial to American job creation and security.

Read more: http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2012/11/18/obama-emphasizes-that-us-is-pacific-nation-during-trip-to-bangkok/#ixzz2CaP6kcWY
President Obama on Sunday officially began his three-day tour of Asia, saying in Thailand that he made the region his first post-election stop because it is crucial to American job creation and security.

Read more: http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2012/11/18/obama-emphasizes-that-us-is-pacific-nation-during-trip-to-bangkok/#ixzz2CaP6kcWY
President Obama on Sunday officially began his three-day tour of Asia, saying in Thailand that he made the region his first post-election stop because it is crucial to American job creation and security.

Read more: http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2012/11/18/obama-emphasizes-that-us-is-pacific-nation-during-trip-to-bangkok/#ixzz2CaP6kcWY

Trash talk reply: Asian Economic Summit scheduled weeks before - Israel assassinated Hamas military leader

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thus escalating the current conflict across Israel's Gaza Refugee/death by attrition internment camp. Myrmar is just now emerging from its own blood-drenched civil conflict marked by coups and counter-coups into a relatively calm period of stability. President Obama's choice of Myrmar as the host country for the US Asian Summit delegation signals its support for nascent democratic trends there and its willingness to enter onto trade agreements with Asian nations who build upon capitalist economies while resisting consumption by neighboring communist countries trying to bring Myrmar into their fold. There is no US president better equipped with understanding the ins and outs of making cultural and diplomatic inroads in that region than 44.

trade agreements...yeah, right...trading US jobs for theirs - anon

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that's all that means. Same as was done with India and sending our jobs there. Yes. He wants all other nations to be just like the US, but in this case, the US is becoming just like them...broke and defunct! Then he can take over as World Leader. The Beast. The anti-Christ! He walks among us! The handwriting is on the wall and has been for some time.

Once Again... - sm

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you do not know what you are talking about. Obama does not send our jobs to India - companies do that. What concerns me is content of your post, which raises serious questions about your grasp on reality.

If you must discuss the antichrist, you need to take your comments to the faith board, where intelligent people of faith might be able to disabuse you of your hellish notions.
Ooooo, disabuse. I like it. Perfect choice of words for - out-of-control zealot cults. nm
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Yep, and my family also agrees. - Vote for revenge.

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Or Obama is trying to help the immigrants by getting jpbs and then more Asians will arrive to the ole USA and then we get to support them.

Because he's our president (at least mine), - not the president of

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Israel or the middle east. Personally I am glad he's not dragging us into that never ending mess over there, although I'm sure there are plenty behind the scenes dealing with it anyway.

Seriously, Obama stated that Israel is our greatest ally - backwards typist

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(one of the few) in the Middle East. If Israel needs help, who do you think they will call on for help? The U.S., of course.

Then what will Obama do? He just said this morning that we will continue to support Israel. If Israel asks for military help, will he follow through and give them this support?

That's a big question that needs a truthful answer, not talking points. If he does not help Israel militarily, our other allies will think twice about our friendship with them and probably leave us "holding the bag" if we need help.
He also said Egypt wasn't our - enemy...
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I'm guessing that's about to change now that they have openly backed Hamas.
What area you talking about? They elected a majority of HAMAS reps - and a Hamas president. Furthermore
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a majority of Egyptians no longer support the peace treaty with Israel, who has been occupying Golan, Gaza and the West Bank for 45 long, deadly years since the treaty was signed. This is not news. Surely you didn't expect they would side with Israel against the Palestinian Hamas because we want them to, did you?

With the US still stuck on "we don't negotiate with terrorists," and with the role it's played in building the Israeli military machine while turning a blind eye to settlement expansion in violation of every past treaty they have ever facilitated, just how much of an "honest broker" do you think they can be in the defunct peace process now that democratic process is bringing Hamas into positions of legitimate power across the region? We reap what we sow.

It doesn't matter where he is... - sm

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...because you'd criticize him anyway.

Bingo--that's the - bottom line. (NM)

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It is hard to take someone seriously who calls our president - Obamagod.

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At this point, the insults from the right have become comical.

I believe the use of.... - (S/M)

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....names like "Obamagod" is a show of envy. When people are envious of someone else's attributes, they often criticize the attribute as a way of (hopefully) making it seem like a negative in other people's eyes. Like seeing another woman with a generous bust and saying, "Those look hideous--so fake-looking!"

Obama is looked up to by many Americans as well as others all around the globe, and the Obama-haters can't stand that. It's been so long since the GOP has had a president who other countries actually admired; and rather than being proud of THEIR president, too, it apparently makes some of them resort to childish/envious name-calling.

I know some will disagree, but that's my take on it. :-)
looked up to??? *************?? - anon
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There is no other country on earth at this point in time that "looks up to" either the USA or O! They laugh at us. They hate us. and we (the USA tax payers) hand over money to them hand over fist every year to be LIKE us, to be equal to us, and yet they hate us, call us vile names, burn our flag, kill our leaders without remorse, attack the USA without provocation...sure, they admire us! ha ha ha! what side of the globe do you actually live on??? I was not the one who called him Obamagod, but I am an outside observer, without influence from one side or another (rep, dem, ind, lib,extremist, left-wing, right-wing or anything else you want to call me) but I DO believe in God, have read the Bible, believe in the Revelation prophysies, and would love to see this heading in a different direction, but occurrences over the past few years depict otherwise. You are only seeing what you WANT to see, and not the "whole picture." I suggest you start doing some reading of something other than political rag reports and truly get a clue as to what is truly happening here.
How sad - RC
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You think you live in a world that hates us.

