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Don't know how to shop for groceries?

Posted: Sep 3, 2012

Grocery Shopping 101 by Professor Michelle Obama. http://www.newsmax.com/US/Michelle-Obama-grocery-shopping/2012/09/01/id/450593;

It's a step towards encouraging people...sm - JTBB

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to eat healthy. Considering the obesity problem we have in this country, I really don't see a problem with this. I'm pretty sure there won't be a law requiring govt approved shopping lists...lol. Obviously a lot of people are uninformed about their diets. That's why diabetics are typically required to attend diabetes "training classes." Eating healthy is a taught trait that we have obviously haven't paid much attention to. I just don't see a problem here.

I don't see anything wrong with it. - Some good ideas.

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I guess it is all in how people interpret articles. Every year there are high school graduates heading off to college and/or their own apartments, etc, who may not have been taught some of these things. Just curious, would you have pointed out this article if Oprah or Rachel Ray had written it?

Who can afford to make anything Rachel Ray makes? - backwards typist

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If you can find it in the grocery store, most of the time you can't afford to buy it.

Anyway, she doesn't cook very healthy meals either. Lots of burgers and pasta.

Have you noticed how plump she's getting? Stop watching for a few months then go back and look. I used to watch her on the Food Network all the time. Compare FN's Rachel and her own show now, she's a little chunky. LOL

Rachel Ray - seriously?

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Is she your only source of recipes? If so, I can link you up with THOUSANDS of healthy economical recipes. Have you seen current pictures of her or just her TV shows? She is cooking a meal, not a days worth of food and most of the time her burgers and pastas are quite healthy.
No, she's not my only source...in fact, I don't use her recipes at all - backwards typist
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Like I said earlier, some of her recipes are too expensive or have ingredients not found in my "neighborhood."

I can't make some of her other recipes because of hubby's warfarin requirements and gout problems.

I'm stuck with plain old every day "meat and potato" recipes. :-(
Gout - RC
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I think people with gout are supposed to avoid excessive meat? I could be wrong about that, though.

All I can say is--smaller portions and more veggies. My husband is Italian, and pasta is a must, so it's hard...but I have only a quarter-cup of pasta as a serving. I lost 50 pounds 10 years ago, and no way is an extra helping of anything worth putting that baggage back on.
Not necessarily excessive meat. He has problems - backwards typist
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with eating a lot of fish (can't eat it twice a week-he gets gout), green veggies-including salads which we love (his blood gets too thin), and other things he always has to remind me about.

Gout is different for everyone. Our neighbor couldn't eat peanuts or peanut butter. Hubby can. Someone else he knows couldn't eat dairy. It's really weird, not to mention a pain in the buttttt.

When I stated "meat and potatoes", I just meant plain foods.
I do recognize that can't be too easy...sm - JTBB
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but, I would think you could get some ideas for healthy diets for particular medical issues online? I know I do all the time. Hubby is typical hypertension/hyperlipidemia/borderline diabetic. His mother has gout (and she gets recipes online. I don't know...I just think the resources for alternatives are out there if you look for them. I know when we changed to what is just about a whole foods diet I had to fight the hubby for a while until he got used to it...lol. Now he swears he would never go back. It's hard, but it is worth it. :)
I tried the whole foods route but he went out to eat. LOL - backwards typist
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I would appreciate a link for gout recipes. I looked a couple years back and all I found were foods to stay away from...the doctor couldn't even help with good foods/bad foods.

info - JTBB
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Yeah, my hubby did that eating out thing too at first...lol. That's when I started going grocery shopping just as soon as we got paid so he didn't have the funds to continue that behavior. Yeah..lol...I'm evil.




