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Sheila Jackson Lee suggests martial law to end the SM

Posted: Oct 13, 2013

government shutdown. She been rumored as being considered to replace Janet Napolitano to head the Department of Homeland Security... This is the woman who thought we put the American flag on Mars, not the moon. ;

No. That's what winger media says she suggested. - sm

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What she said was we have martial law now. Since she was speaking metaphorically, it went right over their heads, so they decided to twist her words around (like they always do) to suit their own narrative in an attempt to invent yet another fleeting phony scandal.

Her allusion was made to Boner's refusal to put a clean CR up for House vote, the implication being the SOH has usurped his power as speaker and is using it in a way to suspend routine and lawful legislative procedures and protocol in an effort to force TP agendas on all the rest of us who voted against them the last two times we won elections.

She's an embarrassment to Texas. no msg - Lone Star

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The term "martial law" has been used to fast track bills without SM - miller time

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going through the usual congressional process, but her insistence that a Senate-approved resolution to fund the federal government be fast-tracked via “martial law” appears to conflict with Article I, Section 7, Clause I of the Constitution, which states, “All Bills for raising Revenue shall originate in the House of Representatives.”

This clause was included by the founders to ensure that decisions related to the power of the purse reside with the legislative body which is closest to the American people.

So I was right,it is a means of dismissing the Constitutional process and the law in order to push whatever Congress wants, whether it is lawful or not. She is a member of the Democratic Socialists of America and is on the House Oversight committee.
I ''liked'' the above before seeing your punchline. At least it was correct - about the term ''martial law''
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The Truth-O-Meter Says:


Say Texas U.S. Reps. Eddie Bernice Johnson and Sheila Jackson Lee are among open Socialists in Congress.

Bloggers on Friday, August 12th, 2011 in on web pages.

Bloggers say two Texas Democrats among Socialists in U.S. House

Texas Democratic U.S. Reps. Sheila Jackson Lee of Houston and Eddie Bernice Johnson of Dallas are both African-American members representing urban districts — and they’re among Socialists in Congress, blog posts say.

The posts, which drew the attention of our colleagues at PolitiFact Oregon, piggyback from a single offering replicated on dozens of websites in recent weeks. It says there are 70 card-carrying Socialists in the House of Representatives, including Johnson and Lee. (The number varies. Some posts say 70, while others insist it’s 73 or 76 or more.)
An Aug. 12, 2011, post on the website for a group called Sovereign Citizens United lists Johnson and Lee by name, along with others, saying too that it reflects 83 members of the "Progressive Caucus." It also says: "I’m sure if you asked random people on the street if we had open (S)ocialists in the U.S. Congress, they would say — well only Bernie Sanders (Senate). But the right answer is much, much worse."
"This should come as a surprise to absolutely no one,"  says an Aug. 16 post onConservativeByte.com. "The radical Marxist-progressives ([C]ommunists) took control of the Democrat party some time ago." In case anyone misses the point, the post comes equipped with a large and very bright hammer-and-sickle emblem.
Most names that politicians are called are opinions, beyond fact-checking, but our judgment is that calling a congressman a Socialist, as in a card-carrying member, can be fairly gauged.
From a blog post on Aug. 17 by Texas radio host Dan Cofall, whose show airs out of Fort Worth: "The magic number ‘70’ is the number of members of the 111th Congress who are members of the Democratic Socialists of America (DSA). These are not just politicians who vote left of center; these are card-carrying members of ‘The Democratic Socialists of America.’ "
Cofall did not respond to an email asking for comment. And PolitiFact Oregon couldn’t reach anyone from ConservativeByte.
Some background: Congress resets itself every two years, which means the current edition is the 112th Congress, not the 111th. Why does that matter? Because the Congress that begins in January every two years always follows an election. In this instance, some of the people on the list are no longer in office.
In his post, Cofall acknowledges this but then continues to list names from the 111th Congress anyway. Those listed as "card carrying" Socialists who are no longer serving include Robert Wexler (Florida), Phil Hare (Illinois), John Hall (New York), Alan Grayson (Florida) and Neil Abercrombie (Hawaii).

