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CT First to Require GMO Labeling

Posted: Jun 5, 2013

Only problem is, it will only take effect if 4 other states also do it and one state has to border CT.  Didn't CT ever hear of David and Goliath? I think if they went ahead and followed through on the law, other states WOULD follow. Truthfully, it's up to you and me to write our state reps and/or D.C. Congress and get things going.

There are bills in committee (did I post those yesterday?) which are H.R. 1699 I.H. related to S.809. Too bad Bernie Sanders S.Amdt 965 was rejected. I'm trying to find out why, but so far, not a clue. 

Connecticut First to Require GM Food Labels, as Soon as Others Do


Connecticut is the first U.S. state to pass a law requiring the labeling of genetically modified food. The liberal internet environmental news magazine Grist summed up the law when it was passed Tuesday: “Connecticut will label GMOs if you do too,” Grist reported.

 While tied to what other states do, Connecticut did this week become the first state to adopt a law that could result in labeling genetically modified food. After the bill sailed through the Legislature with a unanimous vote in the Seante and a lopsided 134-to-3 vote in he House, Democratic Governor Danile Malloy said he’ll be signing it.

As Grist put it, “quite a crucial catch” is that the Connecticut law will not take effect until at least four other states adopt similar measures and one of those states must border the Constitution State.

 After 37 labeling measures aimed at genetically modified organisms (GMOs) in food were introduced in 21 states, the movement was in bad need of a win and it is loudly claiming the victory in Hartford.




Awesome! Now if bordering states can get their act together. sm - OrganicMe

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I'm so sick of playing Russian roulette with people food and pet food. I want to know what I am eating.

have you seen the documentary "Genetic Roulette"? - sm

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it's brilliant. I have been researching CT's bill today. It appears that the Department of Consumer Protection has something to do with the trigger clause (the "catch"), but the byzantine language of the bill does not go into the nature of the rider. For the life of me, I cannot figure out the reason for it.

It is not brilliant - it is written by a - nonscientist

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who thinks he can levitate. Jeff Smith is an activist not a scientists and only uses the work of a handful of other activist-nonscientists to "prove" GM foods are dangerous - people like Seralini and Pusztai. All of Genetic Roulette has been debunked.

nonscientists are allowed to think, too - sm
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I am not aware that "all of Genetic Roulette has been debunked". I am also not aware of any other consumer advocates identifying the tumors produced in rats by GMO corn, not to mention leaky gut, manganese deficiency, and the loss of life of countless farm animals exposed to GMO feed.

Should not - only be

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labeled, but should be banned.

Why? - farmgirl

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to protect our food supply from degradation - sm

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not the poster you were responding to, but it's worth noting that there are no in vivo studies required of GMOs. We test aspirin more rigorously. Once we adulterate our food supply, we compromise our farmland, our livestock, and our citizens.

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