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Asleep Dreams

Posted: Mar 6, 2014

Hi everyone, We were on a discussion below about asleep dreams, and it fizzled out. I myself am very interested in dreams. It's pretty well established (though not proven) that all people dream during sleep, but not all people remember their dreams. I guess there is some debate about if all people dream, because a large number of people don't remember their dreams, even if a "dream state" is proven during a sleep study showing REM (rapid eye movement, the supposed dream state.) This here discussion is not a debate about that, it is for people who remember their dreams. All asleep dreams are open for discussion. Lucid dreaming is also open for discussion, and if people are interested here, I will share my personal experiences there as well. I have run the gamut in my dreams. Lucid dreaming, for those who are not familiar, are asleep dreams where we are able to control the course of our dream that we are dreaming. One can actually turn a nightmare (or any dream) into a preferred outcome. If people seem interested in this subject, I will indeed share my types of dreams. If it's a bust, then no sense, LOL. All this content I am referring to is in terms of asleep or near-asleep state, not daydreams or fantasies. Those are in and of itself extremely interesting as well, but a different topic.;

I'm interested - question - just me

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I don't always remember my dreams, sometimes I do, but can you tell me this.

Why do some of us have the most stupidist of stupid dreams. I cannot find a connection as to why I would dream some of the most idiotic things. Take for instance I had a dream the other night that I was looking at my brothers tattoo of a dinosaur and it popped out of his arm and grew (as if you were inflating a balloon) to the size of a man. Then I could see someone behind him like he was hiding from someone and he poked his head around and it was Johnny Depp. He said something (I can't remember) but he was scared of something and then the dinosaur started replicating itself, but it wasn't scary cos it started dancing around. Then I woke up.

I mean for Pete's sake, what the heck kind of dream is that. Makes totally no sense at all. Felt like I just wasted a whole night from having a better dream. LOL

From the OP - Well...

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Aaaack, well, I'm glad you have a sense of humor about your dream, because I have no clue...But you are correct. You could have been having a much more adventursome dream than that!

Maybe if you were to learn lucid dreaming, you could have brought Tom Selleck (or your own personal choice of men) into the equation.

I have a recurring.... - FooledMeTwice

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dream where some world disaster like the zombie apocalypse has happened and me, friends, family, and various people like Tom Selleck (:D) need to get on the road but nobody is cooperating. I'm freaking about something like not being able to find my bra or shoes and the fact that we need to leave NOW, and the others are goofing off. I figure it's a stress dream related to my life, having just quit yet another lying scum of an MT company, trying to find another job, and what will I do about the future. I think it would be easier to kill zombies than find a good MT job .
From the OP - see msg
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Something else interesting has been going on with me, but it's new, as in the past few months.

Let's say I wake up kind of in the middle of a dream, and I have to piddle. In real life, I wake up, go, then fall back to sleep. Interestingly, my dream continues where I left off. That is really different, at least in my mind.

One of the posters below was saying how she wants to know how her dreams end. It reminded me that I don't like when I have to get up for work or something, and I can't finish the dream to see the outcome. Mine aren't the x-rated variety, they're more kind of like watching a suspensful movie, but never finding out the "who dunnit" or something.

Interesting subject. I have a girlfriend where we both bounce our dreams around. We like ask eachother questions about their dream, and we try to interpret. It's fun.

My 2 cents & Just asking - DZ

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I think you really don't like your bother's tattoo. Maybe it reminds you of some silly movie or show you used to watch. Isn't that what dreams do? They bring out stuff that's on our minds, especially stuff that bothers us?

To the OP: Were you talking more about something maybe prophetic?

You are right - just me

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I hate my brother's tattoo. It's the ugliest thing I've ever seen. He couldn't afford to have a real one done so he had one done by who knows who (about 10 years ago now). It looks like some 2nd grader did it LOL, but it's weird because I haven't had my brother on my mind for days or weeks, let alone his stupid tattoo. LOL - But I do love Johnny Depp.

