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Having a poem published

Posted: Feb 25, 2014

I have been working on a poem, and tonight it is complete.  I would like to hopefully have it published.  Any ideas as to where I could submit it?  Thanks so much. 


Poem Submissions - Try This

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I found this on the Internet, but I know nothing about them. You may want to investigate further to see if they're legit, and do read the small print.

Try making a list of 4-5 places to send it to - wheres_my_job

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You can also publish it on a blog, if you have one, or website.

Couple pieces of advice: Do you know what "postmodernism" is? Lots of academic journals are looking for ONLY, hmm, how shall I put it - "experimental" type of poetry (although that style has been around about 100 years or so already, imported from Europe), rather than anything that rhymes ababab or even has regular syntax and grammar - if you have ever included a word like "adverb" in a poem, you are on the right track with postmodernism - also throw in a few foreign words, and also if there is no discernible individual speaking, it's just words strung together, perhaps beautifully, well, submit away at random to literary journals.

However, if you write in narrative, anything remotely "traditional," you need to look very carefully if they indeed even publish anything like that at all. Because a lot don't. You know, "quality control" and all that (sarcasm).

As well, if you are female, there are still plenty of male editors of literary journals who pride themselves on a cultivated distaste for "ladies" poetry - i.e., any recognizable human emotion in it at all, poems about relationships, poems about women that aren't depressed, light verse, humorous poetry, not depressed poetry in general. Standards, people! Just think of Rodin's statue of "The Thinker" - that's the average male editor of a lit journal. That's how he wants to feel reading a poem. He's a frontal cortex kind of guy.

Maybe you are male, so the above will not apply.

Just giving you an overview of the landscape for publishing poetry these days.

Thank You - Christine

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Thank you for your responses. I'll take your advice into consideration.

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