His blog links to a list purported to have originated with the DSA, which says this:
Q: How many members of the U.S. Congress are also members of the DSA?
A: Seventy.
It then lists them by name. A footnote credits the names to the Congressional Progressive Caucus, a collection of liberal-leaning lawmakers.

A spokeswoman for Johnson, Dena Craig, declined to comment on the characterization, instead urging us to contact the caucus. "We stand behind the caucus," Craig said. We didn’t hear back from Lee.

The Progressive Caucus, founded in 1991, says its members include a senator and 75 House Democrats, including Lee and Johnson. Its core principles are economic justice and security for all; civil rights and civil liberties; global peace and security; and environmental protection and energy independence.

In an interview, Brad Bauman, its executive director, called "categorically false" blog posts indicating caucus members are Socialists. "It’s basically a slander against the caucus," he said.

Then there’s this: Real card-carrying Socialists say the listed House members aren’t Socialists. The list that Cofall and dozens more rely on "is completely fraudulent," said Frank Llewellyn, who served as national director of the Democratic Socialists of America for 10 years until stepping down in July.
DSA supports some caucus policy positions, Llewellyn said, but no House members are DSA members. To join, a person must fill out a form and pay dues. Even Sanders, the Vermont senator and self-described democratic socialist, is not a member of the DSA, Llewellyn said. The last member of Congress who was a card-carrying member, he said, was California Democratic Rep. Ron Dellums, who served 28 years in the House until leaving in 1998.
Llewellyn aired chagrin for two reasons. First, the group has to spend time knocking down reports that never seem to go away. Second, Llewellyn said, "if we had formal political relationships with 70-odd members, we would be making a lot more money’’ from dues.
Llewellyn said similar accusations of Socialism (with a capital S) have surfaced every election year since the caucus was created. "There’s nothing we can do to stop it," Llewellyn said. "I can’t tell you the number of times we’ve tried to stop it."

The repeated claim about Lee, Johnson and other House members being Socialists shakes out as flagrantly incorrect. Pants on Fire!


You do not speak for the entire state, LS. - Red, purple, blue

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How many times must we keep reminding you? SJL has done an outstanding job representing her district. That's why they've sent her back for 9 (soon to be 10) terms. Before that, she served as a municipal judge 3 years and on the Houston City Council for 5 more. She has outlasted Tom Delay and every other crooked cowboy who has tried and failed to jack the gerrymander up in H-Town....which might explain why the cons hate her so much. She's gerrymander-proof, something they simply CANNOT abide.
Her district was created for a reason. I remember when it was created (more inside) - Lone Star
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She was the first black in that “special” district elected and has been reelected every time since then. She might be an Einstein to you but to me she's dumb as a stump.
If you look at the drawn lines in that district they - make no sense.
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Nay, nay, LS. There was nothing "special" about - District 18
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until Tom Delay and his cronies got their paws on it.  In fact, it is the same district, established in 1919 (31 years BEFORE SJL was born), that produced Barbara Jordan, the first black woman elected to Congress from the South in 1972 and the first African American elected to the Texas Senate after Reconstruction.  It used to be an inner city district, economically homogeneous and drawn with logical, sensible boundaries that encompassed 3rd Ward low-income housing and Texas Southern University, Houston's historically black university that produced many distinguished graduates, including Barbara Jordan (1970s) and Mickey Leland (1980s), who succeeded BJ in the House and held the spot for 10 years until his death in a plane crash over Ethiopia. 

Now, about that redraw you claim was specially designed to put and keep SJL in office.  Like so many things in TeaPartyLand, nothing could be further from the truth....it was exactly the opposite.  In 1994, Federal judges sitting in Houston who had been appointed under Reagan and Bush Sr attempted to get District 18 redrawn since it had only elected 2 republicans in 76 years of peaceful, unmolested existence.  The judges felt the district was racially "tainted...." never mind the community it encompassed was predominantly black, had always been predominantly black and to this day, remains predominantly black....at least what USED to be District 18.  

Enter Tom Delay 2000-2003, who took a crack at correcting that intolerable situation with his criminal redistricting efforts 2000-2003, the results of which are shown on maps below. As you are well aware, the rest (as they say) is history....federal oversight, the 2006 Voting Rights Act violations SCOTUS upheld, more federal oversight, more Voting Rights Act violations, Justice Department actions, etc, etc.  

