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Looks like Romney picked PAUL RYAN
Posted: Aug 11, 2012
I wish it was Condoleezza Rice!
Too much baggage for Condy - possibly a lesbian...
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definitely a war criminal.
I think it has more to do with her being a woman. - Zville MT
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Women in politics are certainly treated differently than men are - look at the way Sarah Palin and Hillary Clinton were trashed when they ran for office.
Unfortunately, I think it'll be a long time before DC gives up the Good Ole Boys Club - they play lip service to woman, but none of them want to see a woman VP, much less president.
I'm amazed. We agree. That almost never happens - but
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when it does, it makes me happy. 
Yeah!! I like when that happens too :) (nm) - Zville MT
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Wanda Sykes for president! - Black, lesbian...
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If you like pigs. Personally, I don't, but hey, that's me. - nm
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My question. Will this EtchASketch ID redo convince anyone - Mitt's a trustworthy party-base winger?
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Will the GOP camp get a bump from Cheney's "I worship the ground Paul Ryan walks on" endorsement? One answer fits all. Not even.
Loved the shrub gaffe when Mitt welcomed - "the next POTUS"
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Can't exactly see Ryan in the bunker (except maybe when he's preparing to face Biden in the VP debates by feverishly boning up on foreign policy), but another "Mitt's brain" VP...to be sure, one who dutifully tags along in the shadows, ready to pop up at any given moment to clean-up detail and help us undertand what Mitt REALLY thinks or meant to say!
LOVED THE GAFFE WHEN COMMIE OBAMMIE - on 08/23 announced Biden as the next prez
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So intent on your snark, you forget Obama's gaffee did ya?
Only difference: If Mitt makes a "gaffe" of that nature, he corrects it and laughs if off, while his cirtics attack the jugular.
With Commie Obammie, Obama immediately calls George Soros for 5-mill to start a "kill" campaign because someone made fun of the Cry Baby in Chief.
your post "but another" Obama brainles "VP...to be sure, one who dutifully tags along in the shadows, ready to pop up at any given moment to clean-up detail and help us undertand what Obama REALLY thinks or meant to say!" INDEED!
You mean 4 years ago before he was so handily elected? - Here's the deal.
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Gaffes, regardless of which side they come from, are ethereal political phenomenons that pass all too quickly from our collective national consciousness. In this particular case, I merely used it as a rhetorical vehicle to introduce the more salient notion that another proxy presidency may have just emerged on the campaign horizon.
The numerous instances when Cheney was the puppeteer and W his puppetee are now ensconsed in the annals of history. This has never been the case with Obama and Biden, but clearly Mitt's Freudian slip may well turn out to be the harbinger of yet one more aspect of the GOP's top secret mission....namely, aspiring to inflict another term or two of recycled failed Bush policies that pretty near brought the country to ruins by the time Obama was introducing the now sitting VPOTUS.
I'd like to know why is it that greedy GOPers feel they are the only ones entitled to billionaire backers? This tiresome Soros screeching is so old hat it too is irrelevant....as are the rants from unimaginative copy and paste artisans, obsessed with cliched rhyming buzzkill, and too miffed to construct coherent pertinent political dialogue.
I think the fear among more moderate - Republicans could be...
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....that Ryan WILL be calling the shots as "the puppeteer," a la Cheney, since he's the one on the Republican ticket who is the most adamant and non-negotiable in his stances, unlike Romney who, well, we all KNOW has been on the flippy-floppy side of many of HIS stances over the years.
Obama gaffes - This list just the UK - will post more
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Obama's Top Ten United Kingdom Gaffes
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Send a Tip by John Nolte 28 Jul 2012 135post a comment
So what did Mitt Romney do that was so terrible? What was the supposed "gaffe" that launched a thousand news-cycles and will likely lead tomorrow's Sunday shows?
While in London, Romney was asked by NBC's Brian Williams about the security situation surrounding the London Olympics, something that has received a ton of media attention, and this is what he said:
Mr. Romney told NBC News he saw “a few things that were disconcerting” about London’s preparations. “The stories about the private security firm not having enough people, supposed strike of immigration and customs officials, that obviously is not something which is encouraging,” he said.
