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Posted: Oct 2, 2011

Has anyone suffered from a rash under the stomach?  I really need help bad.  It iitches and sometimes hurts.


rash - oldone

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You didn't specify if you were diabetic. If you are, this will be a common thing. Get some over-the-counter triamcinolone cream (for fungal infection) or a cream for yeast infection and apply twice daily. Also ask doctor about Diflucan. One pill nightly for 1 to 2 nights will clear it up. Used to do skin care notes for diabetics and also am one myself. Not too many problems myself but it is very very common. It can be an aggravation but you can get rid of it. The Diflucan will have a long-term effect. Might have blood sugar checked if this continues.

Rash - ew

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No, I am not a diabetic. I am using hydrocortisone. It drives me crazy sometimes. I will call my doctor on Monday.

You are probably experiencing intertrigo - Lena

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Clotrimazole cream should help. It is the active ingredient in products like Lotrimin. The brand-name creams tend to be very pricey and come in small quantities, but Walmart has their own brand in a larger tube than the brand names for about $5. You can find it in the footcare section (where the Dr. Scholl's products are).

Other than treating regularly with clotrimazole, keep the area clean and dry. Powder will likely help, but try to find the kind made without talcum as talcum has a similar effect on the lungs to asbestos. Medicated cornstarch-based baby powder would be a good choice.

It will take a few days to clear the existing infection, but regular care should keep it at bay.

I hope you are feeling better soon.

another rash - yuck

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Had a rash in my arm pit of all places, finally went to the doctor and he said do not use hydrocortisone or neosporin, but forget the reason for that. Did say use a powder like Gold Bond to keep it dry.

more likely than not it is .... - alias

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a yeast infection, which can occur in moist areas of the skin, mouth, etc. and not just within the womanly areas. I have experienced this myself. A yeast infection cream should take care of it.

Intertrigo/Rash - JEP

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Got the best results with ketoconazole cream and Bactroban. If your doctor gives you Lotrisone, don't use it more than 1 week--the betamethasone in it will break down the integrity of your skin. Once you get the rash under control, use Gold Bond Ultimate Comfort Body Powder (about 5 dollars) in a white container. I've been pretty much free of the problem for 4-5 years now.

Yes, under the fat fold...sorry for the visual - sm - metooMT

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It is just a yeast infection. I use an anti-fungal cream, any for athletes foot will work. Instant relief. Takes only 1-2 days to clear with the cream. As advised below try to keep the area clean and dry. I am not diabetic either and only have this happen when it is very hot and humid and I have been sweating a lot, maybe 2-4 x a summer. It also happens under my bra bottom strap under the breast, have to go braless at least a day when that happens, luckily that only happens maybe once a 1-2 x in the summer as well.

I used to get the inefection under the breats - in the summer.

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I have actually found that putting deodorant there in the summer actually prevents it. Perhaps this would work in other places.

Another trick is to use the hair dryer - on those nooks and crannies

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I'm a large woman and I use the hair dryer on my stomach and under my breasts - just lift them up and blow dry the area and do the same with the panniculus. It makes a big difference and helps keep everything dry.

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