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Shelia Jackson Lee

Posted: Jul 15, 2011


Jackson Lee: Congress complicating debt ceiling because Obama is black

By Josiah Ryan - 07/15/11 03:02 PM ET

Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee (D-Texas) on Friday strongly suggested that members of Congress are making it difficult for President Obama to raise the debt ceiling because of his race.

"I do not understand what I think is the maligning and maliciousness [toward] this president,” said Jackson Lee, a member of the Congressional Black Caucus. “Why is he different? And in my community, that is the question that we raise. In the minority community that is question that is being raised. Why is this president being treated so disrespectfully? Why has the debt limit been raised 60 times? Why did the leader of the Senate continually talk about his job is to bring the president down to make sure he is unelected?”


Earlier in her speech, Jackson Lee said Obama has been targeted unlike any other president.

"I am particularly sensitive to the fact that only this president — only this one, only this one — has received the kind of attacks and disagreement and inability to work, only this one," said Jackson Lee from the House floor.

"Read between the lines," she continued. "What is different about this president that should put him in a position that he should not receive the same kind of respectful treatment of when it is necessary to raise the debt limit in order to pay our bills, something required by both statute and the 14th amendment?"

Jackson Lee concluded by saying that she hoped someone would step up and say that what appears obvious to her is not in fact true.

"I hope someone will say that what it appears to be is not in fact accurate," said Lee. "But historically it seems to be nothing more."


Is she for real? I don't think so - SICK SICK SICK OF IT!!!

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I am so FREAKIN sick of people turning the problems the country is facing into a racial thing. Especially when they know it isn't true. If a democrat wants something for the country that is not good they'll do and say anything they can. Now it's this freakin race thing. I'm sorry but raising the debt ceiling has nothing to do with what color skin he is. People losing jobs or getting jobs has nothing to do with the color of someone's skin. Printing money when there is nothing to back it up has nothing to do with the color of someone's skin. Besides, do people realize he is half white too. And if Bush, McCain, Hillary Clinton, Bill Clinton or any other white person was pulling the same you know what the same things would be said.

With comments like the ones she is making no wonder there is a racial division in the country. People like her are creating it. With remarks like that I have no idea how she was even elected since she doesn't have the best interest of the country at heart, it's just all race to her.

Are you aware of how many times GWB raised the debt ceiling - during his presidency? nm

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Are you aware we cannot keep doing it again no matter what - color a person's skin is

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I think there is a grain of truth in what she - says. Racism is SM
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alive and well still in this country, just not so blatant. What is happening to Obama I believe would be happening to any democrat in office right now, but there are still some old die-hard feelings involved when it comes to race.
Yes I agree, but not in this case...debt, unemployement - etc, is not a race issue
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And she should be ashamed of herself for trying to make it one.

but Obamas debt is 3 times worse! nm - GET REAL !

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How do you mean? Why was it OK for GWB to raise...sm - oldtimer
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the debt ceiling SEVEN times and the first time our intelligent, educated, handsome, democratic, black president asks for an extension during a time of extreme financial emergency for our country the answer from the republicans is NO across the board.
Go look at the figures. We cant KEEP raising it. - O is not so smart..and race card is copout
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You are still avoiding the question. GOP raised it - every year for W and 18 times
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for Reagan. Given the dire consequences of default, why has the GOP decided now is the time to put a halt to it? The answer is so obvious, especially as we stand helplessly by and watch them introduce every obstacle known to man while playing out the clock, the latest in their bag of tricks being toothless symbolic votes and the implausible, impassable constitutinoal amendment.

The time for hammering out spending cuts, tax hikes and expenditures and tax code reform IS NOT when default is looming in two weeks that will render the dollar worth 44 cents in short order. They have overplayed their hand and are fooling themselves if they believe Obama or democrats will take the wrap from voters when it comes time to pin responsibility on the elephants.

I think she is right - From the very beginning

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there have been people with crazy signs, more threats than any president in history has ever had, and legislators blatantly saying they want hiim to fail. Presidents were not treated so disrespectfully in the past. It was not until the Bush/Cheney team got SOOOO bad and that no one could deny the evilness, did the disrespect come out.

Seriously....enough with the race card!!! - sm

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Barack Obama was elected to be our president. Isn't that enough to prove that the majority of Americans don't give a rats behind what color the man is? I get so sick and tired of this crap. My problem with Barack Obama is that he cannot stop spending, wants a bigger government, and obviously knows nothing about economics. His skin color has absolutely nothing to do with my dislike for the man.

So why do you always make these misstatements - sm

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People persist in these lies. Ignorance, racism, I just don't know. Obama has always been about long term solutions that mean less spending in the long run. He is obviously much smarter at economics than the job killing Boehner and Cantor.

I don't see these as long-term solutions - sm

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I see these as more spending without enough money to pay for it. I have no problem taking taxes back to where they were during Clinton's administration...which would essentially be a tax raise. However, my biggest problem with a raise in taxes is that we haven't reformed the tax code and gotten rid of these ridiculous loopholes that so many take advantage of. Like GE not paying any taxes...WTH?

We are spending more money than bringing in and I don't foresee how that is gonna change long term with what the president is proposing. His health care system was modeled after Romney's health care in MA and that has raised health car costs significantly. How is that gonna be helpful?

I have yet to see any real numbers from the man. He talks a lot and throws out numbers all the time but yet you never see anything in actual writing or anything specific.

I just see a lot of spending and a lot of finger pointing. Don't see how that will be helpful long term.

If you want to call out liars, perhaps you should listen to what our President says and then watch what he actually does. At a lot of times they are 2 very different things.

