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Stern is a legend in his own mind - Besides... - sm

Posted: May 13th, 2020 - 3:06 pm In Reply to: Amazing how Trump and his supporters have - to blame everybody else

Trump and his supporters blame the people who are at fault for their own downfalls. Right now Trump does not have any downfalls. In fact he is gaining more and more support because of what he is doing for us. If not for him the dems would have given us nothing.

Yes, most of us knew what PRESIDENT Trump thought of us before he was president. He said so in many interviews. We've listened to him for years. I've been keeping an eye on him and watching him interviewed in the 70s and 80s. It's obvious and he states how he cares about us. Dems? Not so much. Just listen to how they speak about us. No wonder they are in meltdown. They are so guilty, including guilty of crimes against humanity. I do have faith that the dem /com party will be erased. They need to start all over again. They've lost the trust of the American people and the world.


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