Pause for … gasp.
Pause for … and egads.
That's right, Mitt Romney answered a question honestly.
I'm not saying Romney couldn't have been more diplomatic with his answer, but the perfect storm of horrible American news coverage that is now entering its third day is a punishment that does not fit the misdemeanor.
What we're really seeing, though, is our corrupt media at its worst -- a media so partisan and devoid of integrity that they look for any real or perceived mistake to keep the blistering spotlight as far away from Obama's failed record as possible and always on Mitt Romney.
That's not to say that the hysterical reaction from the notoriously hysterical British press shouldn't have been covered by our corrupt news media, but what our corrupt media's doing is much more than that.
Our media is choosing to make this the biggest story in the land; choosing to make this a bigger story than our collapsing economy; and most certainly choosing to attempt to make Romney's "gaffe" a defining moment -- something the corrupt media has never done to our gaffe-tastic president whose international mistakes frequently play like something out of an Inspector Clouseau movie.
In other words, what the media is doing to Romney has nothing to do with journalism and everything to do with partisan politics. Even as we learned our GDP had plummeted to 1.5% yesterday, Romney's London trip remained The Story. And you are damned right this is intentional.
This is all about the media OPENLY coordinating with the Obama campaign to win reelection for a failed president. And the only way to do that is to turn the failed president's opponent into an alternative that isn't acceptable. So as our economy burns and national security secrets fly out the White House window and guns are handed to Mexican drug lords -- the media enters day three of ensuring Romney remains beaten senseless by The Narrative.
This isn’t bias; it's corruption. And as proof, here are 10 examples of Obama's British gaffes, all of which the media has intentionally covered up or underplayed -- all of which are much more embarrassing than a candidate answering a question a little less diplomatically than he should have.
In no particular order:
1. The Toast:
President Inspector Clouseau completely bungles a toast to Queen Elizabeth:
The screwup: At this point, the band launched into “God Save the Queen” — but Obama continued speaking over the music: “. . . for the vitality of the special relationship between our peoples, and in the words of Shakespeare, ‘To this blessed plot, this Earth, this realm, this England.’ To the Queen.” She gave him a look, he set down his glass, and then stood motionless until the music stopped. Then everyone picked up their glasses. Oops.
Watch the video. The reaction around Captain Clueless is absolutely hysterical.
2. The iPod:
President Inspector Clouseau gifts Queen Elizabeth with an iPod loaded with videos and photos of…himself:
The bestowing of the Royal iPod brought a cringe from one top etiquette expert, who said it confirmed that Obama hasn’t figured out presidential gift-giving. Or that they shouldn’t all come from Best Buy[.]
Here's The Playlist of the Narcissist.
3. The Incompatible DVDs:
President Inspector Clouseau gifts Prime Minister Gordon Brown with a cheap box-set of DVDs incompatible with British DVD players:
As he headed back home from Washington, Gordon Brown must have rummaged through his party bag with disappointment.
Because all he got was a set of DVDs. Barack Obama, the leader of the world's richest country, gave the Prime Minister a box set of 25 classic American films - a gift about as exciting as a pair of socks.
Gordon Brown is a well-known movie fan, so I'm sure he not only appreciated the White House laying out a cool two-hundred bucks or so for a pile of DVDs he couldn't watch, but also gifting him with movies any movie fan would already own.
4. The Hug:
Touching the Queen is as big a no-no at Buckingham Palace as sincere patriotism is at the Obama White House:
Whoever briefed Michelle Obama on the things one does and doesn't do with one's hands when one meets the Queen must be wondering what went wrong.
Within minutes of their first encounter at Buckingham Palace yesterday, America's first lady broke royal protocol by doing the unthinkable: she gave the Queen a hug. The monarch, for her part, responded with equally flagrant disregard for convention by returning the gesture.
If only Michelle were so eager to embrace American liberty.