Seriously. Racism is alive and well in the USA. - Anyone

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who thinks or says otherwise is not dealing with a full deck, especially those who use the election of Obama as as "proof" that racism is dead in America.

From day one not only has he has not received the same degree of respect as his predecessors, he has also had in-your-face disrespect from his colleagues, zero cooperation from congressional GOP across-the-board and has been subjected to a veritable witch hunt mentality from cons and the fringe. This is undeniable.

Just because YOU claim YOUR contempt for Obama is not based on color, does not mean racism is not at least partially responsible for the behaviors of others. This issue is not as black and white (pun intended) as you would have us believe, and Jackson-Lee has every right to raise the question.

Oh golly jeepers...I'm so sorry - sm

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but I don't believe I said racism is dead and gone. All I said was I'm tired of the race card being played for everything when it comes to our president. I'm tired of being called a racist merely because I disagree with the presidents point of view. That was my point. As for using his presidency as proof...well..the proof is the pudding. It obviously took a lot of white folk to vote for him in order for him to be elected.
Agree. Sometimes, Obama increases racism by - his own remarks... the great divider, he is.nm
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Not nearly as tired as those who continue - to be targeted by racism.
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Guess you will just have to resign yourslf to being sick and tired for as long as it remains part of the American landscape.
I see more reverse racism nowadays. - Sad, but true.nm
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Oh... this one takes the cake - no1joe
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Looking at the the time the multiple other unnecessary drivebys came in as well as the signature ".nm" leads me to believe you're responsible for all of them. Now, I understand the overwhelming need to either democrat/lib bash, Obama bash, or just be argumentative without providing any substance to back it up (which is always so refreshing), but this post accomplishes none of the above and just seems silly. Please... I would LOVE to hear about all the reverse racism you see nowadays. You can take the opportunity to be a voice of all those poor white people being discriminated against. Or are you just playing the (reverse) race card?

The large box next to the "Reply:" heading is meant to type in. Go for it.
joe - check it
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I only see 2 nm signatures in this thread. I don't think that's alarming or unusual or means of assuming the remarks above are all from the same poster.

Even still, many of us DO only have a line or two to reply. It happens all over the board, not just in this forum. That in itself doesn't make us drive-bys. In fact, some of the posts seem to just go on and on and on forever without saying too much at all.
You check it - no1joe
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Look at the posts up above... not just this one. ".nm" has replied to others all with time stamps around the same time, which leads me to believe that they just went down the line to do nothing but reply with nonsense (valid short replies, even if my opinion differs, are not nonsense... just short and to the point). If you find these remarks refreshing, great. Many of us find them childish with no point to them whatsoever, and if we wanted to have political discussions in that fashion, we'd go to an elementary school playground.

Meanwhile, I am still curious as to all the reverse racism going on nowadays. Aren't you?
Different person but I will take a hack at it. - sm
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I don't know that I would say there is MORE reverse racism but I do truly believe that there are some black people who are just as racist as some white people.

As to President Obama, people are worried and our country is continually falling deeper and deeper in the hole. I believe Obama is finding himself having a lot of opposition to things because more people are paying attention to every little thing because the economy is so bad. People are scared. Business owners, particularly small business owners, are scared because they are uncertain what this health care is going to cost as well as a potential raise in taxes. It isn't a color thing....at least not for all the opposition Obama is facing. However, all I hear about is that Obama is unnecessary criticized because he is black. To me that is just an excuse.

Now I am not saying there aren't those out there who hate him merely because he is black....but the majority of people I've talked with and who disagree with Obama...it has nothing to do with the man's skin color. It has everything to do with wanting to save our country and we believe Obama's decisions have hurt us. It is as simple as that and I'm sorry that some people cannot see that and would rather call me racist for it.
SJ Lee's comments were relative to attitudes in CONGRESS - that have a direct effect on
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the ability to move legislation, not those of uncertain business owners or scared people who criticize the president. While that paragraph raised somewhat valid points, it is still a diversion away from direct dialogue on the very salient points Jackson-Lee has raised, just like the reverse racism tactic is.

For the record, the smaller numbers of black-on-white racists are every bit as problematic as the much larger numbers of people who harbor racist and bigoted beliefs, which nurture division and hatred based on national origin, religion, cultural practices, sexual orientation, even gender, etc. Unfortunately, there is nothing simple about any of this, since we are sadly still dealing with these issues that date back centuries, DESPITE advances and progress that has been made in the interim.

The avoidance of engaging in direct dialogue to exercise Jackson-Lee's well founded observations is a perfect example that supports her assertions. She is an articulate, well-educated, 61-yo black woman, and a seasoned representative with a distinguished political career that spans more than 20 years. She certainly knows a thing or two about racism, bigotry and membership in Congress.

For this important issue, that focuses not only on racism but the utterly inept performance of Congress as a whole during the Obama administration, to be minimized, diverted and so casually dismissed seems, at best, to be prejudicial in the sense that she is an elected leader with impressive credentials that suggest she just MIGHT have something worthwhile to say on this subject. Hence, for her to raise the question, "...what is DIFFERENT about this president" that has caused him to be so openly disrespected, instantly and, in more than a few cases, viciously targeted for removal by his political foes IN OFFICE, is obviously justified.
No, they are not the only one who uses that moniker - see message
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I too have used the moniker .nm, but I am not the person you are replying to. The period ends the sentence and nm of course means no message. Sometime I post with a message sometimes I post with just a sentence (my thoughts) which does not need explaining. Posting just a thought is not a drive by. I've been reading the other nm's messages and they are all not drive by's. I see a person expressing their thought. By the way, you actually are saying you don't think there is ever any reverse racism? Really? Racism is alive and well. Reverse racism...lets try Farrahkan, black panthers, etc, etc. It's alive and well.

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