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Resident Obama

Posted: Sep 13, 2013

Since "he" does not even deserve the office of President of the United States, we are going to start calling him Resident Obama, because all he does is collect a pay check, goes on vacations, allows the IRS and NSA and CIA to do anything they want to do without ANY accountability, wants big government to control not only our health care, but what we eat, wants 30 thousand drones in the air, Still does not care about Benghazi and handed over diplomatic negotiations to Putin so he looks more presidential than Resident Obama with nothing but his big stick. ;

My sentiments exactly - Great post!

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He is dangerous, he hates America, and he is intent on seeing every one of us on government assistance before he's done with us. His blind sheep still can't see what's right in front of them: the end of our Constitutional rights. We will be a socialist or even communist country by the end of his term, unless we pack the House and Senate with conservatives in 2014, as well governorships.

blind sheep - sm

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Oh, come on. SYRIA just signed the Chemical Weapons - Accord. Whatever happens in future,

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the children of Syria are already much safer today than yesterday. Aren't you glad President Obama is succeeding in this at least?

I am happy they signed, but that doesn't stop murder by other means, so I don't know how s - Oldie

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******************************** enough said...well not really sm - Eyeroller

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**************considering these are all Faux News' talking points! What exactly do you mean by he in quotations. What exactly did George Bush do to deserve anything? If you're going to persecute any one politician, do it to all, I say!

I'd like to hear more about his - big stick

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I wondered about that too. Doesn't seem to refer to - his military might. A black man cliche?

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Wow, you guys sure know your history, don't you??!! (NOT) - Libby

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I believe it refers to that old saying (one that any fourth grader would know), "Walk softly and carry a big stick," a very famous quote by Teddy Roosevelt.

You're not saying anything about President Obama in your failed attempts to diminish him, but you both sure said a lot about yourselves!
Well, I know my ************* all too well. As for - Teddy, I referred to him below, but that
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explanation is completely ruled out by OP's description of our current President as an incompetent weakling. Leaving one to look, not far considering the source, for another.
Excuse me. Let me amend that to virulently - anti-Obama right winger posters. nm
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Libby... - sm
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We are on the same page here. I found the OP to be quite offensive. I am abundantly familiar with Teddy Roosevelt's brilliant quote. I feel the OP dishonored the quote, the sentiment, and the president in the way she used it.

I googled your new cutesy name - NK

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for the POTUS and saw it on a birther blog and on a red state-something site. Truman is the first president I personally remember, and I've lived through quite a few presidents in my lifetime. Some I liked, some not so much. I can guarantee you a couple of things though. Never has there been so much antipathy towards a president, and never have I heard any demographic group of people in the USA praise a foreign leader to the detriment of their own president until now. I consider it to be quite shameful, especially from people who consider themselves to be patriots.

I love your post! (sm) - Libby

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Vladimir Putin is an old KGB agent, and I remember times while I was in elementary school when we had to do DRILLS about protecting ourselves against the communists.

Now the right wing ADMIRES Putin, and I couldn't agree more that it's quite shameful, especially from the conservatives, and especially after Ted Cruz' public fondness for the very public racist, Jesse Helms, in saying that Congress needs 100 more Jesse Helms in government.

I've never seen the unmitigated gall that accompanies such disrespect for the office of the presidency. Maybe those people should leave the USA and go to Russia to live if it's so great.

Back when these people were saying "America, love - it or leave it" to every suggestion that

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we could do better in some way, they portrayed themselves as patriots, and I bought it. I thought, however misguided they were, at least they cared out their country. Boy, was I wrong.

It is a sad thing, but for a long time their own words and actions have shown that they truly loathe much of what makes America what it is. The patriotism posturing grew old apparently, but the hate and resentment-filled opposition to anyone who isn't seen as one of "them" is as passionate as ever.
I see it much different than you - I see it with eyes wide open - The Sarge - sm
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None of us here live in other peoples shoes. We don't know what is going on in a persons personal life each day.

Nobody here should be questioning the patriotism of anyone. Oh sure, it's so much easier to just say that people who don't believe exactly like you are not patriots. That's a pretty trendy thing here lately, but the people who love our country, love the freedoms America offers (no matter how slowly they are dwindling away). They honor the office of whoever is president, but they also can see when a person is not looking out for the best interest for the people in our country and they can tell when someone (anyone) makes decisions that put the citizens of the country in danger. They honor the people who built our country and the sacrifices they made to make this country a great place. They are true patriots and care deeply for our country. They don't care whether someone is man/woman, black/white/other race, old/young, rich/poor. They care about the decisions that are being made. They don't like being called names. They want to live in a country where freedom is bountiful, they can work towards their future, it will be a place that is safe for their children, their kids can get a good education and have a job when they finish and become adults, and they want to grow old and watch their children grow and have families of their own with a future to look forward to.