Today District 18 is a mere shell of its former self, just barely encompassing its original northwest corner, where it proceeds to blow up, spread out over huge expanses that now meander on around to include white, white and more white high-end neighborhoods.  You might say, it's been gentrified.  Much to their dismay, this did not seem to put a dent in SJL's tenure nor did it discourage her loyal 3rd Ward supporters from turning out at the polls, despite their best efforts.  In fact, you can see the district on the 2004 "after" map designated as a democratic "hold," district superimposed on the Greater Houston Area, just WNW of Galveston Bay.    



If Sheila Jackson Lee is an embarrassment - NK

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I can't imagine what word would be used to describe Louie Gohmert.

She is an embarrassment to the city. - Houstonian

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Just - like LS
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you, my dear, do not speak for all of H-Town (far from it), but thanks for the opportunity to further comment on the "Nay, Nay, LS" post.  Being from Houston, and judging from your SJL slam, you should be acutely aware of how the district itself belies your falsehood.  D-18 used to be a relatively small geographic area, but it now is a huge monstrosity of a district that resembles a donut balanced atop a narrow-tipped pyramid-shaped pedestal (see below).

In the redraw effort, the GOP could run, but it couldn't hide from Houston democrats or minority-majority residents.  Of its 659,000+, demo breakdown is roughly 37% white, 40% black, 3.4% Asian and 36% Hispanic, with even 0.5% Native American thrown in for good measure....a composition more accurately reflecting H-Town's demographics, geography, and the District's endemic inner city origins, thus eliminating any misconceived racial "tainting." What is entirely transparent about the "untainting" of District 18 is how the map so PRECISELY and deliberately amputates and isolates low-income predominantly black 3rd Ward from its historically adjacent 1st, 2nd, 4th, 5th and 6th ward demographic counterparts, which helps explain the District's bizarre donut hole and shape non-Houstonians cannot make sense of. Gerrymander then proceeded to further isolate the wards by cutting them out of the heart of Houston's inner city and drawing them into more nonsensical demographic configurations in an attempt to "neutralize" their electoral solidarity and common interests.             

But, alas!  They could "sanitize" neither the racial make-up nor the blue, blue, blue political loyalties Houstonians in that district behemoth continue to defiantly uphold. Must be really tough for red TP H-Town voters to cope with this reality but, of course, they can always move out to Tom DeLay's red fortress SugarLand stronghold or venture out NW in the direction of Houston's red rural "sticks" communities to enjoy political apartheid, the pride of Delay's enduring legacy.    

TX18 109.gif


SJL just likes to get her big mug on TV. - Always butting into things that don't concern
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Yet she just keeps getting sent back time - after time
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by her constituents, doesn't she? Here's a little anecdote on how much some Houstonians appreciate her efforts. When Delay did the gerrymander dirty, he turned the blue district I lived red. I am dyed-in-the-wool pure Texan through-and-through, and didn't take very kindly to this outrageous act, so I planted a "for sale" sign in my front yard, packed up my son and myself, moved back into District 18, and never looked back. My BFF and fellow MT was not far behind...transplanted out of the red and into the blue 8 months later.
Well, something good came out of it, then. - Texan -
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See ya
Oh, hon, I'll NEVER leave Texas or H-Town - and
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am just contrary and ornery enough to outlast the red scourge ushered in during the Reagan years. I plan on being around long enough to see Texas reclaim the source of its REAL pride....47 gubernatorial elections 1847 to present that produced only 5 republicans sidewinders (you can count 'em on ONE hand)....137 years of glorious democratic stewardship. Take the gerrymander out of Texas, and the GOP will likely face another 137 years of subjugation.
This is the kind of attitude that keeps gridlock in Washington, HON.nm - anon
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Boy, ain't that the truth, yall. - nm
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Connect the dots FAIL. Undoing the gerrymander log jam - in the House
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that has enabled intense corruption and widespread rampant cheating (along with continued blatant GOP voter suppression efforts, gerrymander's consanguinous inbred first cousin) while dismantling fair and true representation there would go a long, long way toward busting up the gridlock. If anyone is just as contrary and ornery as I am in this regard, that person would be SJL. If she can survive Tom Delay, she can survive anything and will be left standing regardless of what does or does not happen.
Your love affair with Sheila seems to be based on SM - Gerry Mandering
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your hatred for Tom Delay.
Delay is not worth the energy it takes to hate him. - sm
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In fact, I have no problem with Texas politicians who are either voted or run out of office (or wage decades-long battles with criminal appeals for that matter) who become comical cartoon charicatures of their former selves. Like W, the Crawford Ranch bush beater, or Tom Dancing-With-The-Stars Delay. I find the broken ankle particularly endearing. As long as they are tucked safely away, as far from any political power as they can possibly be, I'm good to go. After all, they ARE still Texans.

