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To all Obama haters

Posted: Jan 13, 2012

I would like to see some specifics about why you hate Obama.  No unsupported generalities, no information gleaned from Fox News.  Specifics only that can be checked on Politifact or Snopes or Factcheck.


How about - anon

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Why do you think he's the greatest thing since sliced bread?

Did the OP say that? What a ridiculous - post NM

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I don't hate the man... - Zville MT

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he'd probably be really cool to sit and have a beer with. I just don't agree with his policies. If you want specifics, I don't agree with "spreading the wealth"; I don't agree with the healthcare mandate, which he said in a debate with Hilary that he didn't believe in, but then went ahead and did it anyway; I don't like that he continued and expanded the Patriot Act (was mad at Bush for that one, too); and I don't like how he views the Constitution as a road block to getting done what he wants to get done (i.e. "recess" appointments.

Like I said, I don't hate him as a person, I just don't agree with him on where this country should be going.

To Zville - Conservative

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As always great post. I agree with you. Obama has the strangest policies of anyone in my lifetime, not to mention none of them work. He's a pretty slow learner on the economy and just about everything else. I am sure that was post was just to start something, and it was not for an intelligent, thoughtful discussion. Pretty easy to spot the posters that just want an argument. The poster could easily research the failure of any Obama policy, but obviously wants others to do that for them. No effort, no work on their part. Just flaming.

The OP really gave a good question... - Zville MT

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So I tried to give a good answer - those were just a few things that I disagree with Obama on (thought I'd keep it short). But again, out of a good question from the OP came the long line of arguements and name-calling. I understdand people are angry - I'm angry too - but we're never going to get anywhere unless we start listening to each other instead of putting each other down. Too many just don't want to listen.
The OPs question would have been better if - what if
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She asked why we disagree with his policies. She obviously was trying to start an argument calling people "Obama haters". I've seen her other posts on the board here and quite frequently she is trying to start trouble. Her life must be pretty pathetic if she has to come to the board to start arguments instead of wanting to have a decent conversation.

Coming on and reading "To all Obama haters" is pretty offensive. It shows that there are people out there who don't care about others. Don't respect that people have a difference of opinion and sometimes you have the agree to disagree. It's the same thing as calling someone a racist. It's meant to try and stop all forms of conversation. My little punk brother pulls that crap on me and just makes me want to "b" slap him for being so offensive and disrespectful. And to hear these little punks "flamers" as someone else here calls them. They have no respect for anyone. Guess that's the new liberal word of the day (Obama hater). Probably told to call people that when you can't have a conversation with any intelligence or your own thoughts.

But I guess the delusional need something to grasp onto. Unfortunately there are so many who are wandering the streets that are psychotic. When they can't reason or think for themselves and expect MSNBC, Daily Kos (or any of those hateful agencies) to tell them what to think at all times. Just very sad.
OPs would have been better - what if - Conservative
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Read both you and ZVille. Even though we all do not agree 100%, we have had very constructive posts between us. If you read all the posts on this board (keep the Maalox handy...LOL), it appears as soon as things settle down a bit, this poster comes on with the "hate Obama" comments. If someone does hate Obama, so what? They are entitled to their opinion regardless of who disagrees. Look at the people (on this board) that were so horribly disrespectful to Bush. As I have said before, no president is perfect, and there will always be disagreements. Just seems like this particular poster cannot discuss anything in a mature manner; has to always result to calling people haters, racists, rude, and the poster's hateful names go on. This individual never has any facts to support any of their commnets...notice that? Yet they are demanding for other to "state facts, post facts"....S/L someone incapable of anything other than a tantrum. Then they load up your "dislikes" with all of their dysfunctional little friends....How sad they have no life outside of this board. Have a great weekend! Look forward to more of your posts.
Not only that, but.... - what if
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They tell you which agencies you can use to post information here (Snopes, etc.) and which you are not allowed to use to get information from. Guess the insane are amusing to watch. LOL
Your statement: The insane are amusing to watch - You are sad
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Now go pat yourself on the back for being the wonderful commentator you obviously are.
YOU are sad - Conservative
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What does it say about you that you cannot refute someone's post without being rude and condescending. The poster you are trying to insult has far more content in your posts than you.

