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Menopausal symptoms?

Posted: Sep 1, 2011

I'm age 49, almost 50.  When experiencing perimenopause/ menopause (cycle erratic last 6 months after being like clockwork all my life), has anybody else suddenly looked like they were 4 months pregnant? gained 5 lbs in less than week? etc?  This has came on so suddenly, I'm beginning to worry.  I've worked hard to keep my weight normal and pretty much am the same size as my two 20 something year-old daughters.  I suppose I could call my PCP, but since we moved to a new city less than a year ago, I don't really like the one I've established with.  I already talked to the NP a month ago about how to know if you are entering menopause and she brushed me off.  I know, I know, us MTs know enough to make us worry unnecessarily.



What perimenopause/menopause did to me. - Mgc

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I gained from 165 up to 238 pounds at my heaviest in approximately 1 year. I had severe PMS my entire life and am now about 3 years postmenopause.

In the last 2 years, I've gone back down to 177 pounds without trying. I no longer have the food cravings, but I do still have some of the emotional symptoms I had my entire life around the time my period would start if I were still having it but not nearly as severe.

I had trouble sleeping, couldn't remember anything, and even started drinking too much. Now, I don't have the alcohol craving I had then, either, thank goodness, and am finally beginning to sleep just a little better.

Perimenopause/menopause was really bad for me, and I tried everything from herb treatments to SSRIs with only very minimal relief. I feel for ya'! It was truly an experience that sucked big-time for me~!

I think I am perimenopausal also...sm - Scoobie-Doobie

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Boy, I am in the same boat. I believe there is a blood test where they can check a hormone level, but my OB/GYN did not suggest it at my last visit. I believe I am going back to get to the bottom of this.

I am also 49. I am having a very, very, very difficult time. I am having chest pain, body aches, head electrical twinges, arm electrical twinges, major heart fluttering and palpitations (went to ER one night, wore Holter monitor, nothing), crankiness, despair, worried. I feel like either something is major wrong with me or I am starting menopause. I have insurance with a high deductible (very, very high) only 5 visits a year, and they keep saying everything so far is pretty much "pre-existing" except for the 1 time I took an ambulance ride to the ER for heart palpitations and heart racing (for no reason - just sitting there and it started). Then they only paid less than half. Hormones? I don't know, I just do not know. Also gaining weight, cannot lose weight, not really into walking or working out like I used to but know I need to.

My periods are still regular but I have major weight gain and PMS beforehand, and they are shorter -- only about 2 days.

Boy, do I sound like a complainer, but seriously I want to get to the bottom of all these annoying, scary symptoms!

Good luck to both of us!

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