So Listen for yourself . . . - I do not need you to interpret what I heard

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You actually do need interpretation of what you heard. - It's a parliamentary procedure term

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which she succinctly (apparently, too succinctly) described immediately after she said it. 

It's actually a parliamentary procedure term, not metaphorical, and she knows - what she's talking about.

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It refers to suspension of the rule that there be at least 1 day between when a bill is introduced and when voted on.  It's been used by both the Right and Left and has critics on both sides. 

"Martial Law" In House of Representatives

Under the martial law procedure, long-standing House rules that require at least one day between the unveiling of significant legislation and the House floor vote on that legislation — so that Members can learn what they are being asked to vote on — are swept away. Instead, under “martial law,” the Leadership can file legislation with tens or hundreds of pages of fine print and move immediately to debate and votes on it, before Members of Congress, the media, or the public have an opportunity to understand fully what provisions have been altered or inserted into the legislation behind closed doors. This is the procedure that the Leadership intends to use to muscle through important bills in the next two days.  

Also:  http://politicalcorrection.org/blog/201107290015


What she said in context (sorry I couldn't get this from a better source, but as usual, only RW sources are haranguing on about it):

The above video's "About" section:

Published on Oct 9, 2013

Democratic Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee used obscure language to characterize the push for a clean resolution which would end the government shutdown, labeling it a form of "martial law."

Advocating for the passage of a clean continuing resolution that would, at least temporarily, end the current standoff in Washington and reopen the government, Lee said there were enough members of Congress who would vote for the resolution.

"It's something called a continuing resolution, but it's a bill that you put on the floor that has been passed already by Republicans and Democrats in the United States Senate....that we could vote on today," said Lee, adding, "We have martial law -- what that means -- and my colleagues know what it means -- is that you can put a bill on in just minutes."

The term "martial law" in a legislative context is somewhat obscure but it has been used before to define lawmakers' ability to "fast track" bills without going through the usual congressional process.

However, Lee's insistence that a Senate-approved resolution to fund the federal government be fast-tracked via "martial law" appears to conflict with Article I, Section 7, Clause I of the Constitution, which states, "All Bills for raising Revenue shall originate in the House of Representatives."

This clause was included by the founders to ensure that decisions related to the power of the purse reside with the legislative body which is closest to the American people.

The last time martial law was mentioned by a member of Congress was back in 2008 when Rep. Brad Sherman revealed how lawmakers were threatened with "martial law in America" by then Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson if they rejected the TARP bailout package.

They have martial law on Mars don't they? - Maybe that's what she means

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no message

This is just as good, watch Congressman Hank Johnson - ask if Guam will capsize

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He thought it would tip over and capsize if too many marines were stationed there.

go to you tube or snopes, I didn't know if I - could post that here.

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More DEM deadpan humor and - facetious metaphors

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that escape the more comedy-challenged concrete thinkers (well, sort of) in the GO/TP. Not surprising that not only can they not take a joke, they cannot recognize one either.

Be careful, the NSA might be snooping, seriously. nm - MT52

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SJL is about as stupid as they come. - nm

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Just for fun Thomas Sowell vs. Sheila Jackson Lee... - picture that!

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He'd get crushed trying to come out of the gate. - Fun indeed! nm

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Only if she sits on him.... nm - yankee not offended

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