To the OP - think I will check more into dreams (lucid or whatever) and learn more about them. Maybe it will help me remember more.
To Just Me... - Rose
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It's good to journal your dreams as they are symbols that help give a meaning to your dreams. Each person has their own dream dictionary which can vary from others. If we know how you felt about your brother personally it could help analyze your dream. Here is a possibility:
There are things about your brother that you do not like (tattoo is the symbol). You are telling yourself to look beyond what you see (Johnny Depp is the symbol) of things that you like about your brother. Does this sound like it might be true in your case?

some of it is true - just me
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The only thing I don't like about my brother his his tattoo. He is the sweetest guy every. Such a loveable guy (kind of immature, so he's like a kid, but in his 50s). Anyway there's nothing I don't like about him (except that ugly tattoo ha ha ha), but he's usually wearing a shirt so even when I do see him I don't even think about it unless it's summer and he has no shirt on.

I like your analogy and I do think it would be very accurate if there was something about my brother I didn't like. As for Johnny Depp...well I'll take him in any dream I have. LOL

Very interesting topic and I'm glad the OP posted. Gets me into a new thing to study/read up on.

Well, Not Prophetic - OP

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Well, no, not prophetic. I'm the one who started the below discussion about my dreams about my husband dying, and I did wonder if it was prophetic, but for the most part, I don't believe in that.

It's only in the last few years I have been able to to lucid dreaming. My husband has always been able to do it.

Example of one of my lucid dreams: I fell into a whirling, fast basin of water (I think it was a tunnel, as in the Lincoln Tunnel in NY), and I got freaked out. But the instant I got freaked out, I was able to "turn it around" into a pleasant experience. I LOVE to swim, and I managed to just go with the flow, float, and enjoy the experience. Basically, what I was able to do, was turn a nightmare into a pleasant experience. I did this consciously, but I was in the dream state.
I once had a dream that my dog got hit by a car, - and exactly a week later, almost to the hour,
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it happened exactly as I'd dreamed it, and she was killed. I was devastated, and so didn't even leave the house for about a week. Then, I went somewhere and happened to bump into a friend of mine. Since my dog had always accompanied me everywhere, and I was without her, my friend asked, "Where's your dog?" I had told my friend about that dream the week before, noting that I was going to be extra-careful that she didn't go outside unaccompanied. I said to her, "Remember that dream I had last week? It came true." And she turned almost as white as a sheet when I told her that.

I can remember dreams I had years ago. - L&L

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Supposedly if you want to remember, you need to keep a notebook with you and write down all that you can remember when you wake up.

I would like to know how to "direct" my dreams. Most of the ones I remember are more like night terrors. They are always filled with emotion and I wake up in a terrible state of mind. Some are pleasant, and some are erotic (still at my age!!!).

Do most of you dream in vivid color. I go back to a lot of the same locations, also, some I know I've been to in real life, and some I'm sure I have not.

I had one dream back in the 1970s where I felt I was drowning in a very cold ocean. I couldn't understand why I was alive because everyone else around me was dead. This was around the same time that the Russians shot down that Korean passenger jet. Still wondering about that one.

To L&L (and anyone else who wants to read, lol) - From OP

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I'm not sure how to describe how to do lucid dreaming. My husband was always doing it, and I kept telling him I wished I knew how to do that, so that my dreams weren't so horrible all the time.

I think I just set my mind to it, that if I have a dream, I'm going to try to turn it around into something good. It's not something I can always do---sometimes I'm just able to.

You could tell yourself before you go to sleep, that if you have a bad dream, you are going to turn it into something non-scary. Like where I fell into a rushing basin of water, I just ended up telling myself that I was going to relax and enjoy the water and float with it and enjoy the ride. I was in the dream state when I "decided" I was going to enjoy the water instead of be frightened of it.

Really hard to know how to teach someone. Maybe something is on the Internet about how to do it.

The farthest back I can remember my dreams is - when I was about ten. It was -

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a short dream where I walked into the bathroom late at night, and the night light was on in there, and there was a creepy-looking witch standing by the sink. Not much of a dream, but I remembered it all my life because it's the ONLY dream I've ever had that was in black-and-white. Everything else has been in living color. Sometimes they're even like movies, with music, and even credits rolling at the end of them.

My Dreams - OP

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I don't have recurring dreams, per se, but I have recurring themes. I have many.