Why so negative? Sounds like someone needs a nap - what if

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First and foremost, nobody "hates" Obama. I would think that if anyone considers themselves at least partly intelligent they would understand that, but time and time again I guess I'm wrong. And on top of that it's not the people who consider themselves independent or free thinkers who call anyone who disagrees with Obama's policies "Obama haters", and it's not the people who agree with some of his policies and maybe not all of them that don't call people "Obama haters". Its the extremists. It's the ones who will do anything at the expense of others. The same mentality of the Germans who turned their families and friends in that said anything against the Hitler and the government. Extremists with the "my way or the highway" mentality, who don't have the aptitude to research for themselves and cross reference information and grasp the truth, no matter what side it supports. Those that just repeat what the liberal media say.

Nobody hates the man. When all else fails the childish antics of calling people haters or racists comes out full force. So, just so we have that clear. Nobody here "hates" Obama. No post every posted on this board has ever shown they are an "Obama hater". So, now that we have that fantasy of yours cleared up, lets get to the subject matter.

Before the topic on hand though, you are now giving direction on which news agency you'll accept information from? I don't watch Fox News all the time, usually just clippits here and there like when I'm eating dinner, but then I don't watch any news for that matter. I don't like Fox because I think people like O'Reilly is a self rightous jerk. I heard him say something like you'd have to be on drugs to vote for Paul (or something like that, so don't quote me word for word). Not saying that I'm for Paul, although I think he's the better of them all, but I don't think they are treating him fairly. When they start picking and brainwashing people into which candidate they want and they prop him up (talking about Mitt if you haven't guessed), tell how he's the greatest candidate and ignore or tell people they'd have to be drunk or on drugs to vote for others they don't want in there, they are trying to influence people. Anyway...sorry got on my soapbox. Just lost interest in the station, but then MSNBC drives me nuts and I can only stand about 30 seconds before one of the stupids says something to confirm they are. Alright, back to what you said. You don't want any information that people learn from Fox News, yet you'll accept information from Politifact (a liberal site) or Snopes or Factcheck (You do know who funds Factcheck and that because of their affiliation they cannot always be trusted don't you?). But if people want to give facts they heard on Fox, MSNBC, or in some newspaper you have no right to tell them their information isn't allowed unless its one of your pre-approved news sources. Your trying to make it sound like Fox doesn't give facts, which as much as I don't like some of the shows, is just not true.

Now to the meat of the matter. Specifics:

1. Don't agree with spreading the wealth. That is not what this country was founded on. Sure, to the people who don't have anything that sounds great, but for the people who work their tails off trying to save something for their future and to provide for their families I don't think it's right that now they have to given most away so that those who won't work can take it so that everyone will be equal (except the ones in charge of course).

2. I don't agree with socialized health care and I don't agree that if a person does not want to buy a product that the government should force them to buy something they don't want.

3. Policies (not people). I could go into each one in detail, but that would take forever and there are those who don't have the intelligence to understand that it's policy. Same policies I didn't agree with when Bush was president I still don't agree with. I'm not a hypocrite that disagrees with a policy when Bush is in, but the same exact policy is okay now that Obama is president.

Hope that clears things us for ya.

Nobody here "hates" Obama? - Speak for yourself! nm

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Okay you find one post on this site that shows they hate - what it

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Obama (the man himself that is, not posts disagreeing with his policies). Since you obviously want to believe the delusional thoughts that people "hate" Obama (the man). Find me one post that says "I hate Obama".

For the last time to all those too dense to think for themselves. NOBODY "HATES" OBAMA. If people don't have the intelligence to be able to differentiate the difference with hating a person (ya know like Sarah Palin) and disagreeing with policies put forth by any politician, then it's a pretty scary world where these same people can vote. But then again, voting is designed to make the people believe they have chosen the person, so guess that's not so scary after all.
To what if - Conservative
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Good point about how disrespectfully Sarah Palin and here family were treated and still are. It is pretty scary that this poster that is so filled with hate, cannot distinguish between the fact they are so comsumed by hate that others do not share that same consumption of hatred. Can imagine what would happen if you accidentally cut that one off in traffic....can you say "protective armor"....LOL

A few things - Kneejerk liberal

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1. Every independent nonpartisan organization that has looked at Fox News has come up with the same conclusion: They do not tell the truth. A recent study by Fairleigh-Dickenson University found that those who listen to Fox are the most poorly informed people in the country. The station is owned by Rupert Murdoch. What do you think he is going to tell you?
2. You are misinterpreting the term redistribution of wealth which is not a term Obama has ever used. The 1% are paying a tax rate now that is the same as when Harry Truman was president and 60% of American corporations pay no taxes at all. Warren Buffet's secretary really does pay a higher rate than he does.
3. If you don't want to buy health insurance then don't go to an ER when something happens and make the rest of us pay for it. Now there is redistribution of wealth.
4. Politifact, Snopes and Factcheck are all independent.
5. What has Obama done that compares to starting a 10-year, 1 trillion dollar war while simultaneously lowering taxes.
6. The Affordable Care Act is in no way socialized medicine and I am angry at Obama for not pushing for a single payer system which he professed to believe in when he was campaigning. There are plenty of things insurance companies can insure without denying care to sick people while making huge profits.

