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What the heck are some *************?

Posted: Feb 6, 2013

Illegal immigrants are ILLEGAL immigrants....they're not citizens. They're not "out of status." Three quarters of the ILLEGAL immigrants have crossed our boarder ILLEGALLY. Let's call them what they are... This guy needs to learn the definition of ILLEGAL and CITIZEN. He's disgusting!

Opening the first immigration hearing of the new Congress, the top Democrat on the Judiciary Committee warned his colleagues not to use the term "illegal immigrant" as the debate goes on.

Rep. Conyers states: "I hope no one uses the term illegal immigrants here today. Our citizens are not — the people in this country are not illegal. They are are out of status. They are new Americans that are immigrants," said Rep. John Conyers Jr., Michigan Democrat.

Read more: http://www.washingtontimes.com/blog/inside-politics/2013/feb/5/top-democrat-warns-against-using-term-illegal-immi/#ixzz2K9wV1JEY 
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purpose of hearing - tvc15

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I think it's important to remember the spirit in which the remarks were made, where Conyers was speaking, and to whom.

I hear his remark as an expression of his philosophy with respect to how we approach immigration law and reform.

He went on to say "they are new Americans that are immigrants, and I think that we can forge a path to citizenship that will be able to pass muster.”

Nothing indicates his remark was a warning to his colleagues or an attempt to subvert dialogue.

Technically, all Americans are illegals;) - Fanatical Hypocrite

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We didn't ask permission when we moved in and when the natives told us to leave we poisoned, shot and stabbed our way to dominance. When we found the Spanish living on the western end of the landmass, we did the same to them. Most illegals are immigrating to states that their ancestors colonized.

Beyond the historical irony of us complaining about such things is the modern situation. Illegal immigrants have become an inseparable component in our economy. Immigrants, legal and illegal, have always been looked down on and yet they have forged this nation into a economic powerhouse. These immigrants have overcome incredible adversity to escape their hopeless situation and come to this country for the opportunity to work and live. I doubt those of us born here can truly understand what it must be like. We take being American for granted.

Americans have shown time and again that we have no interest in competing for jobs as migrant farm workers, day laborers or gardeners. They're doing jobs we won't do and for wages we wouldn't accept.

In fact, they are model ultra conservatives. Statistically they are usually Christian with conservative values, they work hard (just like in the good ol' days), they make a huge profit for companies who pay them next to nothing (no minimum wage for them), they can't get health insurance (pre-Obamacare lifestyle), the select few that have guns didn't have background checks (maybe a few future NRA members out there) and they don't qualify for welfare (no nanny state for them).

Kidding aside, while some illegal immigrants are criminals or unsavory types, the vast majority are not and the same can be said for everyone else. Living in San Diego I knew plenty of illegals. They were good, hard working people who love this country and wanted to save their families from poverty, starvation and disease. Every day they overcome adversity and prejudice to be here.

"Give me your tired, your poor/Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free. Just make sure they're white."

Es correcto. - ver mensaje

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LOL. ''I'm part Cherokee! I'm part Cherokee!'' - White people are ALWAYS part Cherokee

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Yeah, I bet she's "1/8th" and her ancestor was a Princess. - mraker
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That man yelling at her has been discriminated against his whole life based on his obvious Native American heritage, and she's trying to imply that she has a "right," based on his arguments, to protest illegal immigration because she's "part Cherokee." Makes me sick.

I actually am part Cherokee (from a male ancestor) and Mi'kmaq, and my ex half Chippewa and some Ottawa and our daughter over 1/3 NA with those 4 Nations, and every time a white non-Indian person does this kind of thing, I'm totally embarrassed by it. It's why I don't make any kind of assertion about being part Native American myself except in relation to my daughter's heritage. Same thing as with my being part black. I can't imagine trying to pretend I know anything about what it's like being African American based on my 1/32 African-American heritage. Wonder why we never see any obviously white people yelling, "I'm part black! I'm part black!"
Might have something to do with the fact that - Native Americans were here first.
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And it depends on where you live. Where I live, we have Ohlone heritage; no one would claim to be Cherokee because there weren't many Cherokee here.

Baloney on your last paragraph as you state: - Truthhurts

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Your quote (sans the "Just make sure they're white") is about the people that came here LEGALLLY, not illegally and is tied to the Statue of Liberty and those that first landed on Ellis Island.

I don't doubt that the illegals are good hard-working people...it's just the idea that they have come here ILLEGALLY while others have waited in line. What makes the illegal immigrants any better than the ones waiting for legal status?

BTW, the Native Americans were also immigrants. They didn't "sprout" here. They came from Asia.

Mythbuster alert. - sm

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"Three quarters of the ILLEGAL immigrants have crossed our boarder [sic] ILLEGALLY." Wrong.

As of mid-2010, two-thirds of immigrants were here legally, either as naturalized citizens or lawful permanent residents. Of the approximately 10.8 million immigrants who were in the country illegally, about 40 percent ARRIVED LEGALLY but overstayed their visas.

