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Howard Stern: 'I am all in on Joe Biden' - The REAL reason....

Posted: May 13th, 2020 - 5:26 am In Reply to: Amazing how Trump and his supporters have - to blame everybody else

Howard Stern announced Monday he's "all in on Joe Biden," saying President Trump "could have been ahead of this curve" on the coronavirus pandemic.

Stern made his endorsement on his SiriusXM radio show after a Trump supporter defended the president's Thursday remarks regarding using disinfectant or ultraviolet light to combat the coronavirus, which Trump tried to walk back on Friday as being "sarcastic."

"What's it going to take? I don't get it," Stern said of the president's comments. "I don't think there is anyone left who will vote for him."

"I am all in on Joe Biden," he later added. "You see the wall that's right next to you, I'll vote for the wall over a guy who tells me that I should pour Clorox into my mouth. Listen, I think we are in deep shit. I think we could have been ahead of this curve."

Stern suggested a massive rally for Trump supporters where they can ingest disinfectant and "all drop dead."

LINK/URL: Howard Stern: 'I am all in on Joe Biden'


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