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Politics Latest Messages: Waiting as well. Too bad because it would have ..

There's lots of blame to go around...SM - Old Anon

Posted: Nov 26th, 2018 - 7:31 am In Reply to: yes they are, I saw a headline, "These children are barefoot, - in diapers, choking on tear gas"

The South American, Central American, and Mexican governments are also to blame for letting intolerable living conditions exist. The people who organize and promote these caravans as a solution to the above are to blame. The people who join these caravans with their children are to blame. People, this is a multi-reason, multi-country, multi-cultural phenomenon and solutions to it are not easy. If we all stopped blaming the other guy and started working on solutions together maybe we'd get somewhere. All this "Obama did this, Clinton did that, Trump did or didn't do something or it's the media's fault" really gets us nowhere. I read somewhere that United Nations relief efforts were being considered. Now, that would be a start in maybe putting a stop to these caravans and the intolerable living conditions that drive migrants to want to come here.


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