5. The Throwing of Churchill Out of the Oval Office:
Thanks to some dogged (and very entertaining) reporting from ABC's Jake Tapper, we've finally gotten to the bottom of the Obama White House's lies surrounding Churchill Bust-Gate. But the bottom line is that this remains 100% true:
But when British officials offered to let Mr. Obama to hang onto the bust for a further four years, the White House said: "Thanks, but no thanks."
Duzza yer dug bite?
6. The Kitchen Meeting:
"The Special Relationship" hits bottom as Obama makes the British Prime Minister chase him around America like a scorned school girl:
British officials made five attempts to secure official talks with the US President and even agreed to a policy change in an attempt to land a joint appearance between the two leaders, said diplomatic sources.
But the White House rebuffed the offers and Mr. Brown, who had hoped to increase his popularity by appearing on his own with Mr. Obama, had to settle instead for a snatched conversation with the President in a New York kitchen.
7. The, uhm, Special Relationship?
Special Relationship? What Special Relationship?
The gratuitous words of a State Department official in May 2009 were particularly harmful. “There’s nothing special about Britain,” the official said. “You’re just the same as the other 190 countries in the world. You shouldn’t expect special treatment.”
I don't see any Special Relationship. Do you see a Special Relationship?
8. The, uhm Special Relationship? - Part Deux:
Why don’t you take a look, because I've looked all over and there's no Special Relationship anywhere:
The Obama administration is not known for its pro-British track record, but this is by far the strongest indication yet that the current White House has little regard for the Special Relationship and its unique role in modern American history. At a White House photo opportunity with French President Nicolas Sarkozy today … President Obama had this to say:
“We don’t have a stronger friend and stronger ally than Nicolas Sarkozy, and the French people.”
Quite what the French have done to merit this kind of high praise from the US president is difficult to fathom, and if the White House means what it says this represents an extraordinary sea change in US foreign policy.
Toldja there was no Special Relationship.
9. The Old Obama's-Too-Tired-To-Treat-The-British-PM-With-Respect Ploy:
It was March of 2009 and the President was exhausted from putting together the policies that would ensure our economy would never-ever-ever-ever recover.
Sources close to the White House say Mr. Obama and his staff have been "overwhelmed" by the economic meltdown and have voiced concerns that the new president is not getting enough rest.
British officials, meanwhile, admit that the White House and US State Department staff were utterly bemused by complaints that the Prime Minister should have been granted full-blown press conference and a formal dinner, as has been customary. They concede that Obama aides seemed unfamiliar with the expectations that surround a major visit by a British prime minister.
But Washington figures with access to Mr. Obama's inner circle explained the slight by saying that those high up in the administration have had little time to deal with international matters, let alone the diplomatic niceties of the special relationship.
Hey, putting together an economy that produces more food stamp recipients and people on disability than jobs is exhausting.
10. The Compromising of British Intelligence:
The White House leaking national security secrets to make the President look good?
Go on!
An alleged intelligence leak regarding a covert operation that thwarted an "underwear bomb" plot last week is now creating distrust and ill feelings within the U.S. intelligence community and has led to increased talk about intelligence leaks at the highest levels of government, according to terrorism experts on Friday.
Former Central Intelligence Agency officers are openly blaming President Barack Obama, his administration, and possibly his campaign committee for undermining national security and compromising the British domestic and foreign intelligence agencies, MI5 and MI6, for political reasons, according to a U.S. counterterrorism source who contacted the Law Enforcement Examiner on Friday and requested anonymity.
"When presidents are in trouble because of their failing domestic agenda, they attempt to look presidential by getting involved in military or intelligence operations. And Obama has taken that to a whole new level," said the source.
This White House leak security secrets for political gain?
Our White House?
Shut up, racists.
The list above is not only proof that Obama is frequently a downright fool who can't stop embarrassing himself and his own country (and this list only pertains to only a single country), but that the media covers for him.
Granted, mistakes happen. Ten mistakes, however, are defining. But the corrupt media refuses to portray this President as anything other than calm, cool, and competent, even as everything he touches turns to crap.
Moreover, on The Stupid Scale, compare even one item on the Obama list to Mitt Romney answering a question inelegantly. Nothing compares. Nothing.
But damn the truth. The media is determined to portray Romney as everything Obama truly is -- a clueless, dishonest, narcissistic boob.
