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Weiner never stopped sexting?

Posted: Jul 23, 2013

If I were his wife, I think I'd definitely "kick his butt" (nasty stuff cannot be mentioned here, but I'm thinking it). If I lived in NYC, I very definitely would not vote for him. Between Weiner and Spitzer, that's not much of a prize to run a city. Must be something in the water.


Anthony Weiner admits to more lewd photos

By The Associated Press 

Published: Tuesday, July 23, 2013, 2:57 p.m.
Updated 2 hours ago 

NEW YORK — New York City mayoral candidate Anthony Weiner admitted on Tuesday to sending additional explicit photos and texts to a woman he met online - correspondence she says began months after he resigned from Congress for similar behavior.

The allegation could severely test voters' willingness to forgive Weiner, who has said he spent the two years since the scandal trying to make things right with his wife and earn redemption.

Weiner, who resigned his House seat in June 2011 after acknowledging having sexual conversations with at least a half-dozen women, has been near the top of most mayoral polls since his late entry into the race this spring.

“I said that other texts and photos were likely to come out and today they have,” said Weiner in a statement released by his campaign. “I want to again say that I am very sorry to anyone who was on the receiving end of these messages and the disruption this has caused.”

Weiner did not say when the newly revealed exchanges occurred, but he said his behavior created “challenges in our marriage that extended past my resignation.”

The new lewd correspondence was posted Monday by the gossip website The Dirty. The woman involved was not identified.

The woman, who told the website she was 22 when she began her correspondence with Weiner, said their online relationship lasted for six months and continued into last summer. She claimed Weiner used the alias “Carlos Danger” for their tawdry exchanges and later asked her to destroy the evidence of their chats.

Read more:http://triblive.com/news/editorspicks/4408578-74/weiner-campaign-behavior#ixzz2ZuN7pgKn 


His wife is so beautiful. - sm

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I don't know how she can live with a man who has no respect for their marriage. I don't know anything about her, other than seeing pictures, but I am 100% sure she could do better:

Freaks. - Both of them.

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What married person who is in office would be sexting and what sane person with stay with them?

Weird people do weird things.

Reminded me of Hillary (another freak) standing by her man. - nm

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Huma, like Hillary, choosing power over dignity. - nm
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Like Tammy SBYMan Faye choosing money and greed over - morality and dignity?
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FL pubs really wanna play this game? Isn't Mark Applachain Trail Dangled running again? Can't remember the rabidly antigay GOP guy busted for soliciting sex in the men's room but I seem to recall how Laura Holier-Than-Thou Schliessenger's (sp?) full nude photos created quite an internet sensation when they came out. Pity I don't have enough spare time to research the well documented historical record of HOP sex scandals, hashtag hypocrisy.
Flying blind on this new-fangled Android contraption - Pls disregard its "helpful" autocorrects
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I thought you did quite well! - NM
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Obviously there's something not happening in that marriage - sm

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for him to have done it in the first place. Look at her, she needs a sammich for crying out loud LOL. But seriously, it is not for us to judge, not our business. She will stay or she won't. If she's not honoring her side of the intimacy part of marriage, this can happen. He's not out sleeping with these women - he's sending naughty pictures and talking smut. So what? Everyone has their definition of infidelity. This doesn't fit in mine. People are going to do what they want. If something is missing in their relationship, they'll go find it if it's that important to them - both men and women. The key to longevity and fidelity is to not give the person a reason to seek what's missing elsewhere. And it's not always sex, either.

So it's her fault that he's acting out? - what??

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Sorry, but that is really a regressive attitude. Could it be that he's just your typical garden-variety pervert who is entitled enough to think he could get away with it? I doubt that her "needing a sammich" or her "not honoring her side of the intimacy part of marriage" have anything to do with his deplorable behavior.

That's right. Blame the VICTIM. - Libby

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so...he's not responsible for his own actions? - sm

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When someone acts like an idiot, it's not someone else's fault. He acts like a sophomore exchanging sext messages and you think his wife gave him a reason? What a laugh.

SM, people like Weiner get a chemical charge from the - thrill of forbidden acts. Sex within

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the sanctity of marriage has its own thrill of course, but what people like this are looking for is something totally different. Specifically outside marriage.

I also caught my husband in a texting relationship - with other women. still with him

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Several different women. He even went on what I consider to be a date (he went over to play guitar with her and she cooked him dinner) with one just a few weeks ago. I suppose one could consider me an idiot for standing by him. However, I do not believe he ever had sexual intercourse or other actions with the women. I have been with him 12 years and I just have a feeling.

I said all of that to say this: There WAS something underlying with our situation. His mother died in November and they were incredibly close. He was there when she died. He aspires to be a nationally touring musician and he is not. He is having a hard time dealing with being in his 30s and all of this is just culminating into one big cluster-you know what for him mentally. He does have self esteem issues and a physical deformity so getting attention from these women is a boost for him. I was very clear, I will not tolerate it any longer-I even got divorce papers the last go round. He knows the next time it happens i will go directly to a lawyer. We have a nice life together, a wonderful relationship but I do think sometimes men need an ego boost, especially as the get older.

So please don't think it's totally her fault. She seems to be doing everything she can to help him.

One sick puppy doesn't even begin to describe him. - ZvilleMT

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He's just nasty!! I used to feel sorry for his wife, but if she continues to stay with him through all this, I have no sympathy for her.

it's new disclosure of old texts - nm

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sm - sm

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Correct, and his wife wasn't dying of cancer while he had an affair, and he didn't tell his staff and constituents he was off hiking whilst he carried on with his mistress in another country, later breaking up his family to be with said mistress.

And he doesn't live in a conservative "perfect am I" glass house.

IMO sex scandals are a personal matter, but when one claims to be a representative of the morally judgmental party, a party that is guilty of far worse than sexting, or a voter of this morally judgmental party who votes for or supports that representative, has no foundation for a viable argument.

No, it is not. It is since his big apology. - Don't fall for Democrat lies.

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I would not vote for him, but not because of the sexting. He - promised one woman a job

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This is the reason that I was so pissed off about NJ Governor Jim McGreevey. He appointed his gay lover to a homeland security position. Weiner may or may not have intended to give the woman a job in either the public or private sector. We'll never know, though, because he said that while some of the things that have been said about him were true and some were false, he's decided to neither confirm nor deny any specific allegations other than that he did sext and send the pics. How very convenient.

It's none of my business that Weiner and McGreevey were not honoring their marriage vows, but when you start giving your lovers/sexting partners government jobs, that's when you stop honoring your public service vows.

Democrats claim there is a war on women while (sm) - Abby

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all the while their Democrat wives tell the world it's okay to be a doormat. Strange lot, they are, Democrat women.

Just Democratic women? - I think not

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It's not my business to presume motivation for standing by your man, but lots do it, not just the Democratic women.

it's such a drag when people don't comply with - your banal stereotypes

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lol. It's all about parties, isn't it. Some people can't resist taking a swipe at whole classes of people when an appropriately directed, individual criticism would suffice.

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