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make America great again...?
Posted: Jul 24, 2016
30 to 45 dollars a head, 1 day of a 3-day concert in the city - how is it that Americans are hurting so badly again? Looks pretty good to me...
What?? Concert attendance is a measure of the - nation's economy?
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Yeah, screw all those other numbers. Just count heads at a concert (forgetting that concert tickets are mostly bought with credit cards).
Springsteen sold out Izod Center twice (20K+ seating) in - 2009.
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Tickets started at $65 and went WAY up from there.
I guess we must have imagined the Great Recession based on your logic.
I can list many, many events that have sold out during recessions. In fact, during hard times people are actually more likely to seek escape from the harsh realities they face every day - not less so.
Please tell us you were joking.
EBT cards used in Las Vegas, strip clubs, casinos, - liquor stores, music concerts,
Why do I even pay taxes? Oh yeah... People depend on me for the drugs, strippers, and liquor. And apparently going to music concerts.
Because many of them have their basic needs paid for - by taxpayers, food stamps,
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welfare checks, Obama phones, SSDI, health care, and even in some cases rent and utilities.
Meh. Kerfuffle crowd around 12,000. I would imagine you - could find that many employed in Buffalo
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...in any economy imaginable - good, bad or rotten - wouldn't you say?
You work up your theory of econometrics, though, and submit it to the government. Counting concert ticket sales would have to be so much easier than measuring the GDP.
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