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Gee, I wonder why W isn't out on the campaign trail.

Posted: Oct 12, 2010

Kiss of death comes to mind.  Guess the GOP is hoping for out of sight, out of mind.  As if.


Probably because he sees the current pres is the kiss of death - to anyone he campaigns for

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Everyone that Obama campaigns for is losing big time. They used to be ahead, then along comes "The One" and sure enough the candidates ratings plummet.

Not a good thing for ANY president whether current or past (republican or democrat) to be campaigning for anyone. Sure way for the candidate to lose.

SP supposedly has the endorsement magic. If your theory is correct, - Please explain this. sm

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(Bloomberg) Poll: Barack Obama Would Easily Beat Sarah Palin in 2012


If he is so reviled and SP so adored, what gives with his 18-point lead over Mama Grizzly? While you are at it, please note the how Obama's approval rating has come up 8-9 points since his appearance on the campaign trail.

Your answer does not hold water unless you are able to post some hard data sources to back up what appears to be fairly bogus bull, leaving us still wondering why W has been so invisible.

Never said SP is so adored - sm

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Reading this post I can see she is far from adored. This post shows she is one of the most hated women in America.

Besides, my post was not about SP, but you can't handle a post without dragging her name in it. And you know, not everyone follows her as closely as you do. It's clear you are pretty obsessed with her. I have no idea anymore what she is doing or where she is even at right now. I've seen the words mama grizzly written here before but I have no idea what it means and since I could give a rats pitooty about her I don't really care.

But, what I am seeing (no not on Fox) and what I am reading is that wherever yours truly goes the politicians he is out supporting and campaigning for take a nose dive.

And since SP is not going to be running in 2012 (sorry to disappoint you as you think that is the only way crats will win) I don't really care who is in this fantasy of the crats with some fictitious poll of the 2012 election.

We are all just anxious for the 2010 election. Once that is done with the country can start to heal again and finally get on the right path and get us out of the dark hole we are falling into. Yeah, baby...less than 30 days and the crooks will be out. Now that's what I call "hope" and "change".

Also, I don't really care what President Bush is doing. He's gone and has been gone - thank God. If he never surfaces again no skin off my back. I could care less. I just wish Bill and Hillary would disappear like he has.

The fact of the matter is, which you don't want to believe is just watch the TV, read the news (no not Fox and certainly not MSLSD). Read and watch what is going on. A visit from the current president is the kiss of death to anyone campaigning. His ratings are continuing to take a dive. But you go ahead and keep searching for just the articles you want to be true. If it makes you feel better go for it. I will stay in step with the current events and just sit back and smile on election night.


Please tell me what you think is going to - happen if s/m
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republicans take over congress. What is going to change to get this economy moving in the right direction? From what I understand, their platform includes trying to privatize social security, cut unemployment benefits, and keep giving tax cuts to the richest 2% in this country. They also want to gut health care reform, claiming it will increase the deficit, which has been shown to be not true at all. I just do not see how the republicans will help anyone but the rich and powerful in this country. I really would like your take on this.
Reply - Never said SP is so adored - sm
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First, I don't want a "take-over" by any party. As we have seen it is a very dangerous game whether or not it's all crats or all pubs. That is why there is supposed to be a balance. That is what our founding fathers wrote about. One party should not run the whole schlamoodle (word my mom used to used that meant everything). Our country is being destroyed, we are losing our jobs, they keep spending, taxes on the rise (except for the tax breaks to the areas of the country where is is more democrat populated), heath care premiums on the rise (and soon to be even higher), quality of care on the decline, services on the decline, people losing work, foreclosures on the rise, social security failing, unemployment benefits being cut, the richest 2% IS getting tax breaks under the current administration, wall street continues to get richer because they control whose in there now, and then the unions. Then lets see...name calling, lies, hateful slander towards anyone not a democrat, calling people "pieces of furniture", stating we are too stupid to understand what is going on, calling us racist when the issues we are talking about has nothing to do with race, violating ethics laws and hiding behind their race for protection, the career politicians who are there for their own personal gain and screwing the people and blatantly showing it, and don't even get me started on all the stuff the progressive/communists are doing.