One common one for me lately is baby dreams. I'm very nuturing to the baby, which isn't so weird, but the babies are always extremely mature for their chronological age. By that I mean they can talk and have an intelligent conversation when they're like 3-6 months old. It's almost like they're a peer, but yet I still feel like their mother.

Another biggie for me is (it's almost funny) that I am in a public bathroom stall and the toilet overflows when I flush it. This one is so common for me, that when I'm actually in real life in a public stall, I open the door before flushing the toilet, and get the beejesus outta there. I have to say, I hate those new-flangled toilets where they flush before you're barely out of the seat.

I have others.....the list goes on.

I have a recurring bathroom dream - I am always barefoot,

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wearing bell-bottoms (gives my age away, I guess) and am always in a public bathroom or place with lots of stalls, trying to hold my pant legs up, trying to tippy-toe around & when I get into the stall, someone can see me. I have had this dream in various formats for years and years. Once, I was trying to find a stall in the middle of a typing pool (really gives my age away).

OP's dreams.. - Rose

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I wonder if your dream about babies who speak like adults symbolize adults in your life that you have to "baby-sit"?

There is a generality that water in dreams symbolizes emotion, but everyone can have their own dream symbols. I wonder if the toilet dream could symbolize emotion you cannot suppress that is "running over"?

Thanks - From OP

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Thanks, that makes sense. I have also noticed that there are TV commercials where babies sound like grownups, so I wonder if those triggered something. It's really bizarre sometimes---like the baby is extremely wise beyond his years (it's always a boy), but needs me to nurture him and he loves it and responds to it very positively.

Dreams - SadMT

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I have also had a long fascination with dreams and have had lucid dreams, extremely vivid dreams, precognitive dreams, and experienced the hypnagogic state quite a lot. Like another poster, I've had a lot of extremely strange dreams. From what I understand of dreams, they result from past experiences/memories. However, that does not explain dreams I've had that that feature, as an example, an elevator operated by a spoon that's going to China...

Some of my dreams... - OP

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Some of my dreams are extremely colorful. My favorite dreams are where I'm in a jewelry shop, gem shop, or glass shop and everything is so colorful and sparkly. I just walk around and around looking at all the beautiful colorful sparkle.

Kind of makes up for my horrible toilet dreams where toilets are overflowing, or I'm afraid they're going to overflow.

I also (not so much anymore) have had dreams where I can't find a classroom I'm supposed to be, and it's getting past the time I'm supposed to be in class.

I also have dreams where I need help really bad, and I can't get a phone connection or can't seem to dial the right emergency number. Those are horrible dreams.

I've definitely had hypnogogia--those are the worst of the worst. They're where you literally feel or see the weight of a dark creature (man-like in mine) hovering over you, attacking you, holding you down. In mine, he's always heavily robed with a hood on his head. It's like I know I'm dreaming, but it's still so real at the time and I am trying desperately to wake myself up.

Re: Some of my dreams - SadMT

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I have the same dreams about missing class as well and also the can't dial dreams - I hate those! My most vivid was dreaming I was with my mother and there was a man trying to get into our house and I was trying to call the police and couldn't dial or couldn't load a gun correctly, or couldn't lock the door - where the heck does that come from? I know there's a psychological explanation there somewhere.

I think it's the lucid dreams that really fascinate me as well as the particularly vivid dreams that seem to make absolutely no sense at all.

My recurrent nightmares always involve snakes but them I'm terrified of them so that's pretty easy to figure. I also have religious dreams of the end of the world yet I'm not religious - and those are particularly vivid.

As for hypnagogic - I hate those! I don't typically see anything or anyone, I just am cognitively aware but unable to move or breathe.

Do you have long, drawn out dreams that seem more like stories than snippets? I have those where I'm writing pages in my dream journal.

I seem to have this thing about tyrannosaurus rexes. - DinaShores - s/msg

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In my recurring dreams, there's a T-Rex that lives in the vicinity. There is of course great respect for him, because he's always hungry, and could eat any of us with one bite. Still, whenever it comes around, it's considered more of a nuisance than a monster. In a typical dream, I'll be out working in the front yard, and will see the tell-tale patterns in the water of the bird bath (like in the puddles in "Jurassic Park".) Soon we can feel his steps vibrating in the ground. Everyone kind of rolls their eyes and sighs, and thinks "Shoot! Here comes that stupid T-Rex again." So I and my neighbors would have to stop what we're doing, put down our tools, and go inside to our T-Rex shelters. (Which every home in my dream-neighborhood has.) Once the Rex has passed, we then all go back outside and continue on with what we were doing.

