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prayer for salvation

Posted: Sep 15, 2015

Please pray that my dad would accept the Lord as his savior before he passes away. He is 87 years old and I'm not sure if he is saved or not. He is very private about most things and I know it is terrible but I am so nervous to even bring it up to him. I left a tract in his mailbox in the hopes that he would read it but not sure if he did. I know I need to bring it up but we grew up sort of not discussing deep issues so it is hard. ;

I know how you feel.... - I have several family members....

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...who are unsaved that I am concerned about. I don't know why it's so hard to talk to family members about their salvation, but I think for most of us it is! I know it is for me! Take heart though! My mom was not saved when she was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer a few years ago. I had prayed for years for her but never got the nerve to talk to her. I believe my life, even though imperfect, was a testimony to her. My sister actually did talk to her about it after her diagnosis and she still did not get saved immediately. She did agree to talk to my sister's pastor though (who by the way just happened to have terminal cancer too), and she did get saved! I think it's the whole thing about you being the "child" and them being the "parent" no matter what age you are. Also, sometimes it is a matter of getting the right person to them that they will listen to! Praying that God will bring somebody into his life that he will listen to. Also, just remember if God does want you to say something to your dad, He will give you the courage to do it! In the case of my dad, I actually did end up witnessing to him on his deathbed. I was SCARED TO DEATH, but I just let God give me the words to say. It was just something like "God loves you and so do I, and we both want you to have a home in heaven". I also explained that we are all sinners and that we have to accept the gift of God's sacrifice to get to heaven. Except for what is in quotation marks above, I do not remember my exact words because I was just saying things as the Holy Spirit led me. Unfortunately by that time my dad's speech was not able to be understood, so I don't know what he said, but I have to believe that the Holy Spirit led me to say the right thing.

prayer for salvation - JenB

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Just ask him "Dad, do you think there is a Heaven and a Hell?"
"If you were to die today, do you know FOR SURE that you would spend eternity in Heaven? Do you want to know?" Show him Acts 16:31 And they said, “Believe in the Lord Jesus, and you will be saved" You may even want to have have a church elder stop by and talk to him. Keep praying! Don't let your pride and his pride keep him from accepting the gift of salvation. All he has to do is believe. Eph. 2:8-9 For by grace you have been saved through faith. And this is not your own doing; it is the gift of God, 9 not a result of works, so that no one may boast.

Well - JT

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Please let your father have some peace without proselytizing to him. Leaving him be is the greatest, most humane gift you can give him right now. Even suggesting he is going to go to hell if he doesn't see things "your way" is just plain cruel. Pray your own little heart out for him if you wish, but leave him to die in peace.

Next, if he's such a private person, maybe he has found the Lord in his own way and just hasn't told you. Just be a loving daughter.

This is none of your beeswax. If he wants to be "saved," I'm sure he knows where to go for it.

Agree with that!!! - sm

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I agree with everything jt said. This really is none of your beeswax!!!

It is presumption to think you can know the mind of God or how He works! God does not operate to YOUR expectations or requirements, nor to those of your pastor.

Neither you nor your pastor know what is in your father's heart, either. Haranguing him because he does not meet your standards may just drive him away. What if you have to answer to that after you die?

You can pray for him and you can be a loving example. You will get a lot farther with that than you will with demands that your father "join your church."

That is what you are demanding, you know. You think that people have to go to your little church and jump up and shout that they are "saved" so other people hear them. That can't be true, unless you think that no one on earth was "saved" until your little church came into existence not even 100 years ago. It also isn't what Jesus said was necessary. If you think it is, you don't know your Bible.

So, think about this ... if you are engaging in the sin of presumption (and you are if you think you can tell God what His requirements are), how can you be following Jesus? Maybe you should be worrying about the plank in your own eye?

You don't know your Bible - and you did not read carefully

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The OP said nothing about presuming to know the mind of God or wanting Him to operate to her expectations or to those of her pastor.

She did not say she knew what was in her father's heart. She is not haranguing him, and she said nothing about her standards.

She is demanding nothing. What's with this post? What's with your statement that begins "You think that people... " I read the OP's post, and she didn't write anything remotely like that.