Also check YouTube. You'd be amazed how many folks do recipes on there.
Thanks so much. Will visit those sites today. (nm) - backwards typist
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I have rheumatoid arthritis which is an autoimmune...sm - VTMT
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disease like gout is. Does your hubby have a rheumatologist? That made all the difference in the world for me.
No rheumatologists in our area-did go to a podiatrist. (nm) - backwards typist
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One-third of adult Americans are obese. - RC

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Go Michelle, go! I encourage anyone, regardless of party affiliations, who is making an effort to educate this country on one of its very large (no pun intended) problems. It's a burden to our medical system, and frankly it's embarrassing.

Young children who are growing up in families where dinner consists of McDonald's or a frozen meal deserve better.

How about promoting the FDA to stop taking bribes... - anon

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from pharmaceuticals, insurance companies, and even doctors who promote the so called medications that actually GIVE people diabetes and hormones that keep Americans obese? It is NOT overeating that does it, it is the hormone laced foods, drugs, steroids, etc that is keeping America fat! HFCS purposely put in ALL our foods which is addictive and keeps people craving food when in actuality they are not truly hungry. How about promoting that type of thing instead of blaming it on the very ones that are having this stuff shoved down their throats literally, so the govt can make another buck off the illnesses of the ones that are so naive as to think our govt actually WANTS us to be well and healthy! so blind. so blind!

I'm sorry, but... - RC

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I call excuses on that.

The government is not forcing Americans to eat fast food 3-4 days a week and sit on their butts all day.

don't know where you are getting that notion... - anon
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for those of us who cannot afford to "eat healthy", we also cannot afford to eat fast food 3 - 4 days a week either, and most of us have to work more than one or two jobs in order to afford food at all, so don't blame the common person when it is not us, in most cases, that are causing obesity. and I for one do not sit on my butt all day, except to work!
Yet they are encouraging them to buy this crap""" - with food stamps. Go figure.(sm)
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If they were all that concerned about healthy eating habits, seems to me they would put some restrictions on what WE THE TAXPAYER have to pay for. The Obamas don't have to pay for a damn thing.
No, Michelle Obama is encouraging them NOT...sm - VTMT
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to buy *crap*, rather to help them feed their families with healthier food.
Okay, so she says one thing and by his POLICIES, they - are doing exactly the opposite.:::(sm)
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Do you think maybe you might get a clue at least partially to what is going on here?
Hit enter too soon. - Me again.
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His mouth says one thing, his POLICIES say another. We want you to have jobs - translates to "MY POLICIES will make sure you don't get one." We want you to have healthcare - translates to "WHEN WE GET THROUGH WITH YOU, YOUR HEALTHCARE WILL BE WORSE THAN IT IS NOW, AND COST MORE" You know, it's really not rocket science.
I knew no Lib would answer this. - Makes their heads spin.
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It's those pesky FACTS again that they hate. - Aunt Sue
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Food stamps - RC
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Is there something about food stamps I don't know?

I know you can't use them for alcohol or cigarettes, but I've never heard anything about being encouraged to use them on junk food.

grocery shopping - Im not getting it.

