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Venting my frustration

Posted: Jun 14, 2011

Since the mid 60's we have spent $16 Trillion on means tested government income re-distribution programs. We are now $14 Trillion in debt and have 43 million people on food stamps, over 40 million kids getting free school lunches, 9 million more on WIC, about 8 million in subsidized housing, 5 million on TANF, 8 million on SSI (including 1.2 million kids), about 49 million on Medicaid and 71 million households not paying federal income taxes because of EITC and the Child Tax Credit. Does anybody really think more debt or taxes to pay for more income re-distribution programs is really going to help anything? How can a tax system be called "fair" when 47% of households are getting a free ride on the backs of the 53% who are paying income tax and carrying their own weight in society? What part of that is sustainable? What part of that is fair? And no - I am not wealthy, just sick and tired of paying other people's bills while the poor folks "benefits" just keep getting passed from generation to generation.

Source please. Your percentages do not add up. - Show me us data. nm

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She was correct. Its all factual, unfortunately... what - part to you dispute? nm

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Wow. Requesting a source is problematic? - sm

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Credibility just went from questionable to hovering around zero.
source - anon
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The numbers are out there for all to view from different government sources.

What percentages do you believe don't add up?
You only look at things from economic view? - Let me guess
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You are a T-party Republican.
answer - anon
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No and no to both questions.

You questioned the numbers. I asked you specifically what percentages don't add up to you. Since you can't or won't answer the question, I guess we're done here. This is going nowhere.
FYI: You are not addressing the poster who - questioned the numbers.
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That would be me, and I did not post what you are replying to. That would mean that more than one person is participating in this discussion and presenting differing POVs. Shocking, I know, but true nontheless.
I want the source the original poster extracted - those numbers from
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so I can read the article for myself. Is that so hard? Failing that, you could provide some that back up your claim that they are accurate. Anybody can pluck anynumbers out of thin air to make a case. No sources? No dice.
FYI: You are not addressing the OP - anon
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I have no dice in this game.

I was trying to find out what numbers didn't add up with the poster above.

This thread is a mess and going nowhere with all the insinuations. Time to move on, for me anyway. I can't get a straight answer in this thread - and you feel the same way, I guess.
I know that and that is why I asked you to post - your own sources
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behind your claim that the original poster's were accurate, thus distinguishing you from the OP. Clearly, you are just as unable or unwillng to do that. Without a source article, this is a dead thread.

Wow, You need to think about the people that were helped. - sm

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Go read some stuff on the outcomes of babies who are born to mothers who have learned about nutrition and parenting. What happened to those kids that went to public schools and had something to eat so they could learn instead of being hungry. I am an SSI child. I have needed help in my life. I am a productive adult and probably have supported you.

True, but parents take less and less care of their own - nowadays and leave it to taxpayers.nm

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Please back that up. - NM

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back it up - anon
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I'm not that poster, but I have some numbers to back it up.


Food Stamp Recipients at Record 41.8 Million Americans in July, U.S. Says
By Alan Bjerga - Oct 5, 2010

The number of Americans receiving food stamps rose to a record 41.8 million in July as the jobless rate hovered near a 27-year high, the government said.

Recipients of Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program subsidies for food purchases jumped 18 percent from a year earlier and increased 1.4 percent from June, the U.S. Department of Agriculture said today in a statement on its website. Participation has set records for 20 straight months.

Unemployment in September may have reached 9.7 percent, according to a Bloomberg News survey of analysts in advance of the release of last month’s rate on Oct. 8. Unemployment was 9.6 percent in July, near levels last seen in 1983.

An average of 43.3 million people, more than an eighth of the population, will get food stamps each month in the year that began Oct. 1, according to White House estimates.

Too bad Bush ruined the economy - You make the wrong conclusion
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An increase in use does not mean people are not trying to take care of their responsibilities, it means that the failed Bush policies finally hit the fan. Now the Republicans, with their short-sighted policies, want to throw the poor, disabled, young and old under the bus.
When all else fails, blame Bush - anon
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Bush policies with a Democrat-controlled House and Senate? People aren't buying that one anymore.

The poor, disabled, young, and old were thrown under the bus by Obama policies, along with the middle class. Take a look around. Are things looking better in your neck of the woods? Is this the Summer of Recovery 2.0? I hope they don't plan to do that road trip again -- that was embarrassing, wasn't it?
Guess I am going to have to sign off this board. - sm
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Until the junk posts disappear again. Have at it.
Its not important that W or his supporters ever - acknowledge his responsibility
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for the economic ruin his policies brought down on the nation. What is important is that those who went to the polls in 2008 and took him and his party out never forget. I am completely satisfied with the global recognition of this truth, but it still never hurts to throw out a reminder every now and again.
obama owns it - sm
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DNC chair: 'We own the economy'

By: Molly Ball
June 15, 2011 11:35 AM EDT

Democrats are ready to take responsibility for the state of the economy and they deserve credit for putting it on the right track, the party’s chairwoman, Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz, said on Wednesday.

“We own the economy. We own the beginning of the turnaround and we want to make sure that we continue that pace of recovery, not go back to the policies of the past under the Bush administration that put us in the ditch in the first place,” Wasserman Schultz told Mike Allen at POLITICO’s ‘Playbook Breakfast.’

The economy, she said, “has turned around” since President Obama took office, with steady job growth evident even if the pace leaves something to be desired.

