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Who are the tea partiers?

Posted: Apr 24, 2010

"Well, besides being mostly white and middle class, they are everyone. By this I mean that, with the exception of their unity on government spending and size of government, Tea Partiers hold a wide range of conflicting beliefs and opinions. According to the NY Times/CBS News poll, 57 percent support gay marriage and/or civil unions and almost two-thirds favor access to abortion. But at least they’re 100% in favor of gun freedom, right? Nope. Two-thirds support some restrictions on guns."

I guess that blows your theory that all tea partiers are violent, racist, rednecks.


Those must be ones who have the sense to avoid the rallies. - whose participants are

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violent racist rednecks.

what an idiot post. Where is the violence at the tea parties? - nn

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If you are going to say something so very stupid and make such baseless accusations, please post where you are getting your misguided opinions from.


The offending phrase came from the original post, dear. - Please dont put words in my mouth...

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I have posted numerous comments all over this board but never once made the claim that violence takes place at the "tea parties" which I am assuming you mean the rallies??? Refer to the "we did this one last week" post for answers to you question. I'll give you a hint. I get my opinions from the factual reality that is based on the actual documented incidents that have been conclusively attributed to the tempests in the tpots.

Thank you for the fine example of stereotyping. - sm

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I'm so tired of people who stereotypes all tea party people as violent, racist rednecks. Now..please share with me specific violent acts that have occurred during tea party rallies. You have all cried and complained about the violence inciting speeches and the violence inciting signs held up by protestors...but where is the violent action at said tea parties?

There is nothing wrong with people who are against this outrageous government spending, the continuous government take over of the banks, auto industry, healthcare, etc. We have a right as American citizens to oppose what our administration is doing. We have a right to protest. I'm tired of illegal aliens having more protection and rights than I do with free medicine and free education while not paying taxes.

I want a country who prides on working hard and keeping what you earn. Not working hard to have government take it away to spend as they wish while other lazy Americans refuse to work and receive government checks although they have better and more expensive mobile phones than I do, and their nails always done.

Where you all you people when effigies of Bush were being burned or when an effigy of Sarah Palin was hung from a noose? Huh? Where were you when people held up signs with Bush sporting a Hitler-like mustache? Talk about your double standards here.

You wanna talk about racism....how about the African American union member who brutally attacked another African American because he was protesting his conservatives beliefs. The union member even called the conservative man the N-word. I didn't hear you guys calling that union member out for his hateful words and violence against another African American. Where were you then?

Repeating a phrase from someone elses posts - does not a sterotype make. sm

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No need to stereotype the tpots. Their behavior, recent numerous spates of violence, arrest records, pending trials, being targets by FBI investigations, the stellar review they got in the latest DHS report pretty much says it all. BTW, they have yet to own up or denounce.

Please post a link. - I would like to take a look at that poll. nm

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Here is more information about that poll. - sm

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Notice that this is the New York Times and CBS and not from a right-wing news group.

Thanks for the link. - nm

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Lets take a look at what else that poll said, shall we? - I provided the link you ovelooked...

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That's the one I read last week that showed less than 1 in 5 identify as tpots, and that only 20% of them (a mere 4%of the general population) have contributed bucks to the campaign, DESPITE the fact that they tend to earn more than $100,000 a year. The poll showed that they hold more conservative views on a range of issues than Republicans generally and are also more likely to describe themselves as "very conservative." It went on to say that while most Republicans say they are "dissatisfied" with Washington, Tea Party supporters are more likely to classify themselves as "angry."

Forgive me while I point out a couple more of your blaring omissions:

1. Its supporters have vowed to purge the Republican Party of officials they consider not sufficiently conservative.
2. They seem a bit confused. Despite their push for smaller government, they think that Social Security and Medicare are worth the cost to taxpayers. That's probably because a majority of their their members are 45+. Cut spending, just not the spending that benefits them the most.
3. The overwhelming majority of supporters say Obama does not share the values most Americans live by and more than half say the policies of the administration favor the poor, and 25 percent think that the administration favors blacks over whites...compared with 11 percent of the general public. Note that the percentage of both these groups reflect a minority viewpoint that is outnumbered by at least 4:1.
4. Tea Party supporters over all are more likely than the general public to say their personal financial situation is fairly good or very good. Where I come from, that implies they are a bit out of touch with the rest of us.
5. This may be my favorite omission of yours. While most Americans blame the Bush administration or Wall Street for the current state of the American economy (that would be most of the the other 82%), the greatest number of Tea Party supporters blame Congress.
6. The percentage holding a favorable opinion of former President George W. Bush, at 57 percent, almost exactly matches the percentage in the general public that holds an unfavorable view of him. Ever hear of the mirror image parallel universe?


