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So now we ARE negotiating with terrorists???

Posted: May 31, 2014

What about the wrongly imprisoned Marine in Tijuana?

What about the girls in Nigeria?


Yes we are. Of course, the "deal" is that those - Gitmo terrorists have to remain in Qatar.

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Which means they should be flying airplanes into the Empire State Building any minute now.

Oh, relax - sm

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There's five less terrorists' mouths to feed at Gitmo using YOUR tax dollars. (sarcasm)

He was a POW, not a hostage. - Big difference between prisoner exchange

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and hostage negotiation.

It's normal to do prisoner exchanges at the end or even during a war. We've been doing it since the Revolutionary War.

he was a DESERTER - sm

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And his father is a American turned muzzie..And military were killed looking for the little pos..He needs to be tried and put in prison..More than likely from my research he was working against us as well

That's up to the UCMJ to investigate and decide. - sm

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If he was a deserter or a traitor, then yes, he should go to prison. But the fact is that it has to be investigated first by the UCMJ.

I'll remind you that being Muslim is not a crime in this country, and "muzzie" is as disrespectful as someone calling a Christian a "chrissy" or something equally stupid.

Furthermore, what on earth does "an American turned muzzie" mean, anyway? American is not a religion. Do you mean that he was a Christian who turned Muslim?

Working against us? You mean like Edward - Snowden? nm

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He wasn't working against "us". He was working "for" us - big difference - sm
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He was working for the good of the people of the country, to help us from the monsters abusing their positions. He is a hero.
I agree. We still wouldn't know we are being spied on if it - weren't for Snowden.
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We were all being spied on during the - sm
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Bush administration. This isn't "new" news.

Chuck Hagel (a REPUBLICAN) stated that he indeed hurt our security.

He's no hero in my book!
I Totally Agree - SM
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Edward Snowden is a stain on humanity with a superiority complex that needed feeding. His over-inflated ego needed to be stoked and stroked, so in the alternate reality of his own mind, he saw himself as the country's savior, a self-appointed position he assigned himself, and how nice for everyone that it lined up nicely with his need for attention and this country's need of saving.

Oh, who needs elected officials to represent our interests when we have someone like Ed that will fill that role and make decisions for us, whether we asked him to or not? We should put people like Edward Snowden and Chelsea Manning on pedestals and call them heroes and sing their praises in order to encourage all those would be do-gooders to come out of the shadows and volunteer in the selfless service of their country. After all, they know what's best for the rest of us, and they're so superior it would be sad to let their talents go to waste. It's a win-win, people. We can all be saved by guys like Ed, and guys like Ed can sleep at night. (sarcasm)

If you think this fame-seeking wanna be with a God complex is a hero to this country rather than the traitor he is, there's no hope.
Jeez people enough already. This is not about Bush!!! - Get a grip already!
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Chuck Hagel is a part of this administration.

If it comes out this was happening under Bush then so be it and THEN talk about Bush. Otherwise please try and stay on track. We are not talking about Bush. We are talking about what is going on now.

Here, how's this one. Vietman was Obama's fault. Korean War Obama's fault. Cuban missile crisis O's fault. Lets see, 911 Os fault. S&L O's fault. Monica O's fault. See how stupid that sounds when you keep bringing in someone who obviously it is not their fault (like Bush), but you keep blaming things on them that aren't their fault.

You stating Chuck Hagel stated that he hurt his security is like Bush stating there were WMD.
Game On! - SM
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On 05/07/2004, Snowden enlisted in the USAR (Army Reserve) as a Special Forces recruit, selecting Buddhist on his recruitment form because agnostic wasn't listed. See, guys like Ed don't believe in God because in their world, there is no higher power than themselves. On the form Ed had said he wanted to fight in the Iraq War because he "felt like [he] had an obligation as a human being to help free people from oppression." Are you maybe getting the gist of Ed's superiority issues and his need to save us all? Sick, sick, sick, but I digress. Ed didn't complete any training. He was busted out/discharged 09/28/04. Ed has said that this was the result of breaking both of his legs in a training accident. Ummmm, no Ed, if you broke both legs, they'd fix you and you'd pick up your training where you left off. Been there, done that--well, not legs but multiple ribs/wrist--but again, I digress, and I'm calling "no way" on this malarkey.

His next employment in 2005 was for less than a year as a "security specialist" at the University of Maryland's Center for Advanced Study of Language, a partnership with the U.S. Government. Probably couldn't hack it there either because in 2006 he joined the CIA as a systems administrator and telecommunications systems officer.

Anyway, all this happened during the Bush administration so have at it, people............. BUSH'S FAULT!
Please, please come up with some new material. - This is hack.
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So, Ed is a hack, and it's totally on topic! - sm
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Edward Snowden is a hack, and I agree he is no hero. He's done damage to this country that we won't know until years to come.
Don't you have anything fresh other than calling - everything a conspiracy?
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Ever hear of the word monotonous?
Conspiracy probably sounds monotonous because - its been going on for so long.
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. - .
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I don't care what he was... - WTH

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For how long have we heard the fact that America doesn't negotiate with terrorists? I don't care who did this, RR, BC, GWB or BO, I am outraged. The Taliban terrorists only have to stay in Qatar for one year. ONE YEAR!! That's it. Thank you, Mr. President, for keeing America safe.