And it's only July.
Nice to see C&P is - keeping you so busy
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with an apples to oranges project: Obama-Biden gaffes do not seem to have put a dent in their popularity or electability. If anything, they have become an endearing comical side show for his supporters, especially since they are couched in benign twists of the tongue, and have not conveyed cognitive, policy and diplomatic deficits that could have a direct effect on civil and global warfare.
By comparison, the overall effect of Romney's campaign gaffathon is history waiting to be written. For starters, should the GOP succeeded in suppressing and stealing enough swing state votes and end up in the WH, it will literally take years to undo the damage he did on his overseas fundraising diplomatic disasters.
well, this says it all... - ctmt
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"Shut up, racists." What a credibility crusher.
Romney's misspeak (msg) - Aunt Sue
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That's what happens when you don't read everything you say. It's quite refreshing, if you ask me. Some real people, not just an empty suit.
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Their twisted little minds are a sacry thing to watch.
All last week, screaming on here abdout gay rights - Now call Condy a "lesbian" in a derogatory fashion.
Obama plays footies, as does his senior aides with Iran, who is helping Russia, who is helping Syria kill its citizens - Obama fits the description of a war criminal all the way down the line.
These posters writing things against Romney/Ryan must be racists.
According to lib posts then - It is only OK to be gay if you're a liberal
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or if you're Hilary Clinton (who has repeatedly been accused of being gay).
Lib/Dem hypocrisy has sunk to an all time low under Obama. Last week, they wanted to shut down Chic, go after Amway, but if you are a conservative BLACK female that they ACCUSE of being gay, using Harry Reid source techniques, it is okay to insult THEM and lie about them.
TThey are the biggest racists alive! And then there's their bigotry. Libs on this board, by THEIR OWN WORDS, have revealed their hate towards anyone they disagree with and will attack them on their RACE (they are racists), RELIGION, GENDER, ECONOMICS. Do it to a lib, and they want you banned. Here's a new flash - GO TO CUBA, WHERE YOU GET YOUR PLAYBOOK. LET'S SEE HOW LONG YOU LAST.
I am the OP and have no problem - with Condy being a
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lesbian, and in fact would actually welcome that. I imagine a lot of the Chik-Fil-A munching base would have severe problems with it, although no problems that she helped engineer the murders of millions and the bankrupting of the country.
I hear a food fight broke out all over again - when Allen West
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made comments last week about how he was looking into opening a ChickFilA franchise. This reminded Congressional Black Caucus members of an incident a few months back when West sprang for a ChickFilA biscuit lunch, which he had delivered to them, then promptly walked out. The in-your-face cheap shot fare was in sharp contrast to the typical full-course meals members take turns providing for each other. It was viewed by virtually every single member as a deliberate affront.
West threw salt on this old wound with his franchise comments Monday, exacerbated by the recent drive-through hate parade. His disingenuous "just joking" disclaimer went over like a lead balloon. Might be an opportune time for him to rethink his 2011 threat to resign and strike out on his own to assemble a GOP Gospel Choir chapter of the CBC.
Yep, I'd say it pretty clear who comes down where on this highly contentious issue of 1st Amendment gender-based partisan hate speech versus inclusive civil rights legislative policy.
We could care less whether - she's gay or straight.
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but the hater wing of the cons party base would never stand for such a thing. Thus, poor Mitt was forced to keep her off his short list, despite her appeal and qualifications which IMO are recognized by both parties. Picking her potentially could have snagged substantial numbers of undecideds and moved them into the GOP poll numbers.
As usual the finer subtleties of political satire and implicit elusive allusions have escaped the screamers.
We could care less whether - she's gay or straight. - yeah right, couldn't wait to post it
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You liberal and democrat racists, bigots and homophobes are so easy to spot on this board. If it was not important, why was that the only thing mentioned about Condy, not her vast foreign experience, accomplished music abilities, numerous degrees, teaching background, master of several languages fluently. Trying to blame your deep-seated hatred on repubs is pathetic and AINT.GONNA.WORK.
You destroy your arguments by your own hateful words.
