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Breaking News: FBI uncovers evidence that 65 million Trump voters are

Posted: Apr 9, 2017

Anonymous sources within the FBI have revealed to The Times that they have new evidence indicating that everyone who voted for Donald Trump is an agent of the FSB (formerly the KGB). An unknown portion of these voters may have had their minds controlled by a Russian space-beam, agents close to the investigation say. The allegation that 62 million Americans appear to be employed by Russian intelligence services has rocked the Bureau, and it is reported that multiple agents have taken their own lives, given that realizing just how deep this Russian hacking conspiracy runs blew their minds – literally. This shocking new revelation comes after it was confirmed as a fact that Russia did Wikileaks because Donald Trump personally called Vladimir Putin and asked him to. It was also revealed earlier this week that Alex Jones (real name “Alexi Jonesinov”) is a Russian sleeper agent who was ordered by the FSB (formerly the KGB) to post news articles on the internet saying that Donald Trump would be a good President. In case you haven't figured it out yet, this is satire. NYFEED.org ;

C волка́ми жить, по-во́лчьи выть. - Boris and Natasha

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There's an old Russian saying, "If they pretent to pay us, - we pretend to work."

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I think that is fitting for MT.

You shouldn't post satire. Some people believe everything they read - Truthhurts

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and that's the truth!

Satire can be very illuminating for those who read critically. - nm

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I think that is funny. It is - the same

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kind of stuff that was going around about Hillary and the trump supporters took it as gospel and spread it all around to the other supporters and so on and so on.

Kind of a shame that the left knows satire and the right doesn't.

I did get a good laugh out of it though.

Our government can - mt

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read people's minds remotely, see through their eyes, and put words in their ears.

Have you ever watched the TV show. The Americans? It's about a Russian - couple during the 1980s who are spies.

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This made me think of that.

I keep waiting for my paycheck, but in Soviet Russia, paycheck comes from YOU! LOL!

Poor Hillary! She was robbed by those pesky Russians. - Her loss had nothing to do with her corruption.

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Just in time for her book to blame everyone else but her shrill self.

She has a long list of people she is blaming... - Wikileaks, FBI, email scandal,

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men, misogyny elected Trump, FBI Director Comey, lower-level FBI agents,
Tim Kaine gave Hillary Virginia, but he also elected Trump. White women elected Trump. The Russians elected Trump, racists, sexists, rural voters,

The working class voting against their own interests elected Trump. Fake news elected Trump. Facebook elected Trump. Supermarket tabloids elected Trump.

Celebrity (The Apprentice) elected Trump. White male resentment elected Trump. Over-shaming Trump supporters elected Trump. Rejecting Bernie elected Trump. Reagan democrats elected Trump. Backlash against political correctness elected Trump, racist deplorables.

Notice, she never blamed herself.

Funny, I heard her - blame herself - nm

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When did Hillary blame herself? - Got a link?
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That book coming out is nothing but pointing the finger at anyone but herself. Proves to me she is not only corrupt and a liar, but delusional as well.

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