I asked the question because the venom towards Obama seems to me to be irrational.

A few thinks-kneejerk liberal - Facts are off- and LOVE for Obama oozing

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A few things: Fox has been audited by several organizations independently, and has consistently rated "fair and balanced" contrary to the organizations you have posted in previous posts(but never discussed on MSNBS, HSNB or major networks). They also have far more liberals (you can check a list yourself) giving their point of view DAILY, as well as liberal hosts. MSBNC, CNN, HSNBC only makes fun of anything conservative or Republican. When they do have the occasional conservative on, they are extremely rude and condescending towards them...view their shows; they are available in archives.

Furthermore, Obama clearly stated his belief in "redistribution of wealth". It is Obama's mantra. He is also a hypocrite. You see him an Michelle celebrating and enriching excess in their lives, while telling everyone else to cut back, get lean and mean. What a joke.

"The love towards Obama seems to me to be irrational" and it is is. He has done NOTHING to better the American way of life, increased our debt 43% in less than 3 years - now rocketing towards 16-trillion; it was 10-trillion when his dictatorship took over (his way or the highway, they bully uses that tactic a lot), 800,000 manufacturing jobs went overseas, appoints a "job czar" that has run GE into the ground, sold supplies to those trying to kill us and sent millions of jobs overseas. Sadly, Obama policy and lack of understanding and on-the-job training only harms all of us, as well as our children for generations to come.
Facts, etc - Liberal
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Who are the several organizations who have audited Fox?

The rest is pointless. You have no interest in the truth.
Fact, etc - Liberal
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If YOU had any interest in the truth, you would look it up yourself. I did. You can go to a computer, turn it on , type in the search bar, hit enter and research ALL news organizations that do INDEPENDENT polling. There are several categories listed. "You have no interest in the truth" to quote you; otherwise, instead of slamming me, you would go pull up the list. I did my homework, not doing yours. Obvious you only want to promote your liberalism and discredit everyone else, pretty typical.
Since you've read so much - Interested
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You should have no trouble supplying the name of one, just one, credible independent organization that believes Fox is fair and unbiased.
since you've read so much - Interested
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Since you have a computer, should have no trouble finding the same organizations. Clearly, you are very biased and make the choice to remain that way...but hey, if you are so lazy as to want to remain uninformed and biased...agian, your choice.
Hmm, no great love for Obama ... - me
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...but I've never heard him say the phrase "redistribution of wealth." Do you know what the word mantra even means?
Hmm, no great love for Obama - me
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Yeah...do you; I doubt it. Doubt you understand the "redistribution of wealth" either.
Hmmm, no great love for Obama - me
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Since you do not know what "mantra" means and apparently are unable to search it on your computer or look it up in a dictionary, see below. It is a form of "repetition" to change your mental state. Pretty clear what was meant by the poster that used mantra, but thought you might need the definition. There are a few other examples online, but all pretty much follow the same explanation. Phrases used repeatedly to change a mental status or increase well-being by their use.

"Chanting mantras is also used to make the intent of the mantra a physical reality."
Maybe not those exact words... - Zville MT
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but he did say "spread the wealth around." I may be mistaken, but I'm pretty sure those two phrases mean the same thing, along with "social justice," which is another phrase he uses a lot.
Maybe not those exact words - ZVille - Conservative
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Agree. There are a lot on here that like to split hairs, unless it benefits them not to do so.
Ask the auto workers - if their lives are better now
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Obama inherited a deficit of 1.2 trillion for GWB; it has not increased 43% since then although it has increased.
Ask the auto workers - you are wrong
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Information published yesterday, with Obama's recent push for debt ceiling increase, it goes to OVER 16-trillion, which is a 43%+ increase (sans the decimal points). Obama inherited NOTHING: He ran for the job, whined like a baby after he got it. What about what GWB "inherited"...notice how all that is just skipped over for "poor" Obama. If you use YOUR figures, GWB left Obama a debt of 1.2-trillion and now Obama has it at over 15-trillion, increase USING YOUR FIGURES OF 13.8-trillion by OBAMA; yeah that's better.
You are confusing the federal deficit - with the national debt -nm
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confusing federal deficit - nm
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Tell that to the poster that was being answered with the figures THEY PICKED. I know the difference, apparently they do not. For those that do not know the difference (and for those constantly screaming for documentation they will not look up themselves, see below).