Extremists feel hate, and we cannot please them, regardless of our President.

The rest of the world is not so cold.
Really? - (see message)
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These things you describe -- "they hate us, call us vile names, burn our flag, kill our leaders without remorse, attack the USA without provocation" -- are you REALLY seeing this type of behavior in places like France, Canada, Mexico, Switzerland, Iceland, Poland, Australia, Japan, etc., etc.?? When you say, "no other country on earth," that would seem to imply EVERY country is participating in this type of activity.

From what I've observed, those things are not happening across the globe, in all countries, everywhere. You're describing a certain segment of radical fundamentalists in certain countries.

You can't bear the thought of other people "looking up to" our president? I could substitute the words "like," "admire," or even "love" our president if that sounds better? Either way, it's accurate of how many people around the world feel, whether you like him or not.
Remember the international Obama vs Romney 2012 election poll? - I do.
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Of 21 nations polled only Pakistan backed the has-been and head-count wise, it was O-91, single-digit has-been, 9. The rest of your spew is WAY too misinformed to address.
Anon, most people don't hate much of anyone, and certainly - not a whole nation of people.
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They're busy living their lives, far more interested in the affairs of their families and friends, and mostly assuming others far away are pretty much the same. Which they are.
obviously.... - anon
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you have been watching the Mickey Mouse Show instead of the news. Living in a dream world much?
I disagree 200% - sm
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Obamagod is not a name someone uses if they are envious. I didn't write Obamagod, but I believe god is attached to a name because that person and their worshippers/followers believe he is a god, but in reality far from it. It reminds me of demigod.

I believe in this case that poster certainly is not "envious" of him. After all, he has done nothing to make people envious of him. People usually are not envious of bad or evil things.

Obama may be looked up to by some (thankfully not the majority), but the ones he gives freebies to, and the republican haters. The Obama lovers believe he is a god. BTW, hate to break this to you and I know he has said this, but no, he cannot part the water. Really, trust me, he cannot part the water even though he says he can. Heck, he can't even work with republicans who are trying to work with him.

You really need to read up on what other countries think of him. Not everyone "admires" him, and more countries than not do not. Most other countries do not trust him. Telling him you do not want to make the country communist, it does not work out well in the end. Most countries are laughing at us. But then again I don't expect you will do any independent research since Chris Mathews tells you what to think.

And, too, I know some will disagree, but that's my take on it :-)
I think Romneygod might be closer to your truth, What if... - sm
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Romney was the antiChrist and the true believers stood up to him like David did to Goliath and vanquished the devil? I don't believe that, but your fantasy is just as plausible as mine.
Naaa....I stand by what I said - sm
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While I'm no Romney fan, that's not the impression I got from him or the people who supported him. It is from Obama.

As for calling people the antichrist I just don't believe in that. Romney's not the antichrist, nor Ryan, nor Bush, etc, etc. I remember when Bush was in ofc all the democrats kept saying he was the antichrist. Just cos people don't agree with a politician doesn't make them the antichrist. If you want to hear something funny I actually heard a year or so ago that Prince William was the antichrist. LOL Forget where I heard that.

Who knows who the antichrist is. I'll just say this...I hope the country improves.
"Obama may be looked up to by some (thankfully not the majority)," - sm
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Ah, contraire.

The "majority" of people DID vote for Obama, the people have spoken.

Try to bust yourself out of that Republican bubble you reside in.

The "majority" of the voters gave Obama a mandate. YOU LOST. Deal with it.
I've leard to deal with voter fraud more years than you know and STOP YELLING!!!! - you're the one who can't deal with it
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The majority of the votes that were counted, yes. The majority of the people. NO. Voter fraud, YES. Voters voting for Romney the machine switching it to Obama, YES. 12 million votes disappeared, YES. Military voter suppression, YES. People voting multiple times for Obama, YES.

So you don't like people who disagree and who bring up the fact. YOU DEAL WITH IT!!!!!! I already have. Hey, better yet since you can't handle difference of opinion and don't like the fact that people are reporting voter fraud and you think nothing should be said, just keep a democrat dictator in, WHY DON'T YOU MOVE TO NORTH KOREA. You'd LOVE IT there. YOU'D FIT RIGHT IN!!!

See, I can shout too.

You have yourself a nice day now. OKAY?
Just because somebody doesn't "look up to" - wannie
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Obama doesn't make them an Obama hater. Everybody who didn't vote him doesn't hate him. I don't hate Obama, but my core values just more closely aligned with Romney. I didn't agree with all of Romney's stances on issues, either.
unfortunately..... - anon
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don't understand this concept...if you are not FOR him, you are not FOR him for all of his mistakes, lies, or anything else he stands for, so therefore you MUST HATE him! I was not FOR all of Romney either, nor was I AGAINST all of O either, but I chose the one I thought was better for the job at hand. I don't HATE either one of them just because I am not FOR them...it does not mean though that I "look up to" either one of them for my own personal reasons. It appears that nobody in politics these days has any value or morals that bear "looking up to" any longer, and that is what we need in our "leaders". Something of moral and ethical value to look up to. (head spinning in every direction, but cannot seem to find any).

(error) -

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suggestion - ...

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Don't play it fast and loose with god in the same breath as end-of-times talk. By doing so, you make yourself an emblem of fundamentalist, jihadist lunacy. You are the one who wants our country to fail, not the president. Cut the blasphemous rhetoric before you get struck with lightning, for crying out loud.

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