Why do I want balance and why I would like to see more republicans in office:

We need ideas. We need the politicians to start working for the people of the country and making our country a great place once again. We need equality. We too have people we elected that we felt best represented us and our viewpoints. The country is not filled with only democrats/progressives/communists, there are also republicans/independents, and people who belong to no party. There is supposed to be equal representation. You can see in other countries that communism/marxism, etc has not worked so why do you want it here.

I want more republicans in the government because they are the ones who understand that we as a nation can be great. People want to immigrate to our country because it is a great country. Republicans/independents/green party/libertarians understand that Americans should be working for our future. You do not punish Americans for their hard work by taking it away from them and giving it to others who don't work for it. They understand that when people have more money (that they've worked very hard for with blood, sweat, and tears, sometimes working 60-80 hours and more a week), then those are the people who have more money to give to charity to help out the less fortunate. Republicans understand that everyone deserves a chance to make something for themselves and to build a future for themselves and their families. That is why I want to see more republicans win next month.

Most of the ones running are business people. They know how to create jobs. The politicians do not. The current crowd has shown they care nothing about the people of the country, all they care about is their careers, benefits, voting themselves pay raises behind closed doors, etc. We need some fresh faces in congress/house/senate. If you were to read any of the websites and listen to any of the republicans you would know what their ideas are and how they can get the country back to a great nation once again (of course it won't be overnight because the destruction of this current crowd has taken a long time to get this far, so you can't expect miracles overnight). Republicans have ideas on job creation, a decent and good health care system, and many other good ideas.

They need to get in there and say no you are not going to continue spending and raising taxes. One of their ideas is that if the crats want to spend money on a new pet project (you know the ones that puts money into the pockets of the their friends) then they need to get rid of another spending plan. Plenty of good ideas if you would take away the labeling and name calling of republicans and listen to their ideas instead of cutting them down just because they have that (R) designation after their name you would learn.

Listen to their ideas and listen with an open mind. Not look for the R or D after their name and decide before listening to what they say and decide that because someone with a D name you will choose them without listening to what they say first.

Everything you stated in your post is what the crats are doing right now. Oh yes, and on top of that we (the taxpayers) have to pay for the Obama's "date nights" and "frat parties" in the white house.

I say it's time for a change. I for one am very very "hopeful" next month. Finally something to look forward to.
Thank you for answering my questions. - I do agree that SM
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we need new ideas and people in Congress who care about the people they represent. I am an independent who is left leaning so I don't condemn anyone because of a R after their name. I agree with dems on some issues and repubs on others. What I see happening though is a Congress where most of them only care about getting reelected and many of them vote with their wallets. This did not start with this administration and anyone who is honest will agree with that. I think your definition of a "communist" is probably different than mine. I see our country being taken over by corporations and I feel that the repubs are more pro corporation than the dems. Now I didn't say just the repubs are this way, but I feel their ideas lean more towards wall street than main street. I think we disagree on how to make sure everyone has a chance to succeed, though. I think the repubs think that anyone who is not suceeding is not succeeding because they are not working hard, not taking into consideration how devastating wall street antics destroyed many people's lives. They see things in black and white. I think dems as a whole see the gray areas and want to extend a helping hand in hard times. I do not support "taking care" of people who make a living taking advantage of social programs and draining the system of much needed resources. Not at all. I think the repubs put people into 2 categories, those that have and those that do not, and they will be damned if they have to extend a hand. An example of this was when a repub (cannot remember who) wanted to end unemployment benefits. Period. Black and white. I know a lot of people on unemployment and they are upset that they have to be on it at all. These are hard working, decent people. I just don't see the repubs caring very much about these people. This is why I am left leaning, what I see as 2 different philosophies. Again, thanks for your post.

Oh, lol. lol... You are killing me with laughter. At this - point, he would do better than Obama easily.nm

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Question, or, Thoughts to Ponder - anon

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Shouldn't somebody be elected on their merits alone. In other words, if your guy (whether a republican or democrat) has done such a wonderful job for the people in his area that he/she represents, shouldn't that alone be enough to have the people want to re-elect him? Why do people have to hire in the "big guns" to lie and con people into voting for them. - Again no matter which party they belong to.

Just some food for thought.

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