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BS. The way to help other countries is to export a free - market to build an economy, not just

Posted: Nov 26th, 2018 - 8:05 am In Reply to: I have seen suggestions on helping these - other countries going around

handing over money which goes into their dictator's pockets. Just giving people money does nothing.

"Trump and his supporters believe we are the world's piggy bank and don't think we should help. It's all about us. They also don't like the UN."

We have been the world's piggy bank, but all the world wants is more, more, more. It seems as if the Left cares more about illegal children than Americans.

The UN is anti-Israel. In fact, they just recently threatened Israel again. Oh yeah, some real staunch advocates for Human Rights on that list. Most of them are globalists out for their own interests. Never mind who gets the bill when they issue formal complaints. Time for another round of defunding.

If Hillary had won, the entire world would be against Israel. It would be issue #1 to distract from everything else.

LINK/URL: BS. The way to help other countries is to export a free


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