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Get to know Paul Ryan (Republican Veep candidate)
Posted: Aug 27, 2012

It's kinda scary when a comedian gets it right - and a candidate doesn't
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but there it is.
Yet, you do not refudiate a thiing. - sarah's sister
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I'd pick him over the 2012 crop of GOP duds - any day of the week. nm
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Me neither - yet biggest dud of all is - King of Kenya- go figure
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But then you know the saying..there is no accounting for someone's taste or the lack of it.
Many liberals get their news off the Comedy Channel. - Unreal.
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I think they are proud of it, too. LOL
Comedy Channel fits the Lib/Dem platform though - ;D
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Watching Fox makes you dumber than watching paint dry - sm
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Someone who watched only Fox News answer just 1.04 domestic questions correctly — a figure which is significantly worse than if they had reported watching no media at all. On the other hand, if they listened only to NPR, they would be expected to answer 1.51 questions correctly; viewers of Sunday morning talk shows fare similarly well. And people watching only The Daily Show with Jon Stewart could answer about 1.42 questions correctly.
Don't believe a word of it - sm
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Are those some of those made-up numbers from Debbie W-S's stash?
That poster just as ignorant and condescending as Deb W-S - Heh, maybe it is Debbie
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That one will pull anything out of the air and post it is as fact. Belive nothing posted by her.
What's your reason for lack of intelligence? - What is wrong with you?
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I don't see anything "smart" about your posts. Just constant ridicule and insults; you must only watch CNN.
Are you impaired to the point you can't post anything without being rude?
BTDW -Try posting the ENTIRE survey describing how poorly CNN viewers, and specifically liberals did. You must be nauseated all the time you spin so hard.
It's true. When Fox viewers didn't know an answer, - they'd just say derp
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Or took a wild guess and still got it wrong.
I got a copy of a Fox viewer sample test result. And it's true because it was sent to me in an email chain. Here it is:
1. derp
2. derp
3. derp
4. socialist
5. derp
6. Kenya
7. derp :p
Looks like we have a test participant hanging around here now too.
Here's a News Flash for ya Alphabetter - Derp comes from one of the Libs on here
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That writes snotty messages and thinks she is hysterical. Several of us thought she was such an ***, we started copying it - and now you have come to realize how ridiculous it sounds. She usually signs it :D derp and thought she was oh so funny (not- roll eyes). Go back and look it up...her work is all over the board, and those copying her ridiculous BS subsequently. Glad you finally realized how ridiculous you, (oh I mean :)) the Lib that started that is. Sometimes it takes a while for the Libs/Dems to arouse from their stupor.
It's true. When Libs/Dems don't know an answer - THEY LIE-It's in their "derpy" gene
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Forget to finish a thought again? - BrainCramp
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derp :p
No, but evidently you have - You are to be pitied being so comsumed with hate
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Oh you poor soul. How do you survive in a world so horrid - Sarah Bernhardt
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where derp :p equals hate speech? And yet, even in the face of such hatred, you find the courage to stand up, take the high road, and show pity. Bravo!
WE ALL thank you - Yes WE DO take the high road
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And we are still waiting to see one single liberal on that road; one can hope.
No one mentioned derp = hate speech except you...so, WE ALL know where you're coming from. Sad to see your skin so thin that your own words wound you so deeply. Pitiful, pathetic, sad. Please get some help or call your 3 friends...you can all comfort each other since you seem so upset and angry over ya'all using the "derp" signature; strange, but true.
Keep your day job Sarah - Funny you aint
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OMG, like, is this a hate crime, like. OMG!
See "brain cramp" meds were cut again - Oh well - good comedy/fiction material
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Wow. Just wow. - SK
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It's not often I'm rendered speechless.
Hi SK - Conservative
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My thoughts exactly. I just returned after being away several days due to a family funeral. I thought I would take a look on this board to change gears for a while, and see if I missed anything. It seems like the same insults that were going on when I left...LOLOL. I do want to say, I thoroughly enjoy your posts. We may not agree on all points, but I find your posts to be funny, polite, well informed, well written, which is quite a step away from the "normal" on this board. I hope you continue to post. I have limited time, and look for the posts that contribute and you are one of the first posters I look for. Thank you.
This post is based on an actual poll - sm
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And I think it's safe to say that it was brought up in response to being accused of getting news from Comedy Central. If that insult is true, then they're still better informed than Fox viewers (and I'm pretty sure MSNBC viewers too, but I don't remember the exact numbers).
Ryan interview tonight... Pretty Good - SK
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He was interviewed by Fox tonight... Talked about Medicare, the debt and tax reform. Worth the watch. I would imagine that Fox will have it on their website at some point.
I saw this and agree with you - Conservative
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The more I see him, the more I like him. He has a solid grasp of economics, which is so sorely missing in Obama. There is no doubt some programs have to change whether we like it or not. There is no way for the US, or anyone on a small personal scale, to spend themselves into prosperty. If that were the case, no one would ever have to file bankruptcy.
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