That poll is meant to further stereotype tea partiers - sm

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Poll unfairly �disses� Tea Party
StoryDiscussionDoris O�Brien/If I May Say So | Posted: Saturday, April 24, 2010 12:00 am | (0) Comments

Font Size:Default font sizeLarger font sizeThe slang word �diss� derives from the Jamaican vernacular of the verb �to disrespect,� meaning an insult that might elicit a response like, � Hey, don�t diss me, man!� But I never really grasped the word�s true meaning until I read the recent results of the New York Times-CBS nationwide poll of Tea Party members. If there ever was an exercise with the intent to �diss� a group, that was it!

You might expect the mainstream media to launch such a poll, considering that the Tea Party movement is the hottest and most worrisome concern of those in power. But how come other protest groups haven�t been subjected to this sort of selective analysis? Surely, it�s not just idle curiosity that has pollsters energized.

When college students rioted against tuition hikes, were any polling groups present to determine how many were white or black or brown, what income their parents earned, what religion they practiced, whether they stocked their dorm fridge with beer or used drugs or voted Democratic, etc.?

During the Civil Rights marches, did any polls point out that most of the participants were African-American? In protests against immigration policy, were pollsters concerned about the influence of outside activist leaders, or if marchers were welfare recipients or illegal immigrants or kids cutting classes? Such analysis might have been construed as politically incorrect � even discriminatory!

Not until now has the composition of a protest group been given such intense scrutiny in order to make it appear illegitimate. Our government seems more concerned about the background of the Tea Party flag-wavers than they are about the members of potential terrorist cells infiltrating the United States.

For the liberal media, tallying stats on Tea Partying Americans could be a means of getting to know the enemy and mocking it as a bunch of ill-advised folks with axes to grind rather than reasons to complain. According to the Times-CBS poll, the majority of members are white, older, better- educated, Protestant (Evangelical) males, who own a gun, have an annual income of over $100,000 and a low opinion of the present political leadership.

Identifying the group as �older,� (hence likely on Social Security and Medicare) implies that the Tea Party crowd has no right to criticize government for spending trillions on company bailouts, stimulus programs, government-run health care, foreign borrowing, pork projects, special interest earmarks, etc. Older Americans are increasingly considered selfish, resentful, even expendable. A letter writer recently suggested they should send back their Social Security checks and Medicare payments if they�re so opposed to government largesse! Of course, he ignored the fact that for all their long working lives, seniors made monetary contributions from their wages into the Social Security system.

Along with the onus of age, the Tea Party movement is being unfairly yoked to racism, since the vast majority of its members are white. Whenever minorities show up at rallies, the news media zeroes in on them to ask, in effect, what they are doing there � as though criticizing big government, high taxes and national debt isn�t something a minority person would do! One black protester had to assure the badgering reporter that he didn�t feel �uncomfortable� and that the crowd were �his kind of people�!

By highlighting gun owners, the Times-CBS poll suggests that the Tea Party is potentially dangerous, along the lines of Timothy McVeigh. Yet it failed to include such questions as whether protesters paid taxes, abided by the law, or contributed to our society � anything that might show the movement in a favorable light. Bob Herbert of the New York Times called them �yahoos�! But we know that our neighbors who participate in Tea Party rallies are solid citizens. Many are veterans; most volunteer in a variety of community causes; some pine for the past; all are concerned for the future.

So if the intention of the New York Times-CBS poll is to denigrate the Tea Party movement, it could easily backfire. After all, nobody likes being dissed!

Doris O�Brien lives in Vandenberg Village.

Really? Its the same poll the original poster used - to depict them favorably....sm

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The link I used is shown below this comment. Notice the article was written on April 14 and published in the NY Time because it was a NY Times/CBS News poll. It was written by Kate Zernike and Megan Thee-Brenan.


The link the original poster provided who cherry-picked the favorable info and omitted the less favorable is shown below this comment. It was written on April 17 and published in the NY Times. The authors were Megan Thee-Brenan and Marina Stefan.


Oh, now would you look at that? Notice that Megan Thee-Brenan contributed to both articles, written about the same NY Times/CBS News poll three days apart.

This begs the following question: After the full disclosure of the poll's results, suddenly my post is unreliable lamestream media, but the original post that omitted a majority of the findings remains slam-free because you liked what that poster said, huh? Do I detect a smidge of duplicity here?

I notice you didn't bother with a link to your article. I think it must be the one that is shown below this comment. This is an opinion piece by a resident of some obscure small California town. You are free to agree with her as I am free to disagree with her.


Fact is, dear, actions speak louder than words, even the ones found in polls conducted by two highly respected top news organizations.

Who? Mostly the ones who act civilized and pay - their OWN bills...... NM

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