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Did people research Obama's ties to communism? - Did they care? The evidence is

Posted: May 13th, 2020 - 5:18 am In Reply to: I've seen the previous interviews before they - disappeared and many of us

now pouring in that exposes the Obama s scandal that makes Watergate looks like child’s play, and this is all Stern can say?

I think there's a lot of world class projection going on with Howard.

There is just way too much evidence out there that Trump loves and enjoys regular Americans and prefers us to the elite political crowd. This holds true with his children and across his entire life.

Mr. Stern is the one who hates his audience. He believes they're the lowest of the low which is why broadcasts gutter humor.

I'll bet if you were a fly on the wall you'd hear Mr. Stern calling his audience white trash low life honky ignorant morons. And that only what I can say to clear the censors.


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