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perimenopausal symptoms?

Posted: Oct 27, 2013

I had a recent ER visit this past Friday for what I thought was a heart attack. Palpitations, feeling faint, headaches, and fatigue. In the ER, I had a chest x-ray, EKG, blood work, received oxygen and had my vitals monitored for two hours. After all was said and done, everything was normal, except for a troponin high-normal at 0.24 (range is .01 to 0.35 he said). He told me it was nothing to worry about and could be because I have been under stress and chemicals released can cause the troponin to raise. In other words, no heart problems like I had originally thought. I don't feel better though. I'm constantly fatigued and feel like i'm dragging. I also feel a little crazy, headaches daily, blurred vision, maybe a little vertigo, forgetful. I just want to take a break from my body so I can be at peace. I also bounce out of bed sometimes in the middle of the night in complete fear, and for a split moment do not know where I am. It's very scary. I'm 41, my periods are regular, though a bit heavier and longer. I have cut out the caffeine, and tonight I'm going to stop the melatonin to see how my body does. I'm worried i'm dying. I can't afford to go to doctor after doctor, and I'm worried about the coming ER bill (though I have insurance). Do these symptoms sound like perimenopausal? I cannot get away from these symptoms. Loud noises bother me, smells or odors set off headaches as well as light. I spend more time than I would like lying in bed in a dark quiet room with an ice pack on my head. I also hate my husband sometimes for no reason. I'm worried about a brain tumor or stroke now that I have my heart cleared. I do have an anxiety disorder, but can anxiety cause all of this? So do these symptoms sound perimenopausal to anyone and can anyone relate? I shared some of these symptoms with my MIL and she mentioned the perimenopausal. Thanks.;

oops - correction

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My troponin was actually 0.024 not 0.24, with the normal range being 0.01 to 0.035...sorry about that.

How long have you been using the melatonin? - That stuff messed me up

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When I switched to graveyards, I tried melatonin for about a week. I was sleeping 8 hours, but I didn't feel rested and was so very sleepy during my shifts. I would wake up and sit on the edge of the bed and just groan. Felt like i could crawl back to bed for another 5 hours. I had to stop using that. Some if the symptoms you are describing can also be related to sleep deprivation.

It's a stretch, but maybe being off the melatonin will help. Have you had your iron levels checked? A lot if the fatigue sounds anemia related and that kind of fatigue can lead to some of the other symptoms. I am assuming they ran a full blood panel in the ER by if they didn't, that's where you need to start because some of these sx can be thyroid related as well.

Getting off the melatonin is a good first start, though. Best wishes to you.

Please excuse typos. I am typing on an iPad - And no coffee just yet

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Scan down just a bit to see another post about menopausal symptoms - anon

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There was another post just last week from someone else wondering about menopause symptoms. Anxiety is a big one, but also severe "hormonal headaches", feeling a little "crazy", and being pissed off or angry for no real reason are other ones. You are not too young, lots of women start to feel symptoms of menopause at 41, and they might continue for years before actual menopause begins.

I'm 49, and until just recently my periods have been regular too ... but what really tipped me off was the volume and length of them which both increased by a lot.

I'm not sure about melatonin because I'm kind of a holistic girl myself so if you absolutely don't need it, I would encourage you to try and stop taking it as it might be playing with your body's chemistry and it might not be right for you. If these are truly menopausal symptoms, try and be gentle with yourself by exploring the natural path ... removing sugar and processed foods, getting some exercise by taking long walks (if you have a dog this can be great "together" time), and integrating more whole/natural foods into your diet that won't play with your chemistry or hormones.

In the meantime scan down a few posts - there may be some other suggestions in that thread that could help you too.

OP - sm

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Thank you both! I did have a full blood panel, and one of the things they told me is that i'm not anemic (I think that is one of the things they assume with someone who just got off their period and had the symptoms I had). I assume they did a thyroid panel as well.

I was able to fall asleep last night without the melatonin. I don't have my usual headache today, but that doesn't mean it won't come on later. Also, I haven't been "as" dizzy, but had a tiny little spell this morning already (not as bad). I am hoping it is something as simple as the melatonin, however, I find it hard to believe it's just that! (I always assume the worse, brain tumor, heart attack, etc).