She loves her father, and she wants him to be saved. There can be no more important decision for a person.

It is her business and the business of every Christian. Read your Bible about love and sharing the Gospel and being your brother's keeper.

Thank You - see msg

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I am quite certain this man knows his daughter's viewpoints, and if he wanted to be "saved" he would know just where to go.

Yes, I put "saved" in quotation marks, because I don't believe we are all a bunch of sinners who need saving. We are saved if we have led a good life, and for his daughter to throw this at him on his death bed is cruel.

Again, pray for his salvation all you want, darling, but keep your mouth shut. He does not need your preaching mouth all over him now. He needs your quiet love and gentle touch. If you can't respect him enough for that, then you have no business being by his side, since your agenda is to preach.

I appreciate you people who feel some sort of need to "spread the word," but choose your audience. If I was on my death bed I would be quite insulted if someone (even a loving family member) hovered over me and told me I need to "find the Lord" or else.

Sorry, it's just cruel of you if he already feels at peace with himself. He achieved that somehow, and it's none of your business to tell him he hasn't.

Geeeez Leweeeez.
If you don't believe in salvation, you should not - have responded
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That's what the prayer request was about. She did not ask for your advice about whether or not to present the Gospel to him. She asked for prayer that her father accepts Jesus.

Neither you nor I know if her father knows where to go to be saved. That is a fact because we don't know him. It is obvious many people don't know because some of them actually believe that they're going to heaven because they're "good."

I'm sad that you believe that we are saved if we lead a good life. I'm sad for you, not for me. I know where I'm going when I die, and it has nothing to do with how good or bad I am. I'm a sinner just like everyone else, but I have been saved by the grace of God. It has everything to do with Jesus' love for each and every one of us. You referenced the Bible in your 1st post, but you don't know what it says. Jesus said, "I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me." John 14:6 It's pretty straightforward. It's the truth, and the truth sets us free.

By the way, the audience, of which I was a part before I accepted the Gospel, is the world. If you want to shut your ears and your heart, that is your choice. God gave each of us free will to do with it as we choose.

As for shutting my mouth--nah, I will continue to tell people that Jesus offers the gift of salvation to all through his death and resurrection. I love seeing people come to know Jesus and be filled with joy and peace.

Next time you see a peaceful blind man crossing a busy highway, I hope you don't make the decision that it is none of your business to help lead him safely to the other side.
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Agree, but disagree - No easy salvation
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I agree that good works alone do not save, but I think there is more to "No one comes to the Father except through Me" than you think.

From what you all are describing, you seem to think that shouting "I am saved!" at a fundamentalist, evangelical church is all that is required. After that, you can embezzle, cheat, lie, and everything else with impunity because Jesus is going to save you.

We think there is more to it than that. There is, after all, that bit about camels and the eyes of needles.

Saying words is not enough. There has to be conversion of heart, not a public declaration in Pastor Joe's holy roller church.

No one ever said that simply saying a few words - was indicative of a repentant and open heart
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or that we should go forward thinking that sin is okay. God knows a person's heart and whether one is truly repentant and desiring to follow the Lord. God also is the one who continues His good work in us until it is completed.

In regard to what the Bible says about a camel and the eye of a needle, yes, it is very difficult for a person who trusts in riches to enter the kingdom. However, Jesus also says, "With men it is impossible, but not with God; for with God all things are possible." Mark 10:27.

I agree that what is in a person's heart is important. It is also important, though, that one be willing to make a pubic proclamation of faith. "... That if you confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus and believe in your heart that God has raised Him from the dead, you will be saved. For with the heart, one believes unto righteousness, and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation." Romans 10:9-10.

I don't think anyone said that it mattered where a person made that confession of faith.