Please research the difference between a POW - and a hostage.

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Prisoner exchange is not a negotiation with terrorists.

We've been doing it for a very long time and if you have a problem with it now, I guess you would have had a problem with it in the Revolutionary War, the Napoleonic Wars, the Civil War, and WWII as well?

As I said, I don't care what he was. - TERRORISTS WERE FREED.

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And how interesting that nobody posted yesterday. Did everyone have to wait until their talking points came out? I'm talking both sides here! I am the OP from yesterday when I first heard the news. I was against it then and still am.
Who cares if no one posted yesterday. - I was gardening.
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Sorry OP, not everyone is going to jump on threads every single day. I don't know if you've noticed, but this place has been very slow of late. I take that as a good thing because it means we have better things to do.

I'm NOT against it. This is how we have brought POW's home since the 18th century.
Yes, I realize that people have things to do, as do I. - sm
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I'm not here everyday either. However, I think this board has been VERY busy of late and was just surprised that no one commented. I've heard comments on TV divided down party lines as usual. That is absurd to me. I'm glad for the young man and his family, but what about the 3000 people who died on 9/11?
The prisoners released were not the orchestrators - of 9/11.
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They were all guilty of crimes, yes, including plotting against US forces, but these were post-invasion plots and part of the war with Afghanistan.

The perpetrators of 9/11 cannot be exchanged as POW's because 9/11 was not a war, it was a terrorist attack. The 5 that were released were being held for plots during the war and AFTER 9/11.

We were at war with Afghanistan and they were our prisoners. Now the war is winding down and we have had a POW exchange. It's not new and we can't make up different rules just because it's Afghanistan.
You make a good argument, but I'm still against it. - sm
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We live in a different world now post-9/11 and our borders are open. It scares me. I guess I'm writing out of fear.
Well I certainly understand where you're - coming from and
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I wish things were different. But I'm also glad we no longer have any POW's in Afghanistan.

I don't know if it makes you feel any better, but many terrorists want to kill us not because we are infidels (though they certainly hate that), but because they don't want our military presence in their countries. IMO, withdrawing from Afghanistan is a very good idea.
Yes, I'm aware of why they hate us. - sm
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I'm all for getting America out of the Middle East and getting the Middle East out of America.
Yeah, so they can go back and return to plotting against us. - Truthhurts
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This will be a little long but here's some info from different sites on Gitmo releases
On July 12, 2007 the Department of Defense placed an additional page on their site. Our reports indicate that at least 30 former GTMO detainees have taken part in anti-coalition
militant activities.

CNN reported on 1/14/2009: Since 2002, 61 former detainees have committed or are suspected to have committed attacks after being released from the detention camp, Pentagon spokesman Geoff Morrell said at a briefing Tuesday.

The number is up since the Pentagon's last report in March 2008 when officials said 37 former detainees had been suspected of returning to the battlefield since 2002.

Since 2007, more than 100 detainees were released, significantly more than in previous years, according to Pentagon officials.

According to the statistics, of the 61 former detainees that are believed to have returned to fighting, 18 have been officially confirmed while 43 are suspected, Morrell said.

The 18 were confirmed through intelligence, photographs, fingerprints and other information, Morrell said.

On 12/28/2009, ABC reported: One of the four leaders allegedly behind the al Qaeda plot to blow up a Northwest Airlines passenger jet over Detroit was released by the U.S. from the Guantanamo prison in November 2007, according to American officials and Department of Defense documents. Al Qaeda claimed responsibility for the Northwest bombing in a Monday statement that vowed more attacks on Americans.

Guantanamo prisoner prisoner #372, Said Ali Shari was sent to Saudi Arabia on Nov. 9, 2007, according to the Defense Department log of detainees who were released from American custody.

According to the group's own statements and U.S. officials, the second former Guantanamo prisoner, Said Ali Shari, continues as a commander of the al Qaeda group, which U.S. officials say poses the most direct, operational threat to U.S. and western citizens.

On 9/11/2013, the Daily Mail-UK reported : “A shocking one in six inmates released from Guantanamo Bay prison have returned to terrorism, according to a U.S. intelligence report made public last week.

Of the 603 prisoners set free from the military facility, 100 are confirmed to have rejoined jihad against the West.

These include 17 ex-detainees that are dead, 27 that are in custody and 56 that are still free.

A further 74 former inmates at the notorious prison in Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, are suspected of returning to terrorism, including two that are dead, 25 that are in custody and 47 that are free.”

On 2/25/2014, the arrest of a former Gitmo prisoner in England on suspicion of Syria-related terrorism is the latest example of a failed release program that is setting free unrepentant jihadists, an analyst said. Authorities arrested Moazzam Begg, a British citizen of Pakistani descent, on suspicion of attending a terrorist training camp and facilitating terrorism in Syria. Three others were arrested with him.

