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This has been done over and over again through various - programs like AmeriCorp and

Posted: Nov 26th, 2018 - 8:44 am In Reply to: No it's not BS. We aren't the world's piggy bank - and it's not about handing

Christian missionaries. What happens is dictators like in Latin America and Cuba, or even Marxist, come in and kill these people and take what they have. It happens in Africa. It happens in Central America. It happens everywhere.

We don't have a democracy. That is mob rule. We have a representative republic. In order to preserve it, people have to have an independent spirit and a desire to succeed. It's hard to do that when you are hungry. For many years we have given money to feed the world, provided education to learn how to clean water, sanitation, things like that.

Look at Zimbabwe. That coup didn't create democracy. Both Obama and Bush both gave billions to Africa. What has changed?


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