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So I lost my son to my evil ex (very long story) last October. I have PTSD, which has been exacerbated by all the garbage my ex has done. I also have MDD and panic disorder with agoraphobia. I have applied for disability and am now on my fourth app. I have 75 cents in the bank and am scared sick. I cannot eat nor sleep. I tell people I will be homeless, but I have 5 cats I cannot abandon. I also have family heirlooms I cannot bear to part with. I am not sure what to do. I am scared sick to be homeless, but this is what happens to people like me who have aboslutely no one to depend on. I had a daughter I asked to help and she moved out. I have absolutely no one at all. I have thought of just getting in my car and driving as far as my car will take me, but it is now messing up. When I started fighting for my son last September, I got a loan at the bank and used my car for collateral. Silly me thought since I am not abusive, or a druggie or alcoholic like my ex, I would win. I did not. The judge is my ex's BFF apparently. The system stinks!! Anyway, I decided to go ahead and apply for another MT job, but if I get one and there is no work, I still have to pay my abusive ex child support if I can get a job. He has stolen already thousands of dollars from me and my kids. I just do not know where to turn. I have been praying for months (10 years since my ex started pulling his garbage) and nothing has happened. I am so ready to give up. I already signed myself in due to the depression. I could go back, but no one will take care of my fur babies. I am desperate and did a GoFundMe, even though I knew I would get called names and I did. People have no clue how hard it is to be in this position. I posted on the SSA page that I will be homeless because people wait for hearings and approvals and with no one to help them they have no choice. I cry all day every day. Anyway, I am begging for prayers I get a job I guess. I hate giving that horrid ex CS but if I do not get an MT job, I will be homeless for sure. Dear God why has thou forsaken me?!?!?!??! Thank you all!