Get a grip and try your best to distinguish - one poster from the next.
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I did in fact refer to her appeal and qualifications while pointing out these views are shared by both parties. To address these impotent turntable Huckabee mouthpiece tactics in the face of mountainous evidence of winger racism, bigotry and homophobia lurking in every corner of their blog sites would be sheer folly on my part, and a colossal waste of time....as would be acknowledging personal attacks that miss the mark by trying to fight alleged hate with epic vitriol lifted straight from those above cited blog sites.
"You destroy your arguments by your own hateful words" - ctmt...sm
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While you missed the point of the post to which you were responding, I am encouraged that what you didn't miss was the Republican party's stunning choice to pass over an educated, intelligent woman with huge foreign policy experience in favor of yet another inexperienced male who lacks experience not only in foreign policy, but even statewide policy!
I would suggest you direct your anger at the reckless partisans on your side of the aisle who have such little respect for their constituency - and the country - that they are running this campaign like a network ratings war.
Personal attacks you say? sm - JTBB
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First and foremost, you have no proof whatsoever that the poster was actually not a pub, but that doesn't stop you from making your own personal attack based on YOUR ASSUMPTION stating,"these posters writing things against Romney/Ryanb must be racists."
Personal attacks on this board since the last time I was censored:
"Glad you're so impressed with YOURSELF....THE REST OF US - NOT SO MUCH.
2) Say hello to George for us - he'll be the one prying the gold out of your teeth like he did to his fellow Jews.
Romney & Ryan - working together
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to destroy the American middle class once and for all!
Well, there goes my vote! - I'm a moderate Republican, and
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I was hoping he would pick someone else, but, oh well! As someone else here posted: "the tea party has spoken." I'm not sure why the tea partiers became such a major power in what was, at one time, a "grand" old party, but I cannot vote for such an extreme ticket now.
Thanks for the "extreme" laugh - Cant' get any more extreme than Commie Obammi
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I think comments and positions like this...sm - JTBB
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are the exact reason the republican party is losing their moderates.
It has the same effect as Ann Coulter and Rush Limbaugh screaming for the firing of Saul for actually telling the truth about Romneycare because it would "hurt" Romney's campaign, which is forced to embrace the far right ideology of "kill Obamacare."
Reality bites. I would add that voters tend to - shy away from
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party ranks who are given to such appalling displays of emotional outbursts, centered on seething hatred while offering no viable alternatives or solutions. They tend more often to gravite toward a more calm, thoughtful, and insightful approach to and analysis of our nation's state of affairs. Your post, and the one to which you replied, offer this same type of stark contrast.
Now there's an honest post! - JTBB
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The republican party as we used to know it is being gobbled up by the right wing. The number of moderate pubs who have been sabatoged and thereby quit/got run off/fired is unbelievable.
My sister's in the same boat - but
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in the interest of preserving an enduring and functional relationship, we have avoided long conversations on the subject of politics since I am so much further to the left than she is. I think this sitation is similar (though to a lesser degree) to progressives who see the president as being too moderate or not aggressive enough.
I've watched my sister struggle through the last couple of elections with what she thinks of as an extreme shift to the right of a party she could once emrace with great enthusiasm. With many misgivings (based on what, I can't say since we don't go into many details with each other), she's voting for Obama this time, since she feels a write-in is a throw-away vote. With so many disenfranchized moderates and independents, it just seems to me that the rightward direction of the two-party system is undermining democratic process where large numbers of Americans are left without voice or effective representation in DC for years on end.
I hope this doesn't leave you too discouraged and that you stay movitivated and engaged in the process, regardless of what you decide to do with your vote this fall.
I agree with you - Moderate as well
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I am a Democrat but thought I could tolerate Romney and was undecided about which way to vote. I was troubled about his lack of stands on issues but thought Obama could have done more. This made my decision for me.
I think Mitt started out - as a moderate,
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but realized quickly he would have to flip and flop and flop and flip far to the right in order to achieve his political ambitions. Sorry Mitt; you haven't stood really for anything, so most voters will see you as a hollow suit who really stands for nothing.
