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Hobby Lobby stores

Posted: Jul 1, 2014

Have you noticed when you are in a Hobby Lobby store (for those who have actually spent time in one), they play Christian music over their music system?  I find it very soothing and often enjoy it so much that I have bought several of the CDs they are playing. 

This is still a free country - just as we are free to get out of transcription and find another line of work, so the employee of Hobby Lobby is free to find another craft store or another line of work. This is a free country.  For those who will not shop at Hobby Lobby now, there will be just as many that will seek out that store first to reaffirm their stand for religious freedom.


I guess that might work for their stores, but - sm

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I'm guessing their online sales are really going to take a huge hit.

It turns out this company is actually a bunch of hypocrites who directly support China and actually reported holding stock in the companies who make these products even after they filed their lawsuit.

Seems to me they actually have no problem supporting abortion.

Made first and last shopping trip to H.L. - sm

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I recently went to a new HL here. I was so excited about the rows and rows of craft supplies. I wasn't there 5 minutes and I realized the store felt like an industrial warehouse--cold and no imagination in displays. I picked up a few things and went to check out. There were about 10 people in line at the only open cash register. The poor cashier was struggling with a picky customer.

The store manager started calling over the loud speaker for help from other employees who were no where to be seen. This went on for an embarrassingly long time. Those of us waiting in line were at first kind of giggling and rolling our eyes, but then one put her stuff down and walked out of the store. At no time did the store manager attempt to open a register herself.

Then, suddenly at quarter after the hour, about 7 or 8 people popped out of this room that appeared to be the employee break room and took their time about opening up new checkout stations, etc. Obviously coffee break was over.

My first reaction was to be a bit disgusted and then I thought about how I feel about my MT work. I love my actual work, but I am asked to work outside of my schedule to make up for being out of work, work overtime, work on secondary accounts, get told to speed up, and be more accurate. How do I feel when I am asked to do something extra for the company? You know how I feel.

Now, if this company decided that I should live my private life as they would want me to--well, I would not come out of the break room either.

For every boycott, there will be a buy-cott - like Chik-Fil-A. nm

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State the obvious. - sm
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Everyone who wants to is certainly free to go buy all kinds of stuff from Hobby Lobby by way of China. Then you can feel all good about yourself for supporting "religious freedom" and "family values" and all those things that China stands for.

Oh, wait...
Religious freedom for the owners of Hobby Lobby - family values in China is not relevant
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Where exactly do you shop that does not have things made in China?
"family values in China is not relevant" - Almighty dollar
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My post was about poor corporate management - sm
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No where did I call for a boycott. I simply will choose to shop at a pleasant store where the employees do not appear to be beaten down workers.
Exactly and that's why I don't go near Walmart or Sam's Club stores. - nm
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Walmart and Sam's Club do not seem to be - hurting for business
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The thing about my Super Walmart is they seem to hire people who may be otherwise unemployable. This Walmart is in one of the nicer neighborhoods and no one looks beaten down or like they do not want to be employed there. Lots of elderly people working there who I could not see working at other stores like Target or Kohls. I appreciate that they do hire these people and I will support Walmart. Don't go to Sam's Club anymore because I can get what I need at Walmart and don't need membership.

The parking lot is always full and the prices are good.
I dont go near walmart either. Dont care if they are hurting for business or not - I want to give my money to people who I feel deser
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Plus I do not want to shop with meth heads and honey boo boo descendants. I will stick with Publix and Target, TYVM.
Chik-Fil-A. Now there's another fine, upstanding, - bigoted corporation.
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Don't like them, don't go. - sm
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I love what they stand for and love their food. Everyone I know has patronized them more and more since all the flap. Their business is booming thanks to the left wing looney tunes. Eat more chicken! :-)
I live in a town where the majority of the residents - voted they not build a Chik-Fil-A -
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here, and they won. CFA made a wise choice in not pursuing it further, as they would likely have gone out of business not long after, anyway. Hateful practices frequently beget a nonexistent clientele.
Chick-fil-A CEO Regrets Same-Sex-Marriage Debacle - sm
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I guess everyone hasn't gotten the memo that Chick-fil-A is now regretting their anti-gay stance. Things must not be so great as you think after all.

"Chick-fil-A CEO Regrets Same-Sex-Marriage Debacle

Dan Cathy, the president and CEO of Chick-fil-A, told the Atlanta Journal-Constitution that he regrets that the Georgia-based company ever became synonymous with anti-gay attitudes after he spoke out against Supreme Court’s rulings that recognized same-sex marriage.

In the interview, Cathy said, 'Every leader goes through different phases of maturity, growth and development and it helps by [recognizing] the mistakes that you make.' He added, 'And you learn from those mistakes. If not, you’re just a fool. I’m thankful that I lived through it and I learned a lot from it.'

