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Possibly more kidnappings by the Taliban?

Posted: Jun 7, 2014

Talbian says Bergdahl deal means more kidnappings: (The Fiscal Times By Reilly Dowd; Friday, June 6, 2014)

This morning, TIME Magazine featured a chilling interview with an Haqqani network-affiliated Taliban commander who was intimately involved in negotiations with the U.S. over the release of Army Sergeant Bowe Bergdahl. The takeaway: More kidnappings are “definitely” to come as a result of the deal.

“It’s better to kidnap one person like Bergdahl than kidnapping hundreds of useless people,” the unnamed commander told TIME by telephone. “It has encouraged our people. Now everybody will work hard to capture such an important bird.”


Okay, let me get this straight now. - sm

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We are supposed to be outraged because Bergdahl's kidnapping 5 years ago is going to now somehow increase the amount of kidnappings that up until now had apparently ceased just waiting to find out if it would be worth doing again, and so now 5 years later we're all back to doing that because, hey, totally worth it!?

You may have missed this. - KeepinItReal

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The bad guys have seen what the United States will do to get back a prisoner or a hostage or whatever you want to call Bergdahl. Because we stupidly released five of their high-level terrorists, it sends a signal to them. What do you think that signal is?

What do you think that signal is? - Redundant

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A.  Nothing new.  
B.  Same stuff, different day.  
C.  Way less hostages.
D.  All of the above.

There is no hope for some people. - Thanks for the cute graphics.
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Stay with your head in the sand. It must be comforting for you to be in the dark.
Is this your only defense? - KeepinItReal
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Who Cares What Reagan Did?

Who Cares What Clinton Did?

Who Cares What Bush Did?

There have been some rather cowardly posts here lately, not just yours.

Didn't you ever hear this? "Two wrongs don't make a right."

A lot of people on both sides of the aisle were totally against things done in the above administrations. None of that gives a pass for what the current administration is doing. Please be real!
"Please be real?" - sm
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Well, I'm sorry if my answer is not the one you were hoping for, but I just don't see the president as a radical evildoer making unprecedented moves that the world has never seen, and I sure don't think this represents some "change in U.S. policy" just because the Republicans are attempting to rewrite the facts to fit their political agenda (pay no attention to the actual truth). Almost daily there are posts on this board by the Obama bashers with the same old agenda saying forget the past, don't discuss Bush, and "please be real."

While it might be great in an alternate world where everything is lumped in a neat little box with a label stuck on, what part of denying decades of United States history would actually be like "keeping it real?"
This is on him, your president. - KeepinItReal
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Barack Hussein Obama is the one who said he wanted to "fundamentally transform America." We, unfortunately, are seeing some of this transformation happen before our very eyes. If he can't get congressional members to follow him other than Pelosi and Reid, he's going to use his mighty pen and phone to get what he wants. And remember, what he wants is to "fundamentally transform America."
Finally keeping it mostly real. - sm
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Well okay, that about sums it up. Thanks for keeping it mostly real. I guess we're supposed to get all terrified by the middle name of the POTUS, but speaking for myself, I'm not one for irrational fear of words. I understand the fact that people are afraid of change and hearing phrases like that taken out of context on a daily basis from the right-wing political spin machine could get someone all worked up.

When Obama made the original statement on a campaign stop in Columbia, MO, in October 2008, he said the following. (copied from link)

"Now, Mizzou, I just have two words for you tonight: five days. Five days. After decades of broken politics in Washington, and eight years of failed policies from George W. Bush, and 21 months of a campaign that's taken us from the rocky coast of Maine to the sunshine of California, we are five days away from fundamentally transforming the United States of America.

"In five days, you can turn the page on policies that put greed and irresponsibility on Wall Street before the hard work and sacrifice of folks on Main Street. In five days, you can choose policies that invest in our middle class, and create new jobs, and grow this economy, so that everyone has a chance to succeed, not just the CEO, but the secretary and janitor, not just the factory owner, but the men and women on the factory floor."

Now there's a radical idea; he's talking grow the economy. Fast forward 5 years and the stock market is hitting all time highs, and if you don't want to give Obama credit for that, at least admit he hasn't hurt it. And isn't it about time we at least admit that he's not this evil force for destruction he's been characterized as by conservatives?

If Bill O'Reilly can admit that on national TV, can't we stop the spin about at least this issue? OâReilly: "I think -- I -- you know, I know you think maybe we haven't been fair, but I think your heart is in the right place."

Well, I didn't think it possible, but finally there is something with which I agree with O'Reilly.
I don't need your condescending praise. - KeepinItReal
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You are certainly entitled to your interpretation of his words AND actions, and I am certainly entitled to mine, which is profoundly different than yours.

The only thing I agree on is O'Reilly. I have seen him concede many, many times when he realizes he has been wrong on something, which is more than I can say about Obama.
I wasn't praise; it was thanks. - sm
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In no way was I giving any praise, condescending or otherwise. I was merely thanking you for actually stating facts versus opinions with political spin on them. Even if I don't share someone else's opinions, I will always respect their right to have them.

Obama has admitted he was wrong on several issues, and he has been roundly criticized on every issue by somebody. I think Paul Begala said it very well: "If Barack Obama cured cancer, the Republicans would attack him for putting oncologists out of work."
Don't make me laugh...... - Tina
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This bozo we have as president needs to be behind bars instead of in the WH. He's one of the most disgusting and vile human beings - in ways too numerous to count - and he's absolutely the worst president in history. In other words, the man (if you want to call him that) makes me s_i_c_k!

The thing is - you can't cite Reagan while you - give Obama a pass.

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The one thing you can ALWAYS count on from the left: "Yeah, but (so-and-so) did (whatever)."

This, of course, is not a defense - or, rather, it's the defense offered by children when they're caught with their hand in the cookie jar.
Facts - sm
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The thing actually is, one can cite Reagan and give Obama a pass if they wish. My post will be my opinion and will contain my words, whatever I choose them to be, backed up with facts.

Responses to facts are generally met with more cutesy phrases, more name calling, loaded words, and glittering generalities (case in point).

Facts are merely the counter to the false narrative.
What Reagan did was different because it - was not a POW exchange
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They know we value life, nothing new there. - sm
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I don't think the "bad guys" are getting all hung up on titles of people in matters of quid pro quo. They've always attempted to capture Americans, be they soldiers or citizens, all over the world to use as human capital because they know Americans place a high value on life.

So those Republicans that are characterizing the Bergdahl exchange as a "policy change" or "sending a new message;" this is simply not the case, as this country has a long history of negotiating with terrorists and trading things for people.

The only one who appears - ProMT

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to be "outraged" is you ... judging by how many times you use that particular word in your posts.

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