The party of isolation - JTBB
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Nobody in the organized (if you can call it that) republican party really expects anything from a pub president. They just want a puppet they can manipulate, and it looks like Romney fits the bill.
It's like Grover Norquist said..The goal is to pick the farthest right candidates for house and sentate seats as that's where policy will come from, and then pick a guy with "enough working digits to handle a pen to become president of the United States." He also talks about how wonderful Ryan is, and from what I gather from his remarks (see link) it would be Ryan and the right wingers who would be running this country if Romney wins.
Lol...nevermind all those moderates and independents out there, lets just cater to the far, far right.
For a party that loves to tout that they are an "inclusive" party, they sure do seem to be isolating a lot of folks.
Interesting comment in Slate article - from the comments section
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Romney has conceded defeat and fallen on his sword and effectively annointed Ryan to run in 2016."
It's a Bush-Cheney all over again....sm - JTBB
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where the extreme VP runs the show.
I don't think Ryan has the - "evil incarnate" factor
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Darth Cheney had. After all, can you see him shooting anyone in the face?
LOL. That's true, but - what he lacks that way
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he more than makes up for with his gung-ho enthusiasm and AynRandian visions of a post-Atlas-Shrugged America. For PlayStation and X-Box afficionados, this would be the equivalent of a BioShock landscape where dystopian 60s throwbacks are tasked with living in the burning ruins of their once grand cities, while cultural elites congregate in utopian enclaves, plotting the perfect laissez-faire takeover and other related grisly caste-oriented usurpations designed to suppres the masses and rid the universe of global government oppression from now until the end times....a movement they dub "The Rapture."
So...you voting, or not? - xxx
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Your choices are Romney, Obama, or nobody...and a vote for nobody is a vote for Obama.
One big-a** mistake America.
I'm kinda wondering what the heck - Trigger Happy
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Romney was thinking here. He didn't need an ultra conservative running mate because anyone who is not liberal is most likely gonna vote for Romney over Obama. However, picking Ryan is gonna do nothing but lose support from moderate republicans and independents...which are votes he will need to win. Seriously...what the heck was he thinking? Stupid...stupid...stupid....stupid!!!
Son of a biscuit...looks like another 4 years of stinky BO! :(
He doesn't trust his own base anymore - than they trust him
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judging from the gaps popping up in the polls between him and Obama since the end of May, he must have realized how much his lackluster campaign needed a charisma boost to "energize his "base" (which he has GROSSLY "misunderestimated" from the get-go). Thus, he chose someone who can actually ARTICULATE the cons message in a way that is believable....something we all know Romney could never quite master, on account of all the flipping and flopping.
BTW, I see your "anybody who isn't liberal" was allegedly going to vote for Romney claim in a different light. Anybody to the left of the GOP fringe is a "lib" so, by your logic, that would mean a huge chunk of the voting population would NOT be voting for the Mittster.
I do agree that he's made a potentially fatal error in judgment, AGAIN, but not nearly as misguided as his decision to run for the presidency in the first place. This guy simply does not have what it takes, as has been amply illustrated by the disastrous incomptence of his campaign to date. This NATIONAL election is not only about coddling the cons. With Ryan as the back seat driver, it has now become about every single person whose lives would be affected by the extremely wealth-friendly measures of the Romney/Ryan budget. The rest of us can't even eat cake, since the food programs are slated for slash-and-burn.
JTBB was right. This is not a Fox network ratings game.
Well, I'll give Romney this much... - ...with the timing of his announcement...
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....he sure was effective in getting all the attention away from Andrea Saul's allusion to how much better off that poor woman would have been under Romney's Massachusetts health care plan (read: "Obamacare")!
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Chris Matthews Interviewing Paul Ryan....Apr 06, 2011The more I see this Ryan the better I like him. ...
Paul Ryan And Debbie Wasserman SchultzApr 06, 2011Interesting video....especially when Ryan pulls out the chart from the CBO about the true cost of Obamacare....$454 billion deficit in the first 10 years (so much for it helping the deficit).
This guy is really well spoken. ...
Put all the social security taxes in Wall Street accounts and let Goldman manage your money – your benefits will be cut by 40%.
