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Mexico to issue birth certificates for citizens at US consulates
Posted: Jan 15, 2015
Maybe BO should also check this out. 
Better still Mitt could explore his dad's - Mexican roots
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to see how he could run as the country's first southern border dual national. That way he might be able to scrape up a few Latino votes in 2016 from those willing to turn a blind eye to his party faction's perpetual animus.
Mitt has never shied away from - TRUTH
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like the Boy Wonder does. Maybe Mitt can help BO find his real daddy.
NYT interview last year: No,no,no,no,no,no,no,no,no,no,no when asked - about another WH run
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You mean, THAT kind of truth? Fact is, his entire 2012 campaign as a party moderate will be turned into one big fat lie when he tries to lurch to the far right, as he has said he will this time. Meanwhile, he's accumulated dozens of false and pants-on-fire determinations. Surely we're not expected to believe all of those are wrong.
Pffft - Jen
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Never shied away... Oh dear.
Politifact would seem to disagree with your position on that. In fact, they've got quite a few of his lies that peg the False side of the truth-o-meter pretty hard.
That's likely because he'd not capable of - recogizing the truth.
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I know, me too. LOLOL O wouldn't know the truth - if it bit him in the butt.
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Cutting through red tape is a good thing - sm
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It's hard to imagine what is bad about this. It's not like they're issuing American birth certificates. We'll still get our lettuce and oranges, the companies that use Mexican labor can get legal, and the laborers can begin paying taxes.
Per your link: "Starting Thursday, the country's 50 consulates in the United States will be able to access data in Mexico and print birth certificates at the consulates."
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