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Help for cat in heat

Posted: Jan 24, 2012

I have a female that is now in heat (found her brother on top of her this morning - brother has been spayed - thank God), now she is showing signs of being in heat and she is not getting comfortable at all.  She constantly up and meowing and wants us to pet her, but I can't do that all the time becase of work.  She's got an appointment next Thursday to be fixed, but that is such a long ways away.  Does anyone have any sugestions to help calm her down. 


how old is she? - sounds like you waited too long

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I'm sorry for her discomfort. I don't think you can calm down a cat in heat.

She's 8 months old - has 3 more sisters to get this done - sympathetic cat woman

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We just can't afford to have it done all at once. We had the brother spayed at 6 months and we had the mother fixed (unfortunately they had to terminate unborn kitties because she was an outside cat and we couldn't keep her inside) and that was expensive. Now we have this one and 3 more girls to go after her. They are all contained so there is no chance whatsoever of any of them getting pregnant. Just gotta take it one at a time. Last time the boy was fixed his sisters would not come near him and hissed at him for a full week. He was so lonely and just wanted to play with them. It was heartbreaking. Now I'm going to have to go through that again, so well have to pay extra special attention to her, but kind of hard to do when you work all the time.

Just didn't know if there was something else I could do besides making a bunch of comfortable places for her to sleep. Luckily its not loud meowing, just little mews but constant.

A suggestion for the vet smell when they come home - Happy MT Robin

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I've had the other cats hiss at somoene who just came home from the vet, but it never lasted more than that evening.

For a couple of nights before you take her, sleep with a towel in your bed and then when you bring her home, give her a rub down with that towel. That might help to get rid of some of the vet office scent and replace it with some of your scent again. It might be worth a shot.
wow, tha'ts a good idea! - other poster
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I am going to try that. We go through the hissing routine with our brother and sister cats when they go the vet. I feel so sad for the one getting hissed at, I would love to mitigate this process!

I think you are supposed to let them go - threw at least one SM

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heat before spaying. I know this is true for dogs. Male dogs also should be allowed to mature fully before neutering.

Common myth but not true - see msg

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It's a common myth but not at all true. All it does is lead to even MORE unwanted animals which can end up as bait for dog fights or in puppy/kitten factories (google Oscar's Law).

Unless you are a breeder, domestic animals should be spayed/neutered ASAP.
Shelters do it when they are very young - Happy MT Robin
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I had a kitten come to me several years ago indirectly from the shelter and she was no more than 6 or 7 weeks old and they had spayed her already. I think they're doing that now instead of depending on the adopting people to bring the animals back.

She never showed any ill effects from it, either. I think actually letting them go through one heat leads to a rise in animal breast cancer, if I remember the statistics correctly.

I was told by vet that if spayed before 1st heat, it - reduces chance of breast ca. to almost zero.

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I had a cat that had mammary adenocarcinoma. After mastectomy, she only lived 7 more months. (She was 10 or 11 years old). Vet said if she had been spayed before 1st heat, that would lower her chances of getting breast cancer to almost nothing.

Kitten in heat. sm - Kat Lady

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Thank you for helping your kitties and getting them spayed and neutered.  God bless you. I don't think there is much you can do to help calm her down. My brother just went through this with their stray kitten his daughter brought home.  Kitty should be better in a couple days, but will keep going through heat again until you can get her spayed. Unless you are in a remote area of country, there may be a low-cost spay option for you. So please check around with local shelters/rescues, feral cat rescues.  In my area, they will do a spay for $45...normally costing around $200 these days in the northeast. Rescue groups are doing spays now as early as 12 weeks and 2 pounds. Personally, I don't care for that, and it has to be done by very skilled veterinarians due to the tiny incision needed for females.  I usually get my cats done at about 6 to 7 months, but have adopted kittens spayed/neutered early and they are fine.  Different vets have different opinions on this. Also depends on skill of the vet doing the surgery. Please keep us posted when you can, and glad you know to keep them inside.  They try to get outside when in heat, as you know.

Good advice from poster above. - Crazy 4 Cats

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Thanks for caring so much about your kitties!

Update - sympathetic cat woman

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The good news is I've been reading loads of information and know she's not in pain. I did find something she loves. I hold her like holding a baby to burp them and sing to her and she relaxes and likes that (she must be deaf - LOL). Think its the vibration in my chest. Don't know how long this will last, but not looking forward to it three more times. Luckily she doesn't have a loud cry, just little mews.

We have a very good vet and we won't take them anywhere else. Neuter costs roughly 69., then I pay extra for some laser thing they do that is supposed to speed up healing time and less traumatic to them. Cant want for next week. Then will just hope the sibling will be kinder to her than they were her brother.

I swear, too much emotions go into caring for cats. Wouldn't have it any other way though. I find I connect more with my cats than I do with people.

This is a must-read for all cat lovers! (sm) - Meerkat

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This girl's blog, "Catsparella", is about ALL CATS, ALL THE TIME! She recently won a blogging award - I think she's fantastic. Great stories, photos, videos, gadgets, etc. It's something different every day. I'm now a Catsparella addict!


thanks! great blog - nm

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Isn't it wonderful? Always cute, never boring! - (Just like cats are!) ;)

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There's no spaying of males. - FYI

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Males are neutered. Only females can be spayed.

oops - get the two mixed up all the time - sympathetic cat woman

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Did tell the vet she is a girl cat, so got it covered. - Thx

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