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That sounds more like a plan for the economy than promoting healthy lifestyles, eating, and being economical with your food dollars. How is your suggestion connected to teaching those who don't know how to plan, shop, and prepare healthy, economical, and tasty meals?
I think ALL of us know how to plan, shop, and prepare.... - anon
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healthy, economical, and tasty meals without having a wealthy president's wife, who does not worry about the cost of food at all, telling us how to do it! I can guarantee you she does not do her own planning, shopping, or preparing of food for her family. that's what the "help" is for.
I kind of doubt what she puts out will be .....sm - JTBB
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required reading for US citizens, so you should have your choice of reading/watching her info or not. However, do we criticize the athlete that tells kids "don't do drugs?" No..we elevate him for providing a positive influence through the medium of his status. How is it so different if Michelle puts out a positive message?
Michelle's message - I'm not getting it
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Agreed. This is no different than Lady Bird's beautifying america or Laura Bush's literacy program.
Interesting - I'm not getting it
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I can tell you where I live I work with people who buy brown rice in 1 minute cooking bags because they don't know how to cook it when it comes out of a bag in the pasta/rice aisle - I was one. Knowing how to prepare those meals you speak of and wanting to is where the issue comes in. Personally, I imagine (I can't guarentee because I don't know her personally like you apparently do) she has quite a bit of imput into what he family gets fed and at one point in her life she and her husband were personally responsible for feeding themselves and their children. What I see here, and correct me if I'm wrong, is a poster who does not like our current president. I've not heard of a president who wasn't "wealthy" in myu lifetime - although we did have a peanut farmer one time. If you don't need to know how to do it, lucky you. Lots of people do and quite a few who don't really do to. They just aren't hungry enough yet.
I have to disagree with you on your heading. - backwards typist
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There are a lot of parents who don't know how to plan, shop, or prepare food from scratch. "From scratch" are the real words. Convenience foods are all some parents know and all they grew up on, so this may be helpful for them. Who knows?
I agree that "from scratch" is the way to go for...sm - VTMT
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eating a healthy diet and staying within your budget. When I first moved to Hawaii it was sticker shock for me. All prepared foods need to be shipped from the mainland US and were very expensive, sometimes double what I was used to paying. I quickly began shopping at the farmer's market for all my fruits and vegetables, Costco for my meats, local fish and eggs. I completely changed my eating and cooking habits and maintained them when I moved back to Vermont. I buy mostly organic fruits and vegetables and hormone-free milk and meat. They are more expensive but better for you without all the preservatives. I have also gone from being a big meat eater to eating less red meat and more poultry, fish, whole grain pastas and bread, fruits and vegetables. I would never ever again consider making Hamburger Helper or serving canned vegetables like my mother used to do.

...and another one-third are overweight. nm - VTMT

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Cost is an issue.... - SK1

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Eating healthfully is much more expensive than eating to "fill" these days. Lots of families are eating pastas and processed foods because of cost.

Every time I'm at the grocery store (shopping for just my husband and me) I wonder how families with growing kids do it these days. It has to be very difficult.

That is true...sm - JTBB

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We're kind of health nuts here, and it can be expensive. Another problem I've seen locally is that my local grocery store is gradually stocking less and less items (undoubtedly due to the economy), which often includes healthy choices. Our solution to the problem is that we have our own garden (which provides exercise as well..lol) and a lot of friends with things like fruit trees etc with which we trade. We also do old fashioned canning, freezing, drying, and all that. I've found however the most important thing is planning in being able to accomplish this goal.

cost - changed my ways

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That is an excuse. Except for the few who do not have other options like produce stores and gardens, you CAN get healthy food for reasonable prices. The problem lies within eating too much (spending more money)and eating food that does not nourish you and fill you. The problem with those who can afford to eat well, if you couldn't, you'd have to choose to eat different than you are acustomed (sp?) to. I've made the change and I'm losing weight, getting healthier (based on blood tests for cholesterol, blood sugar, etc.) and I'm spending less. Its not going to magically fall in your lap. You need to want to do it, and be willing to put the time and effort into finding recipes, finding the ingredients, and then preparing it and eating an appropriate amount. I'm feeding four -partner, teen and pre-teen. Do I eat the things I want? Nope, can't afford them. but I have found tasty dishes that fill the family. Even something as simple as popcorn..1/2 cup of kernals in a paperbag and 2 minutes in the microwave..presto - microwave popcorn for pennies instead of dollars. It can be done - IF you want.

Michelle's just being a good First Lady. One might think her conservative - housewifey platform would be under the fire. NM

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(No, I'm not really that naive. :)

The real question is... - Puzzled

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Is there ANYTHING Michelle Obama could ever do that wouldn't come under attack?

Well, at least we know the answer to that, don't we? - Plupuzzled. NM

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Actually the real question is - At least I'm awake

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Will anyone ever hold her responsible for the wrongs she is/has done.

Nope, don't need an answer. Already know what it is. Wi.
Huh? - mbmt
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What do you think she has done wrong that she needs to be held responsible for?

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