I want to believe everyone is good that politicians we elect are there to serve us, but I am also a realist and know that we do have enemies, both foreign and domestic.

But I always think back to a quote that Hillary Clinton once made. It stands true today as it did when she said it during President Bush's time in office:

"I am sick and tired of people who say that if you debate and you disagree with this administration somehow you’re not patriotic. We should stand up and say we are Americans and we have a right to debate and disagree with any administration."
I actually find that a pretty decent and reasonable answer. - Nevertheless, the people on this board whom
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I refer to repeatedly, and incessantly, display their antipathy to so many groups that they add up to an antipathy toward literally a significant majority of the American population. Anyone to the left of their far right, just to begin.

They have forgotten or never paid attention to the education they received in the basic practices and principles our nation is founded on and have proven many times over their preference for rejecting any that interfere with their current mood, no matter how sacred those around them may consider these principles.

As for Americans working together to take care of each other? Forget it. Healing the sick and feeding the poor? Outrage and resentment at the very idea, expressed toward almost any way of accomplishing it, not even for children. Except for their own Social Security and Medicare--we should "keep our hands off" THEIR part of those. Umhm.

They have again and again demonstrated rejection of their personal responsibility for caring for our country by properly husbanding its land and even for maintaining its existing structures, ones they themselves need, not to mention doing their part to continue to develop new ones as needed.

I could go on, but I have already. :) What part of their behavior could possibly support a claim of love of country or even a pallid loyalty? Although some may think they remember an "Andy Griffith Show" or "Father Knows Best" version of America fondly, on evaluating these people by their actions here there is neither patriotism nor affection for what America really is, just the fear, resentment, and loathing generated by their seemingly long delayed awareness that their "our people" are a minority.

Ya, I just can't get her voice out of my head. - patriot
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Read from the Sarge:
But I always think back to a quote that Hillary Clinton once made. It stands true today as it did when she said it during President Bush's time in office:

"I am sick and tired of people who say that if you debate and you disagree with this administration somehow you’re not patriotic. We should stand up and say we are Americans and we have a right to debate and disagree with any administration."
that was 10 years ago - you'd never hear that from her now
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but hey--what difference, at this point, does it make?

That's because we never had a fascist in office, and YES - The Sarge - sm

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there has been so much (more) antipathy towards someone who holds the office. He held the office of president for 8 years. There was more hate and lies about him than come even close to this one. That would be President Bush.

we can't vascillate between communist and fascist, Sarge - make up your mind

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What are you talking about? - The Sarge
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Make up my mind about what? If you want to consider him a communist that's your business. I said fascist. There is nothing to make up my mind about.
we haven't lost our memory, sarge - sm
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Aw gee...you shouldn't have. A whole year ago - The Sarge - sm
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Communism, socialism, and fascism. Not much difference.

Wow, took you a whole 13 hours and 16 minutes to try and drudge up something to use against someone. So what on what I said a year ago. It doesn't benefit you. I'm sure you are so nifty thrifty with the computer you could go back to before the internet was even invented (by Algore) to find anything to try to use against people.

So....2012? Nice try...not. Wanna try again.
I answered your question - sm
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I was just trying to answer your question. I was not malevolently looking for something to use against you, for goodness sake. If you don't want an answer, don't ask the question.

It didn't actually take me 13 hours, though. In spite of the fact that I await your posts with bated breath, I was not awake at 12:54 a.m.

I liked the way you changed your story, though.
May be fair, but hardly sporting. :) Not much difference - between the 3, though? Hmmm. NM
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I thought it was quite sporting - nm
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refresh my memory - NK

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What foreign leader was touted as more diplomatic/presidential than President Bush?
No thanks - not falling for the bait - The Sarge
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It was just a request for information, - NK
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which apparently you have chosen to label as bait. Thanks though for acknowledging by your statement "There was more hate and lies about him than come even close to this one" that there are indeed hate and lies about "this one." I guess just not on the level of calling President Bush "Shrub" and "Dubya."

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