Thanks for your responses ladies, I will look for the posts you were referring to.

Being in this field, it's easy ... - anon

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... to let our minds run away with us. How many times a day do we get reports about people whose lives were changed in an instant. I went through a period of time about 5 years ago when I had some mysterious symptoms and worked myself up so much I was convinced I had something terminal.

However! That is not at all to say something can't be wrong, because you know your body best and if something doesn't "feel" right and your gut tells you something's wrong then have a second opinion. And a third.

As many times as we've seen peoples' lives change in an instant in this line of work, we've also seen equal number of times when a doctor has missed something important that the next one finds.

I'm sure it's nothing serious at all, and I hope it's just the melatonin but if it continues after it's cleared out of your system, definitely get a second look.

Hope you feel better. :)

My experiences. - Have been officially labeled as perimenopausal.

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Melatonin did not work well for me. It seemed to mess up my regular sleep pattern and I felt more tired than when not taking it. However, it does work well for other people I know.

A few years ago, I started waking up with night terrors and feeling like I could not breathe. Now, it may only be a coincidence, but around that same time I was diagnosed with GERD and put on Prilosec. After that, and losing a couple inches around my waist, those awakenings stopped. Have since gained those inches back, but still taking the Prilosec and still no problems.

The forgetfulness, anger: Yep, going through that stuff now. I have my good days and bad. Estroven, as recommended by my doctor, seems to help, but please first check with your doctor if considering any supplements over the counter.

OP, I am sending "good night's sleep" vibes your way. The lack of sleep made me so miserable, physically and mentally, but it did get better, and I hope it does for you, too.

Yes and no. I had nearly identical - Lana

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symptoms and ER visit in August AND Feb of this year. Both times was told it was common with perimenopause and that heart was fine (but to follow up with cardiologist). I did and she said heart was fine and likely perimenopausal or stress related (it's been a very stressful year).

Are you taking anything for the headaches, which sound like migraines? I was on Relpax. I saw a new neurologist who told me the side effects from Relpax can last for days. Since I was getting a migraine premenstrually, postmenstrually and during ovulation - that was like 3 wks in a row of migraine/Relpax side effects. I had one good week out of the month. These SEs include fatigue, confusion, initial alleviation of migraine but then rebound dull headaches, insomnia, rash - all of which I had and also had a $2k work-up for. I also have dry eyes so the wateriness was blurring my vision.

Melatonin CAN do a lot of the same. So can stress.

A very good friend of mine spent several years going to different doctors - one Dxing her with Lyme disease. All her symptoms disappeared soon after true menopause.

I'm not sure doctors use menopause as a wastebasket diagnosis. There is likely some truth to all these vague symptoms being menopause. I started getting migraines at age 41 and now I'm 54. HRT makes migraines worse for most hormonally linked migraines. I find aerobic exercise and laying off sugar helps.

It's very frustrating.

My experience - Hiya07

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Starting having symptoms in my early 40s. Never had issues with my menstrual cycle all my life until then, starting with headaches around my period, before or after, then become more frequent (also wanting to get away from the world and stay in bed away from people and lights, fatigued, moody more than usual. Periods heavier and longer too. Everybody is different; I didn't experience a lot of what you are, so probably important that you seek further testing. If you are premenopausal, this is not going to go just go away, your body is changing and this lasted pretty much until I became menopausal. I'm now 48, haven't had a period in 1.5 years.

I can't WAIT to get where you are - anon

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I'm 49, and I can't WAIT to say I haven't had a period in 1.5 years. I'm *SOOOO DONE* with this. My periods right now are all over the place, every 2 weeks, then every 6 weeks. They last anywhere from 2 days to 2 weeks. I've often thought, thank gosh I'm a single girl, there's not a guy on earth that would ever put up with me right now. You ladies who are going through menopause with husbands should give them an extra hug, LOL!

I think it is anxiety. Try Benadryl as it is - here to help

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very calming and will help you sleep. Just start at a small dosage and work up though because it will make you sleepy. I have ADD and even a 4th of a Benadryl will help me focus. I know too that PTSD can cause a person to jump easily at the slightest thing. Maybe you have been thinking about something stressful lately.

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