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No it's not BS. We aren't the world's piggy bank - and it's not about handing

Posted: Nov 26th, 2018 - 8:34 am In Reply to: BS. The way to help other countries is to export a free - market to build an economy, not just

dictators money. It's about teaching these people how to demand democracy and get those dictators out of there. It's about educating them in things like running businesses and being productive. There are lots of things we can do without handing money to dictators.

People in other countries like Iraq, Afghanistan are beginning to have democracy, though they still have a long way to go, but they are trying to learn and make things better.

Many of these people in South and Central America have been at the mercy of dictators and drug cartels for so long, they see know way out but to risk their lives to flee and seek asylum here. We can't be the saviors of the world but we can help.

Israel thinks they're entitled to Pakistan and Pakistan is defending itself. They've been fighting for years and years. Put down the guns and bombs and stop killing innocent people and figure it out.


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