Taken from TreasuryDirect -
What is the difference between the public debt and the deficit?

The deficit is the difference between the money Government takes in, called receipts, and what the Government spends, called outlays, each year. Receipts include the money the Government takes in from income, excise and social insurance taxes as well as fees and other income. Outlays include all Federal spending including social security and Medicare benefits along with all other spending ranging from medical research to interest payments on the debt. When there is a deficit, Treasury must borrow the money needed for the government to pay its bills.

We borrow the money by selling Treasury securities like T-bills, notes, Treasury Inflation-Protected securities and savings bonds to the public. Additionally, the Government Trust Funds are required by law to invest accumulated surpluses in Treasury securities. The Treasury securities issued to the public and to the Government Trust Funds (intragovernmental holdings) then become part of the total debt.

One way to think about the debt is as accumulated deficits. For information concerning the deficit, visit the Financial Management Service website to view the Monthly Treasury Statement of Receipts and Outlays of the United States Government. You can read more on this topic in the Federal Borrowing and Debt chapter of the Analytical Perspectives volume of the most recent budget.

A few things - Knee Jerk Liberal

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I read the poll you were referring to and your comments are very misleading and slanted. The poll was in reponse to a very specific question; however, you stated it as if this was an overall decrease in knowledge by Fox viewers, which was erroneous on your part and not complete. Below is a direct quote from that poll, but you never stated that the liberal stations were deficient, only Fox. Certainly a bias there. Since this is university organization, I would like to know the break down of liberal students/teachers versus conservative students/teachers, which they do not make available. I will continue to look for that information; would certainly color the results of any poll and questions asked depending on the mix.

"Fox News, however, wasn't the only cable news network to confuse some of its viewers. Watching MSNBC, for instance, was associated with a 10-point increase in the likelihood of misidentifying the Occupy Wall Street protesters as predominantly Republican."


To what if - Conservative

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Do not agree with all you stated in your beginning paragraphs, but points #1 through #3 are spot on. Appears as if the only hater on this thread is OABO. I appreciate the way you lay out your thoughts....very different than the "drive by" insults hurled by OABO. I, too, am sick of working to provide for others that refuse to provide for themselves. There are numerous agencies providing all sorts of public/govt assistance in place right now to provide for those truly in need, as well as for those that are just plain lazy. News flash on that front, Obama admin now wants to make people without a high school diploma (no matter what the reason, drops outs, pregnancy, truancy,too lazy to study or do the work, etc) a "disability" to allow them govt benefits under the disabled Americans act. Forget the number of govt agencies in place already to ASSIST them in getting a GED. That is only 1 ridiculous policy by Obama that hurts all of those that make an effort to have a decent, productive life.

I've seen the message boards at Fox News. There are people who genuinely hate Obama. - me

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It frightens me sometimes.

message boards - me

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I've read some of the liberal message boards and have seen far worse. It is frightening when ANY extremist, yes liberal extremists too, write what they do.

Would you care to share what the messages say - sincere message

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that makes you think they "genuinely hate" Obama. I've read the message. I'm not seeing any hate for Obama. I'm am seeing they do not like policies. Not hate for Obama himself, but a dislike in the direction the country is headed and the policies being set forth. If you can find any messages I'd like to know what they are. I particularly do not like Fox News. I also don't like MSNBC. CNN is barely tolerable. The thing with MSNBC is that the lies they spew are so blatantly false is painfully obvious and while I don't like Fox (O'Reilly & Hannity did it for me). While they are telling the truth about issues I think they are misleading in their reporting. An example of what I mean is say for instance the republican candidates. They want Romney in. Therefore they downplay the other candidates. They ignore Paul altogether. In fact when Paul was in third place in some of the elections and they put up their little charts, they didn't even have his name up there. Then you have O'Reilly telling the country that you'd have to be on drugs or smoking weed, or drunk (forget the exact words) to vote for Paul. However, the facts in the news is the truth whether or not you want to believe it, it's just they are also pushing their opinions/spin because they know a lot of people value what they say and will follow them.

