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I actually wanted Klobuchar but will stand behind - Biden. Just as I have known

Posted: May 13th, 2020 - 5:41 am In Reply to: Says a Biden supporter??? - Seriously?

about Trump for a long time. I also lived eight years under Biden as Vice President. Now you are going to come back at me with how "disastrous" that eight years were but most of us also know differently.

As far as Biden, as he said, look into it. He welcomes it. I've always known he is a huggy kind of person. I have a family member like that and it drives me nuts because I'm not, but I never took it as "feeling me up." I also have watched right-winged news through the years turning this into "creepy" Joe. Look into the accusation, find the evidence and then we can talk again, but I've been waiting on evidence for years out of right-winged news outlets, who claim they have evidence, yet we haven't seen any.

Trump...I have nothing to say. It's all out there in his own words what he thinks of women.


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