Two of the five traded for Sgt. Bergdahl have been wanted by the UN for war crimes. And because of their prowess, Joint Task Force-Guantanamo (JTF-GTMO) deemed all five of them “high” risks to the U.S. and its allies.
Yet, now Obama released them to Afghanistan….so now the U.N. is probably going to be really peeved at Obama for this.They should have been transferred to the U.N.

The Obama administration wants to convince the Taliban to abandon its longstanding alliance with al Qaeda. [Do you really think they will honor Obama’s request? No way.]

But these men contributed to the formation of that relationship in the first place. All five had close ties to al Qaeda well before the 9/11 attacks. Therefore, it is difficult to see how their freedom would help the Obama administration achieve one of its principal goals for the hoped-for talks.
Here are short bios for each of the five Taliban commanders. All quotes are drawn from declassified and leaked documents prepared at Guantanamo.



News Flash People - SM

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The 1980's? Iran Contra?

Anyone? Anyone?
Bueller? Bueller? Bueller?

Ronald Reagan: "I do not recall. I do not recollect."

Anyone? Anyone?

Oliver North? Now he's on Fox News!

Arms for Hostages: In exchange for hostages, without the knowledge of Congress, the United States during the Reagan administration armed Iran indirectly, through our ally Israel, with weapons, tanks, aircraft, bombs, I could go on.

We've ALWAYS negotiated with terrorists; we just do it through back channels, third parties. Lying to Congress! Lying to the citizens!

Same stuff, different day! Next.....

What does this have to do with the Sgt. or Taliban exchange? - Truthhurts

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That was completely different circumstances. There was more than one hostage there but the fact is, your argument has NOTHING to do with the Taliban exchange.

Get with the program, will you and stop trying to change the subject.

I actually totally agree here, but then I disagree completely. - SM

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Of course it was "completely different circumstances," as no two of these type negotiating with terrorists situations could EVER be alike.

The OP posted the question: "So now we ARE negotiating with terrorists???" I chose to point out the fact that we've ALWAYS negotiated with terrorists, just used back channels and other means to accomplish it, which is a FACT. I further chose not to speculate about "the wrongly imprisoned Marine in Tijuana" or the "girls in Nigeria" since anything I had to share with ongoing terrorist negotiations regarding those particular situations (through back channels or otherwise) would be mere speculation on my part.

That was the actual question, Truthhurts, and I answered it.

Now to your question: "What does this have to do with the Sgt. or Taliban exchange?" The OP didn't specifically ask about the "Taliban exchange," or the "Sgt.," and I chose not to interject my interpretation of the OP's question and just answer the actual question posted in bold.

Now to my question, Truthhurts: Why do some posters on political chat boards feel the need to admonish other posters to "get with the program, will you and stop trying to change the subject," particularly when that person is totally on topic?

Review the OP, interpret and answer my question as you wish, or choose not to answer it at all, as you wish.

This is a political chat board, Truthhurts, and I respect your opinion even if I might not always agree with it.

Oh, the irony! - sm

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The fact is, another poster answers the exact question asked in the original post, and then somebody goes negative because they don't like the answer.

We DO negotiate with terrorists, and the truth hurts.

Mooch is hashtagging the girls to freedom. - nm

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This is Obama's way of closing Gitmo without permission - Truthhurts

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According to what I've read, these 5 terrorists were partially responsible for 911 and there was plenty of evidence to convict them.

Obama supposedly broke the law again because he is supposed to let Congress know 30 days in advance when he wants to do something with the terrorists housed in Gitmo and he didn't do it.

I think all Americans better stay home now instead of going overseas from now on because now that he has negotiated these prisoner exchanges, it creates the position where anyone who is against America will grab our soldiers or just citizens to negotiate more exchanges. This shows weakness and no country should ever negotiate with terrorists.

If those terrorists were responsible for 9/11, - sm

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then WHY were they not prosecuted YEARS ago?

There should be NO GITMO! Either set them free (after more than 10 years), or prosecute and punish them!

This is an American soldier who apparently has health issues. Even without health issues, HE IS AN AMERICAN SOLDIER!!!

When it comes to our veterans, in NO instance should something like this be POLITICIZED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Yeah, well. Like I stated in another post. This won't make the U.N. happy - Truthhurts

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since 2 of them were WANTED by the U.N. Why the heck didn't the U.S. allow the U.N. access to charging and bringing them to trial?

Set them free to cause more havoc agaisnt our people. Set them free to kill more Americans. We were warned that 911 was only the beginning and there will be worse attacks. Now that these 5 are going to be on the loose, it will happen sooner than later because they are the planners of many other successful attacks.

I don't think he had health issues. He looked pretty healthy to me. I think it's just one of the excuses by this administration to letting them go.

Of course, this shouldn't be politicized....so why did Obama do it?

He left the guy sit there for 5 years and Hillary didn't do anything about it either. Why now? Because mid-term elections are coming up and he thinks this will help the Democrats. Our soldiers didn't do it either. They tried, but why did they give up? I'll bet it's because they were called off by the boss..

No, they were not partially responsible for - 9/11.

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Could you cite that? Everything I've read states they were all fighting against the US after the US invasion of Afghanistan.

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