Also, the plan for salvation is simple. Simple and easy are not necessarily the same thing.
Who ever said that? - Amazed
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Who said it had to be "shouted out" at a holy roller church? I am sick of people knocking churches that invite people to Christ. You can be saved while you are completely alone driving your car. The remarks about churches on this board are snarky and just plain mean. My SIL goes to a very formal Lutheran church and has given her heart to Christ. No shouting anything out THERE, dear. Why every time salvation is brought up do some of you jump on the band wagon and accuse people of doing all the sinful things they can think of. Accepting salvation does not mean anyone is perfect. That's why we need Christ in our lives on a daily basis. We try to live a life that is pleasing to him. We have the privilege of going to him in prayer a million times over asking for his help.
Completely contrary to what the Bible says - SM
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If we were not born in sin and did not need salvation, what was the crucifixion for? You say "We are saved if we have led a good life." The Bible clearly states it is NOT by works or deeds that we have eternal life, and that our righteousness as like filthy rags.

NOT OP - Which Bible?

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The Bible says salvation is not necesssary? That's not in mine. It says exactly the opposite. No one comes to the father except through Jesus Christ and his gift of salvation. That's what it says in black and white.

The OP loves her father and wants him to be saved - Saved by grace

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She is a loving daughter. Not having this discussion with him would not be loving. It absolutely is her business to share the Gospel with people, as it is the business of every Christian.

The fact that you put the word saved in quotations is odd.

By the way, I told my father on his deathbed that God forgave him for his sins and that Jesus wanted him to go to him. He received Christ and died about a minute later.

What we are saying is - see msg

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It is her FATHER'S business how he wants to handle his death, not his DAUGHTER'S.

She can make it her business all she wants, but she needs to do it quietly between herself and the Lord, and leave her father be. I just can't believe you think it's okay to agitate someone on their death bed.

How sweet of you to call your father a sinner before he died. How do you know he received Christ just then? Maybe he just died because it was his time; geez, maybe he died so he didn't have to hear you preach. We'll never know, will we? But you feel in your heart that you think you did the right thing, so you can have peace with yourself, right? Sweet.
It's ironic that you argue about what is and is not - someone else's business
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because you are making it your business to tell the OP not to speak to her father on his deathbed. How is that your business? She didn't ask for your advice about that.

You can deny that you're a sinner all you want, but that will be at your own peril. All sinners who trust in Jesus for their salvation will live for eternity in heaven with the Lord. The Bible is very clear about it. Read it and find out the truth. The truth sets us free from death. I know I'm a sinner, but I have been saved by the grace of the Lord Jesus.

You have a few errors in your post about my original message. You are "reading" things in my and the OP's post that are not there.
I Am Just Saying - see msg
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...she should leave him be in peace, that's all. You can't "inject" Jesus into someone because you want it that way. And the OP herself said he doesn't share much, so, maybe he has found salvation through the Lord.

The man is very ill and his illness is his to deal with as he wishes; not someone else's wishes. I am not pushing my viewpoints, I am asking her not to push hers on this very sick man. A kind and loving voice and a touch of her hand is probably the biggest gift she can give him. She can certainly pray to the Lord that he finds salvation, but she shouldn't be pushing this in his face.
Her post didn' even hint at - SM
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pushing anything into his face. My God, people on this board get fussed up really quickly.
The Bible is a little more complex than that. - SM
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Sorry, but the Bible is a little more complex than that, unless you happen to be reading it at the third-grade level most evangelical churches seem to be stuck in.

Very convenient to think that just saying you accept Jesus is enough and that you can continue living a bad life.
My Point - see msg
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I am the poster who said you can't "inject" Jesus into someone. Seems the OP she wants her father to just utter the words, and she'll be happy. Well, guess what? If he does that, he hasn't truly found Jesus, he's just appeasing you. If he hasn't had Jesus in his life, perhaps he can find him, but I doubt it's in a real sincere way.

And besides--as I said before, you don't even know that he hasn't found Jesus. By your own words, he's a private person--and maybe he's just not sharing with you.

Give him a hug, hold his hand, and tell him you love him. Then shoosh your mouth about the other stuff.
There is a lot more written in the Bible - but it all points to the truth
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of the Gospel, which is, by design, simple.

"... Has not God made foolish the wisdom of this world? For since, in the wisdom of God, the world through wisdom did not know God, it pleased God through the foolishness of the message preached to save those who believe." 1 Corinthians 1:20-21

Prayer for Salvation - Penny

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Now you know in your heart God will answer your prayer for your father's salvation. He will do that for you (and probably already has) in the name of Jesus and by the power of His shed blood on the cross. Amen.

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