Take the Medicare taxes you paid and give them to "for profit" insurance companies – you get a voucher for about 60% of the current cost of your care.
And all you pubs are lining up to get on this bandwagon. Talk about drinking the Koolaid!!
Get To Know Paul Ryan (Republican Veep Candidate)Aug 27, 2012 ...
Classy Liberals Boo'd Paul Ryan. They Never Disappoint. (sm)Jan 21, 2013That man has more class in his little finger than all those liberals put together. ...
Paul Ryan Talking About 2012 Budget CutsApr 03, 2011Just FYI:
I know some of you don't like Fox News, but try to tune in at 2 p.m. today for Chris Wallace (Fox News Sunday). Paul Ryan is on and he gives very detailed information about budget cuts for 2012. This budget will be released Tuesday, so this is kind of a sneak peak for anyone that's interested. ...
Paul Ryan's Fairy-Tale Budget Plan..smAug 15, 2012How can you call this guy fiscally conservative when he voted FOR the auto bailout, two wars and the Bush tax cuts...none of which were paid for? Exactly what part of that is conservative? David Stockman (former budget director under Reagan) -- "Mr. Ryan’s plan is devoid of credible math or hard policy choices.” ...
Fox Anchor Calls Out Paul Ryan's Budget PlanMar 11, 2013Fox Anchor Calls Out Paul Ryan’s Budget Plan: Repealing Obamacare Is ‘Not Going To Happen’
On Sunday morning, Rep. Paul Ryan (R-WI) stopped by Fox News Sunday to preview his new budget, which will be released in full on Tuesday. As it had the past two years, this year’s version will call for massive cuts to social service programs, including food stamps, job training, Medicaid, and Medicare. Host Chris Wallace challenged Ryan on the viability of his pla ...
Psst...I Predicted Paul Ryan As Speaker Of HouseOct 29, 2015, ...
Judge Jeanine Calls For Paul Ryan To Step Down.Mar 26, 2017As usual, she calls it like she sees it. ...
Paul Ryan/Marc Rubio On Budjet,Libya, And RunningApr 05, 2011This is Fox News Sunday with Chris Wallace. Paul Ryan reveals the 2012 budget which will be totally revealed today(?), Marc Rubio talkes about the recent budget fight, Libya and whether or not he will run for VP or President. This is the whole program and at least 45 minutes long, but after Ryan and Rubio, the panel is on to talk about the above items.
Rumors Of Paul Ryan And Chris Christie Joining Pres. RaceAug 16, 2011Just my opinion, but I think Chris Christie would be better off finishing his term as governor and then running in the next election - I like him, but it's just too soon for him. Paul Ryan should also think twice about this, as he's not exactly Mr. Popularity, even with some conservatives. I like him, too, but I don't think he coud garner the support he would need.
Thoughts on this - no slams, please. ...
Anyone Notice We're All Talking More About Ryan Than Romney?Aug 17, 2012Romney's pick of Ryan has certainly accomplished what I can only presume was one of his goals in announcing the pick before the convention....get the heat off talking about tax returns, for one thing. ...
Huge Disagreement Between Ryan And RomneyOct 02, 2012Romney believes 47% of US citizens are moochers. Ryan believes only 30% are moochers. Do you think they will just split the difference? At least we know what they truly believe--not just what they say to their followers. ...
I Read That Romney/Ryan Will Not Give The Details...Aug 15, 2012...after the election?? If this is true, who on earth would vote that blindly for a Romney administration?
Please tell me this is not true, and where can I read all the features of the tax plan that Romney would like to institute? Thanks in advance! ...
Romney/Ryan May Regret Fudging All The Details Of Their Plans.Sep 07, 2012President Clinton alone gave enough numbers and specifics to provide quotes for almost any discussion that comes up. Obviously there was more than just his famous verbosity behind his hitting every single point of the GOP promises and every single point of the Dems' during his long speech.
My big question is, when Governor Romney says he'll provide "lots of jobs," is he just keeping it and the rest of his plan simple for the unenquiring mind, or is he that determined not to reveal wha ...