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Good Lord, the man is at it again with his phony scandals.
Posted: Aug 6, 2013

So then you have something in common. Unexpected bonus! - Seriously--nm
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Mind telling us what the heck you're talking about? - please (nm)
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Right Wing Playbook Propaganda Fear and Smear Tactics - Seriously
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I'm just guessing here, but I just turned into my confiscated Right Wing Playbook and found the following on page 86:
1. Closing embassies and beefing up security around 09/11 anniversary in 2013: Phony.
2. Not closing embassies and beefing up security around 9/11 anniversary in 2012: Scandal.
And to think the Rep Administration ignored the chatter on - the original 09/11.
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Not much room for criticism on their part IMO.
Not sure, but think it's ultimate projection at work. It's - the Dems who make up all the false scandals. nm
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Dang, I'd be happy if she would share her source! - ;-D (NM)
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You might want to tell Yemen about this - "phony scandal."
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