But really, I would like to know what messages are being posted there that prove they hate Obama personally. I will be interested to read your reply.
Sincere message - Conservative
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While I do not entirely agree with your whole post, I appreciate the succinct thought. Fox has many different shows, some are news and some are opinion, just like any other network. Fox has had ALL repub candidates on extensively on several of both formats, excluding Roehmer. (He has polled so low, he is not eligible for some primaries, although Fox still gave him air time.) Fox has given each of these candidates a platform to discuss their run in the way the candidates wanted to portray their vision for the country. These interviews were spread over several of the programs on Fox, over the last several months. There has been no comparable outlet on any of the liberal stations for the candidates to do this same thing. I liked the format because you got to see much more of the candidate without the fake "gotcha" questions liberal anchors drool over.
I agree with you - sincere message (what if)
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Yes, I am what if :-), but it was a sincere message that I truly wanted to know what message that person read that showed they hate the man personally. I do agree with you altogether. I think I just got so disgusted with O'Reilly that I turned it off. Then when I watched Hannity that guy just drives me nuts. I should have added in my message (although it wasn't part of the discussion I was talking about) that Fox does interview everyone. They always request interviews with liberal politicians, though they never usually do come on. But they are fair in their questioning. I just think O'Reilly has overstepped his reporting/commentary a bit too far when he said people would have to be on drugs to vote for Paul and then when they didn't even have his name up and he was in the top three I just said enough already. Then I turned to MSNBC and within the first 20 seconds I heard some stupid there say "Obama hater". Click went the channel to CNN. They were just boring, but bordering a little towards similar to MSNBC, so then I went to the Food Channel and I was much happier that night :-)

I don't trust any liberal news person to conduct any interviews because like you said it's that "gotcha" questions (like how they tore SP up).

I do, however, like Shep Smith. He gives the news stories all over the world. Greta is okay. Learn more from her show than a lot of others. I used to like Beck, but then he went off and now its some show called Five which I find way too boring.

So I probably should correct my previous post. I don't dislike Fox, because the truth is you DO get the truth on news stories. I just don't like O'Reilly because I think he is trying to influence people and and his comment about Paul was so outrageous I was offended. Hannity is just plane "insannity". He's very simple minded and he doesn't listen to his guests. The night I turned him off is when he had some guest on from another country (I think Egypt) and he insulted him so bad. I'm sitting here thinking you numbnuts Hannity, you are insulting your guest and calling him names like a child yet we have reporters in their country right now...don't you care about their safety? Then the next day I heard that some reporter and his camera guy were beat up. So I don't watch him. Mostly to because I got so sick when he would say that stupid saying "let not your hearts be troubled". For awhile I did get it down to the minute that he would say that so at 6:43 I knew to hit my mute button. LOL I just don't find anything he has to say stimulating and he's a know it all punk bully (IMHO). I dont' watch him and I'm happier now.

So hope that clears my thoughts up a little more. Like some of their shows, but not all. But I do have to say they are the only station I can trust that if they give a news story it will be the truth.
To what if - sincere message - Conservative
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I understood what you meant. I do not particularly care for Shep Smith myself, but that is why there is an on/off button. I always have to laugh when I hear some of the posters on here go off on Fox (they have continually held the market share for 10+ years), beating out all lib networks...that is not all conservatives or repubs watching that station. As for some of the commentators, I take all of them with a grain of salt. If I do not like what someone's opinion is, I will still listen to what they have to say--I just will not agree, and go about my business. I am not going to call them names or make accusations (like you see all the time on this board). However, if they come after me personally, I am not backing down (also like you see on this board). Usually this "paper bullies" crumple pretty quickly when they are confronted...just like in real life...LOL. I always watch to see when Fox posts those shows for the candidates...and yes for the masses before you scream about fair and balanced, Fox also does this for the Democratic candidates. By the way, I love the Food Network. Chopped is one of my favorites; amazing what these chefs can do and the talent you see there. Another good show if you get to see it on that channel was "The Big Waste"; really makes you think.


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If you followed your own directions, you can find all the information on Obama you want. NO ONE HATES HIM, THEY HATE HIS POLICIES - Big difference. Just sound like a flamer.

I think Obama is likely to win again. - andimglad

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But having said that, your choices at election time are Beast #1 or Beast #2. Issues are divided 50-50 to keep control of the people, making it easy with the media to turn public opinion whichever way they want it, "they" being the people that really run the show behind the scenes. Dems and Pubs are on the same team, just handing off the baton when it is the other side's turn to do things that are in their sphere of influence. Obama bows to Wall Street just like all the publicans do. The rhetoric out there is to keep us fighting with one another. Divide and conquer. The circus that we call the GOP primary is one of the things that will guarantee Obama a 2nd term in the White House. But that's their plan.