Republicans have ridiculed Democrats’ claims of economic success in the wake of disappointing jobs numbers and an uptick in the unemployment rate.

Wasserman Schultz said Democrats aren’t in need of a new story to tell about the economy because they’ve put the right policies in place. “I don’t think it’s about what we say, it’s about what we do.”

She said Democrats’ actions demonstrate their commitment to the middle class while Republicans’ do not. Though she commended several individual Republicans by name — including her home state colleague, Rep. Daniel Webster — Wasserman Schultz said the party’s leadership in the house is beholden to an extreme faction.

“Unfortunately, the Republican leadership in the House right now seems to have been strangled by the tea party,” she said. “The tail seems to be wagging the dog right now.”

Republicans, she said, know better but lack courage. “They know how to do it the right way, they know how to compromise, they just can’t seem to break their fear of what the ramifications would be from the tea party right-wing fringe if they listened to what their inner self tells them to do.”

As the 2012 presidential race intensifies, Wasserman Schultz took shots at the Republican field, calling it a “collection of deeply flawed candidates.”

She singled out former Minnesota Gov. Tim Pawlenty, whose economic plan she criticized; former Utah Gov. Jon Huntsman, who she said will have to explain his past support for an individual health-care mandate and former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney, whom she described as inconsistent.

“Mitt Romney’s problem is that Mitt Romney has to have a debate with himself about who he is,” she said.

But Wasserman Schultz came to the defense of two potential GOP rivals, Minnesota Rep. Michele Bachmann and former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin, saying it is unfair for the media to portray them as pitted against each other simply because they are both women.

“Even though I don’t agree with either Sarah Palin or Michele Bachmann on virtually anything,” she said, to laughter from the audience, “I do think the unique scrutiny … because of their gender” and “highlighting the potential conflict between them” is a product of the media’s desire for juicy storylines. “I think it’s inappropriate.”

Arguing strongly for increasing representation of women in elected office, she said that while progress has been made, “The good ol’ boys’ system is alive and well.”

Yes. We do own what we inherit. - sm
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Ws presidency is a done deal. The course it took and the economic wasteland he left in its wake is not the stuff of legend or myth. It is historical fact, easily retrievable, identifiable and comprehensible to those interested in cause and effect. Obama is not responsible for what W did, no matter how hard you try to make it so. He is only responsible for the measures he took to clean it all up. All the denial in the world will do nothing to erase that from the historical register or the memories of those who endured his disastrous so-called leadership.
owning it - sm
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The term 'owning it' means taking responsibility for it and not it's history. What he put in place FAILED. The fact is, we have RECORD numbers of unemployment, foreclosures, food prices, gas prices, personal bankruptcy, and national debt. If you think Americans are happy with that route, just stay on that Obama Kool-Aid train. The next stop is Greece.
Thanks for the vocab lesson. - sm
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I am going to repeat two things at this point. First, we own what we inherit, and second, it makes no difference whether W or his supporters ever own up/take responsibility for the WMDs he deployed every time he signed his ecoomic policies into law. What matters is the the rest of us will never forget. For Texans who endured this for 6 years prior to his arrival in DC, the memories are as vivid as they are painful.
Baloney! Moochers are abundant nowadays. Obamas - policies and speeches only make it worse.nm
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Ummmm, October 2010. Things have changed since then. - About those food stamps
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The cost of feeding oneself and family has skyrocketed while wages and salaries have stagnated. Three words: Food commodities speculation. The winners? Goldman Sachs et al. The losers? All the rest of us. The alternative to food stamps would be malnutrition, disease and starvation. If you understand how these thins correlate, you can come up with an entirely different view of who food stamps REALLY subsidize. Do the math.

holy cow! - sm

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Is it not possible for anyone on this board to express an opinion without getting a load of crap for it? for what it's worth, I totally agree with the OP. We cannot survive as a nation if more people do not take responsibility for themselves instead of simply relying on someone taking care of them. My guess, and don't ask me for sources as I did say my guess, is that a good percentage of these people would find a way to support themselves if it weren't so darned easy to NOT do so. Where is the incentive to work? For a large percentage of the people it doesn't exist as long as everything is handed to them. And please, don't tell me that this doesn't happen or that we don't have millions of capable people living off the system simply because they can. You and I both know that's just not true.

Holy Cow! We also have three wars that are costing us a boatload of money. - nm

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I'd much rather support folks at home than continue with that stupidity.

Holy cows and bucks - sm

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That post was presenting some hard numbers as facts. That is hardly just an opinion. As stated before, numbers can come from anywhere. Actually, I do not care what numbers are presented, I suggest you go out and find out who the people really are who are getting all those great benefits of food stamps, TANF, disability, SSI. I actually do know what it true, and most of those people would love to be healthy enough, smart enough, have enough basic necessities, and maybe a little good luck, to be able to go out and work for their living.

There is nothing easy about qualifying for assistance. - sm

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When it comes time for taking responsibility, does that include politicians who have demonstrated open hostility toward people who have suffered tremendous losses (homes, jobs, life savings, financial independence, health, just to name a few) in the aftermath of their failed lobbyist-inspired, campaign coffer-stuffing, Wall Street/big business/top 2% coddling trickle down policies? I am really sick and tired of these efforts to paint such broad brushstrokes when depicting casualties of the economy as a faceless monolith of welfare kings and queens. The majority of people receiving assistance are anything but. Get rid of waste and fraud, but let's not throw the baby out with the bath water.

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