Thanks for starting this thread. (sm) - Rose

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I'm very interested in dreams. I think it is very important to document and try to understand what they mean. It's good therapy.

There is a dream that still disturbs me at age 61 that I had when I was about 6 years old. I walked into my parents bedroom and found the room filled with about 20 women who looked and sounded just like my mother. They were all trying to convince me that they were my mother, but I didn't know which one to believe. Finally, I settled on one that I believed was my mother and when I approached her she gave me a big smile and I noticed she had missing teeth, so this was not my real mother. It was a very scary "Psycho" moment.

If anyone wants to interpret that one I'd love to hear it.

Wow - OP

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That is a strange one. I'm wondering if your mother was hot and cold, and you didn't know how she was going to be from one minute to the next.

Or, if she was absent a lot (working all day, leaving you with different caretakers).

I guess we're our own best interpretors of our dreams. I linked a cool dream article, I'll link it again here.

A really cool dream article - From OP

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I found a really neat dream article.

Excellent - Thank you so much for posting this thread - Love these kinds of discussions

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okay, no discussion here. I'm way past tired,just wanted to say thanks for posting. Started reading the article. Fascinating.

Okay, I have another one here I think is pretty unique - just me

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Beat my brother's tattoo dream. LOL

In real life where I grew up there was a field between my grandparents house and ours. It was an empty field that extended behind our houses, then there was woods behind that. My grandmother passed away when I was 16. I do think of her a lot and miss her so much. I was falling asleep thinking about her one night and I had this dream, but I also had it on at least one other occasion.

In my dream I'm coming home from school. Sitting in the middle of the field behind our houses (more behind my grandparents house) in the open field was a glass casket and my grandmother had passed away and it was her (sort of like the cindarella thing). There were people coming from all over town to pay respects to her but they were forming lines to come view the body. It was not a scary dream, but more of a wow thing to me. I just sat looking at the glass casket with her, but I couldn't see her face very clearly. Then I woke up. In real life her uncle was the mayor of Preson England and I have pics of him walking down with my great great aunt in their full "official clothing". I wonder if the glass casket has anything to do with her uncle's status.

Well this thread has definitely prompted me to want to learn more about our dreams.

My take on that - sm

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You can see this as an expression of your frustration that you can no longer see your grandmother, whom you miss. You can't see her clearly because of the glass barrier.

To me, though, there is more to it. You miss your grandmother, yes, and I think she has shown you that she is not that far away. She is there, in a location close to you (as the field was close to you before), but there is a barrier between you. It is a transparent barrier, but the view isn't going to be clear.

Are you sitting there just watching others go to her? Person after person goes to talk to her, but you don't?

WOW! I LOVE your assessment and I think you are - 100% right on - just me

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I could not explain the meaning of that dream. I've had it more than once, but your assessment is exactly accurate to the T. It's hard to believe 38 years she's been gone, but she is on my mind every day and so many nights I miss her so much I can't help but cry. She lived right up the road from us and she would come down every morning and take care of us while my mom and dad had to work. I can still picture sitting on the counter while she bathed me from the kitchen sink.

Yes, the other people are going up to her, but I'm not. It's not that I can't or won't, it's because I want other people to have a chance to pay respects to her and I just sit waiting for them to finish (at least that's the feeling I get from the dream). In real life she and my grandfather were well respected in our town. I grew up in a small town (maybe under 10,000 people). Everyone in town knew them. My grandfather owned a lawnmower shop where he sold and repaired lawnmowers and they were very active in the community and with the church. My grandma was a Sunday school teacher and played the piano at the church and my mom told me that when she was growing up they had chicken coops where they raised chickens and once a month or so my grandparent's had a huge BBQ where people from all over the town would come and have a chicken dinner and my grandmother would deliver the chicken dinners to the ones who couldn't leave their home (early meals on wheels I guess).