Which "boarder" [sic] would that be, Truthhurts? The one with Canada? While it is accurate to claim that the undocumented migrants population includes more people from Mexico than from any other country, Mexicans are also the LARGEST GROUP OF LAWFUL IMMIGRANTS. As for the flow of undocumented migrants, despite enhanced security, apprehensions along the U.S.-Mexico border have declined by MORE THAN 50 PERCENT over the past four years, suggestive of an overall decline in migration. In fact, increases in the size of the illegal population, which had been growing by about 500,000 a year for more than a decade, HAVE STOPPED. This decline was largely due to the recession, but stepped-up border enforcement also played a part. Oh, BTW, 42% of undocumented migrants are NOT from Mexico.

Now, what the heck is the source of your three-quarters ILLEGALS you allege crossed the borders ILLEGALLY?



Brava/o! - mraker

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Oh, oh, way too much painful truth. Anyway, the - real driver is bigotry, not papers. nm

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Guess you don't know when a paragraph is copied or - Truthhurts

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someone gives their opinion.

Which brings me to the point of posting links and not reading them. If you would have read the article, you would have seen that the paragraphs I posted were copied from the BEGINNING of the article.

KOOL AID, since KAVA TEA is no longer available. - doh

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Did we really need to remove the Kava tea post? It was a humorous and good-natured response to the original post.

What the heck?!! There was nothing offensive about that post! - mraker

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This is getting beyond ridiculous.

Here kava tea poster, I'm at least putting your image back.

Maybe we should ask for separate Right and Left Political Boards, so they can just stay on their side and we on ours. Dang, I need a case of this now.

ah. I feel better already. - doh

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Yes. It is getting beyond ridiculous. I had to go back and edit my own post three times in the interest of propriety.

(But hey, that's just me: the real racist, the liberal, who started with her stupid comments.)
I reported that, by the way. - mraker
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I don't want to be one of those "tattle-tales," but since one of my posts was originally deleted because of the word "ignorant" and not because of the word "they're" according to the Mod who did it, I figured it was my duty to report that remark in keeping with board "standards." I doubt any action has been taken on it?
as did I... - doh
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Just for the fun of it. I didn't even want her post edited; it was just kind of like my own personal test of the Emergency Broadcast System. The post remains intact. (And she was really hurling the insults, both generic and personal!)
Really? - Very interesting. nm
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Thank you! :) - It is very good tea. (nm)

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Nothing makes Republicans angrier - than Kava Tea!

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Report! Report! Report!

lol - doh : ) nm

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...aaaand consider me caught up to speed - grits

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Bravo/brava. I don't like to have a go at the moderation usually, but this is pretty ridiculous.

Another truth of the internet - don't post rhetorical questions if you don't want them answered in a tongue-in-cheek manner.

You know what's funny, grits? - kava offender.

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The rules say to have a thick skin on this board. Someone posed a ridiculing question, and instead of crying about it, I made light of it and didn't get into an argument. Is this not having a "thick skin?"
That's an excellent point - grits
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and as an old friend of mine would say, entirely too much like right.

Good job, hominy pal. - Kavacus

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You know what goes well with grits? - grits
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...also bacon

My baby daddies and I are riding the stereotype train below and drinking MALT LIQUOR - (bought with food stamps)

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It is absolutely ridiculous that a thread below regarding (negative) stereotypes - which contains personal insults - is considered acceptable political disucssion and allowed to remain while a lighthearted post about tea - which answers the question asked by the OP - is reported and deleted!


Anyhow... your tax dollars are going down nice and smooth.

Squeaky wheel and all that. - That was my kava post. :)

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I'm not going to lie- I was a little miffed when I got an email from the Moderator last night, saying my post was deleted because it didn't pertain to the subject and was mocking (or something).

It really did pertain to the subject, in the most literal way possible. But when I came to board and saw the overwhelming support of kava and outrage at the prejudices against such tea, I felt vindicated.

For that, I thank you, my people. I look at that big beautiful 40-oz'er, and I know that it is an homage to kava tea. It is a moment I will carry in my heart...always.

absolutely mind-boggled here - (doh)

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I had already figured out there would be a "didn't pertain" angle, but this "mocking" angle actually takes me by surprise.

Truly, I thought your post was good-natured. You could have responded by saying "what are YOU drinking???" (Consider that for next time.) I wonder how it is mocking to have instead replied with humor. Pertinently.

The problem is, the OP's colorful literary device backfired: You were not supposed to answer. She wasn't really asking a question. She wanted to take a swipe that was to be left unanswered. (That's mocking.)
Funny how *that* was mocking, - but this was not.
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And this post down below is not just mocking, it's ugly.

But we're not crybabies, so it stays. :)
I don't really care what people post... - (doh)
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as long as I am permitted to respond. We have some habitual line steppers here.

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