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Amazing how Obama and his supporters have - to blame everybody else

Posted: May 13th, 2020 - 8:51 am In Reply to: Amazing how Trump and his supporters have - to blame everybody else

for Obama's crimes. Look at the man! Pay attention to him and what he's said and done. It's bad.

Most of us already know the "true" Obama. Have for years. Even his friends have spoken of what a liar and fake he is (among other things). Pay attention!

I hate to be the one to break it to you, oh true believer that you be, but Howard Stern is not an unbiased purveyor of information. He's a wig-wearing radio jock. Yahoo, in case you're unaware, is not an unbiased source of news.

But hey--in the words of Her Thighness, "What difference does it make?"


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