What really gave me chills about your assessment was the part where you said she is not that far away because there have been times at night that I can smell her perfume. It was a unique perfume (think they stopped making it in the 60s).

Thank you so much for your assessment. I could not imagine why I was having that dream, but now it makes better sense.
When did you have that dream? - sm
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Did you dream that a long time ago? Or more recently?

Whatever your reason for waiting, you are holding off on your interaction with her. You think you can't, it isn't your turn, or something, but you are waiting, and you can't see her clearly because of the glass separating you.

She really isn't that far away. You are just unable to sense her because of the limitations of your body. Just as you could see her vaguely through the glass, but knew it was her, you can sometimes detect her presence a little. Maybe you aren't seeing her, but you can pick up the perfume, and you know it is her.

Looking back, can you see that she has been looking after you? You miss her very much and to the point of tears, but maybe you don't need to.

In your dream, all those people go to your grandmother. She was well-respected and, it sounds like, kind and loving. She looked after others. Is she showing you that she meets people on the "other side"?

Those are some good things to think about - just me
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I actually had this dream a couple of times within the past month or two. I wonder if it's because I'm now starting to show the first signs of menopause. I wonder if somehow I'm sensing her more because of that, just don't know. Grandma was the best of best of everything. Used to walk up the road on Sundays and have supper with her and grandpa and then they would move the furniture in the living room and she and grandpa taught sis and I how to do the polka to Lawrence Welk. So many wonderful memories. In girl scouts we used to have sledding parties starting from the edge of her property and would slide down the hill and then do it all over. She'd bring hot chocolate and marshmallows out to my troop. She was like a mother to us. Mom was a good mom too, grandma filled in when mom was busy. Now if I could just learn to communicate with her. I already spend a lot of time talking to her, but hard to know if she's responding and what she is telling me if she is.
Her response is in your dream - Listen
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She is responding. It is coming through in your dream. (Actually, it is coming through me, lol.) You can tell she is there by the perfume.

One message I am hearing for you is that you have no need to fear death. She will be there to meet you.

Many of my dreams are so X rated, dreams - about my ex this and that

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An ex-husband, an ex-boyfriend. I am happily married and yet I absolutely love these dreams. I might wake up thinking I am in the middle of one and then try to fall asleep again hoping to finish the dream.

Dreams - Nick

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You might find it interesting to do some research on "lucid dreaming."

Do lawyers even dream? - Hmm

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Hmmmmn- Lawyers DO dream - Nick

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I dream about bringing a huge class action suit against M*Modal, the squid (in its past incarnation), and various other huge monster MTSOs (not small nice ones like Old Pro and other mom and pops who were driven out of business by the big ones) etc. for all they have done to MTS and mom and pop MTSOs, getting a huge $ettlement, and dividing it up, giving some to each and every MT who has ever been harmed by these corporate thugs.

Hmnmm - One more thing - Nick

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Do you know the difference between a lawyer and a human sperm? A human sperm has one chance in a million of becoming a human being.

See, there you go--we have a sense of humor, too. That joke was told to me by the senior partner of a snazzy-jazzy law firm.

She mentioned that in her post. - nm

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I've been a lucid dreamer since I was a child. - sm

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My only lucid dreams are nightmares for some reason. I always knew I was dreaming, but couldn't wake myself up. I'd try to wiggle a toe or shout so someone would wake me up. It was a horrible feeling, to be completely conscious and unable to move or make a sound.

It was not until my early 30's that I began to be able to control my nightmares. I'm usually being chased--now I can turn around and face whatever is chasing me, and it wakes me up.

I know what you mean - From OP

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I'm learning that lucid dreaming doesn't necessarily mean you can turn it around, but if the dream is lucid (that is, you know you're dreaming), there's more potential for turning it around to something good.

That's great you can turn it around now. I do at times know I'm dreaming, and I am trying to wake myself up, but I'm paralyzed. I am not always able to "turn it around" into something good. But I know that I'm having a nightmare, so I guess that's a good thing, as opposed to thinking it's really happening to me.

I have a lot fewer nightmares than I used to have, but I still sure get them. They're very similar to yours.

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