In 2012, Cathy, whose family-run company is closed on Sundays to align with Christian values, expressed his opposition to same-sex marriage publicly. His statements stirred trouble within communities where supporters of same-sex marriage staged protests and supporters of Cathy’s ideals packed restaurants. The company is still trying to shake itself of the perception that it's anti-gay; according to the Journal-Constitution, a college in California opposed the company’s expansion near its campus because of it.

Cathy recognizes that consumers 'want to do business with brands that they can interface with, that they can relate with,' and told the paper that the company does not discriminate against employees or customers based on sexual orientation.

'The bottom line is we have a responsibility here to keep the whole of the organization in mind, and it has to take precedence over the personal expression and opinion on social issues,' Cathy said.

The CEO, who took the helm from his 92-year-old father in November, says the company isn't ridding itself of its Christian values: he said he has no plans to open Chick-fil-A restaurants on Sundays."

yeah sure. He regrets the press found out and made a big deal - still wont get my money
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their chicken is a little to bigoty for my taste.
They don't care about your money. They get tons - from the rest of us.
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Which proves there are still plenty of bigots in - America who put cash in their tills.
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Same as HL

I wonder if they have a generous maternity leave program since they frown on - family planning

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but I bet they don't. Another example of the skewed righteous right agenda.

I thought the purpose of a business was to provide a service, - not medical care. Silly me. nm

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hmmm.... the company doesn't provide the service the insurance - company does

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I'm not sure what your point is because this case is about insurance coverage not businesses providing services. But if they don't find it religiously acceptable for their employees to practice family planning, then they support childbearing and it would make sense that they would reward their employees who bear children and do the Lord's work with generous and ample maternity leave, that is if their agenda, purpose for filing this suit is sincere and truly based on religious doctrine.
I think they should quit providing coverage. - Silly me.
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Including male enhancement products? Why wasn't that included in the lawsuit? I bet Rx coverage - won't change
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I don't know why they even hire women if they want to adhere to strict religious teaching... hypocrisy at every turn.

Hot and cold running Viagra, no birth control, no paid maternity leave. Exploit the women. What would Jesus think?
HOBBY LOBBY PAYS FOR BIRTH CONTROL - My God, people. Educate yourselves.
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Do you even understand that they pay for 12 plus forms of - birth control. What's the problem here? (sm)

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Do you only want their employees to have the option of using drugs that will abort their babies? Why can't they use birth control? Then their Hobby Lobby insurance will cover it. Better yet, stop having sex with every Tom, Dick, and Harry.

Why do you assume women have many - partners? nm

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Why do you avoid the issue of what birth control - is covered by Hobby Lobby?
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And next year it will be only 7 forms, and the year - after, just 4, and finally none.

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We all know how that agenda goes.
Not to - worry...
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If Obama and Hillary have their way, we'll all be under universal health care and it really won't matter.

Might as well not have bothered with the Revolutionary War, being as we're so enamored with the British health care system. Or maybe we should learn "O Canada" so we can be more like them after adopting their health care system. Course, the Canadians won't like it - where will they now go for their health care?

Dislike - My opinion

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I used to shop there but won't anymore due to the recent ruling. This is not about religious freedom, it's about the almighty dollar and HL being too cheap to give their employees decent insurance benefits. Prenatal care and a hospital stay are much more expensive than a birth control prescription. Not to mention people obtaining abortions for unwanted pregnancies. And you know what, having Christian music forced on me when I'm shopping violates my religious freedom. When employers force religious beliefs on their employees and customers, it is not still a "free country." If they want to get really patriotic, they can stop selling crap made in China.

Freedom to choose to work at Hobby Lobby - or buy your own contraception

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I believe people who grow a business and have certain religious beliefs should not be forced to go against what they believe is wrong by an order from the government

It's not like Hobby Lobby is going to fire anyone who uses birth control. Just get it on your own dime or get another job.

I do not get the uproar. Do you really want the government to tell business what to do? I thought this was a conservative ideal. Less big government.

Who said they are not paying for birth control?? - Do you people not get this?

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They just like to pull out the - waah ambulance. nmsg

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This problem could easily be solved, but then they couldn't - use it as a campaign, war on women
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and the republicans hate women and all that jazz.
The most disgusting thing about the war on women - is that some women take part in it.
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Thanks for the laugh. :)) - Abby
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the waaahh ambulance. I like that.

We get loud and clear that a company is trying - to tell us what to do in an intrusive way.

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They've invested $37 million dollars in the Plan B - pharm company.

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This isn't about their religious freedom. It's about money.

Ick. That's just as creepy as gyms that play - Christian music.

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