Obama Appears Sleepy,
Posted: Feb 7, 2013
President Obama appeared exceedingly sleepy at the annual National Prayer Breakfast today, looking like he was having trouble staying awake as others spoke and delivering his own remarks ponderously, with heavy eyelids and a tired visage.
Obama, who rarely holds a publicly announced event before 10:00 am and is known to be a nighthawk, was forced to show up at the breakfast at 7:55 am.
While listening to the warmup speakers, the president’s eyes were frequently downcast, he appeared drawn, and he was chewing gum, presumably the Nicorette he is known to use to satisfy his nicotine addiction without smoking. He occasionally brushed a finger onto an eye, as if trying to remove morning crust or wetness. He sometimes seemed to miss his cues to laugh or smile politely at jokes.
Obama appeared to labor particularly hard to stay awake while opera singer Andrea Bocelli performed a dirge-like classical song accompanied only by piano.
The president perked up a bit during the keynote address by pediatric neurosurgeon Dr. Benjamin Carson, who spoke of his rise from poverty and the need for better education in America - though Obama appeared to begin getting sleepy again when Carson started promoting a flat tax.
This is "mocking." Consider yourself reported. - Kavacus
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I'm reporting - your vicious reporting.
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You are making a MOCKERY of reporting!

There is nothing to report - Moderator
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This is not mocking or hateful. The poster posted an article of an event that happened.
Do you think maybe he's tired from... - being the President, or something?
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I'm tired, just hearing all the obstructionist bull he has to deal with.
Yes, he does think that way. - No one should oppose him.
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He always gets his way, or else.
Actually, he's my favorite - President.
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Honestly, the only way I'd like Obama more is if he was born somewhere cool, like Kenya.
DISCLAIMER: This is not an opposite day post (although the Kenya part is a bit tongue-in-cheek, I suppose).
I *am* a proud liberal, but not - *the* proud liberal.
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In other words, I am a proud liberal, except on opposite day!
Ah. Your almost-too-subtle-ness is confusing me. - whoosh
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Then there's this - Kerry Yawns Through Prayer Breakfast
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(Kerry began yawning 7 minutes into Dr. Carson’s inspirational speech and basically didn’t stop.) ...
Dr. Carson was the keynoter. Over 25 minutes or so, among other things, he decried the dominance of lawyers in politics. More doctors would be better. He noted that five doctors signed the Declaration of Independence (fact check?). “What do lawyers learn in law school? They learn to win.… What we’ve got to start thinking about is how do we solve problems.”
(This perked up Kerry, but the new chief diplomat was yawning, open mouth gaping, regularly at this point, sometimes stifling and covering with a hand, sometimes not. And the uncontrolled yawning continued during Obama’s speech, along with eye-rubbing.)
As a fellow "nighthawk" I can sympathize. - grits
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I'd like morning a lot better if it started around noon.
Oh, don't kid yourself. Nicorette doesn't work like that. - He is still an active smoker.(sm)
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and a liar to boot.
Doesn't work like what? I was addicted to it for over a year, no smoking at all while on it. - mrakerkava (nm)
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So then you agree our President is an addict? - nm
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Nonsense. Presidents don't - smoke!
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The Smokers:
2. John Adams, 1797-1801 A cigar man
4. James Madison, 1809-17 Also a stogie-lover
6. John Quincy Adams, 1825-29 Yet another cigar man
7. Andrew Jackson, 1829-37 Liked a cigar, but more so chewing tobacco
8. Martin Van Buren, 1837-41 All about the pipe
9. William Henry Harrison, 1841 Pipe guy too
10. John Tyler, 1841-45 Cigars
12. Zachary Taylor, 1849-50 Cigars too
17. Andrew Johnson, 1865-69 Liked cigars
18. Ulysses Simpson Grant, 1869-77 Cigar fiend, rumored to smoke 20 stogies a day
21. Chester Alan Arthur, 1881-85 Cigars
22. Grover Cleveland, 1885-89 Chew
23. Benjamin Harrison, 1889-93 Cigar
24. Grover Cleveland, 1893-97 Continued to chew
25. William McKinley, 1897-1901 Obsessive secret smoker of cigars behind closed doors
27. William Howard Taft, 1909-13 At 300 hundred pounds he quit cigar smoking when he reached office, which may have resulted in even further weight gain
29. Warren Gamaliel Harding, 1921-23 Cigars
30. Calvin Coolidge, 1923-29 Liked to use cigars as a prop to punctuate political discussions
31. Herbert Clark Hoover, 1929-33 Incessant smoker of high-end cigars
32. Franklin Delano Roosevelt, 1933-45 Finally, a cigarette guy and our first chain smoker president
34. Dwight David Eisenhower, 1953-61 Cigarettes
35. John Fitzgerald Kennedy, 1961-63 Cigars and cigarettes (loved Cubans) and it's reported Jackie O went through 3 packs of Salems a day
36. Lyndon Baines Johnson, 1963-69 Cigars and the occasional rolled cigarette
37. Richard Milhous Nixon, 1969-74 The occasional cigar
38. Gerald Rudolph Ford Jr , 1974-77 Nonstop pipe smoker
42. William Jefferson Clinton, 1993- 2001 Yeah, you know it
43. George W. Bush, 2001- 2009 There's no proof of W. smoking but the guy was an alcoholic.
44. President Elect Barack Obama - Now we all know this guy was and maybe still is a smoker.
Not if he doesn't have to use it on a constant, daily basis like I did. - mrakerkava
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I have no idea if that's the case, maybe you could enlighten me. I'd consider nicotine addiction, via replacement therapy or not, the least of my worries with a president.
Now this would be a relapse I'd be worried about.
How do you know that? We don't know what - goes on up there in his castle, do we.
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Yes! It's awesome! Almost as awesome as getting paid to help others - become addicts!
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lol. wine coming out my nose - (doh)
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Yes. Smokers are addicts. That may well include good people in your community, in your chuch choir, at your local school, police and fire station. Even some doctors.
There has been some recent lively discussion on the board about the pitfalls of inserting false premises into discussion and leading with rhetorical questions.
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