To all Obama lovers - OABO

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Would like to know why you think Obama walks on water. No unsupported generalities, no information gleaned from CNN, HSNBC, MSNBC. Specifics that can only be checked through Fox News.


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Gotta love your qualifiers there.... Not 1 but *2* biased, liberal websites. Factcheck.org is ANNENBERG, as in CHICAGO MACHINE/Obama supporter. Snopes hs a PROVEN LIBERAL BIAS and is in Obama's corner.

So much for your "objectivity." Hilarious!! LOL

Great point and spot on - NM

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Some Obama supporters are getting tired of waiting.  I don't blame them.  I'm tired of waiting too. What Has Obama Done for African Americans?   by Keeanga-Yamahtta Taylor President Obama’s campaign operatives claim they now have a message for Black America, after more than two years of “I got nothin’ for you, man.” Blacks have their own page on the White House blog, but filling it up with substantive news may prove difficult. “F ...

ObamaAug 26, 2011
You know.. really.. the guy didn't stand a chance.  I've heard from seemingly normal folks that he was: 1.  The anti-Christ. 2.  A Muslim from Kenya. 3.  The birth certificate. 4.  He's going to turn the good ol' US of A into a Socialist country. 5.  He'll take away our guns.  The  only thing wrong with Obama is that he hasn't stood up to the republicans.  The fella needs a little bit of the ol' Cheney (who giv ...

Way To Go ObamaJul 29, 2010
I just heard that today Obama signed the Tribal Law and Order Act.  I may not know what this bill means in total, but my understanding is that it is to support justice on the reservations against violent crimes.   I'll read more about it, but what I'm seeing so far of it I think it's a good thing.  I have stated in the past if I feel he does something good I will post here and that's what I'm doing.  I think this is a good thing (at least from what ...

ObamaJun 14, 2011
For those who support Obama, can you tell me why I should cast my vote him for another 4 years? Can you give specifics? ...

PES And ObamaApr 14, 2012
I know it's long (sorry), but it's one of the best articles I've read about what's at stake for the 2012 election.  http://www.forbes.com/sites/paulroderickgregory/2012/01/22/is-president-obama-truly-a-socialist/ Is President Obama Truly A Socialist? Pew Research finds that sixty percent of Americans respond negatively to “socialism.” It is clear why President Barack Obama must avoid that label. Words are important. Political candidates who control the lan ...

Do Any Of You Know If You Are On Obama's Sep 09, 2012
nm ...

The Obama You Don't KnowSep 20, 2012
See the link.   ...

Another Lie From ObamaSep 22, 2012
What is it they say about pathological liars? He lies so much he can't keep anything straight.     http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pOVwCZ5TaPE&feature=player_detailpage ...

None Of Obama's 23Jan 16, 2013
would have stopped the Newtown massacre. Interesting, because Newtown was the impetus for the gun control hoopla being rammed down our throats. http://news.yahoo.com/obamas-23-executive-orders-gun-violence-171540897.html ...

Obama Did A No-noJan 25, 2013
DEVELOPING: Obama recess appointments unconstitutional, court In a case freighted with major constitutional implications, a federal appeals court on Friday overturned President Obama’s controversial recess appointments from last year, ruling he abused his powers and acted when the Senate was not actually in a recess. The three-judge panel’s ruling is a major blow to Mr. Obama. The judges ruled that the appointments Mr. Obama made to the National Labor Relations Board are illegal, and ...

Thanks, Obama! Apr 21, 2013
Fox's Kilmeade Blames Obama's Middle East Policy For Boston Marathon Bombings Blog ››› April 19, 2013 3:59 PM EDT ››› ERIC HANANOKI Fox News host Brian Kilmeade thinks he's found the explanation for how someone was able to set off bombs at the Boston Marathon: President Obama's supposed policy of "disengaging from the Middle East." Kilmeade linked the alleged actions of  ...

Obama's DogJan 20, 2014
I wanted to read up on Portugeuse Water Dogs, but couldn't remember the name of the breed. I went to Google and typed obama d. The first "d" that popped up was obama divorce. Curious, I clicked on that and got 210,000,000 hits. I had no idea this was news?!? Granted, a lot of these are taboid articles, but might there be some truth to them? ...

ObamaFeb 11, 2014
I have been a life-long Democrat, as has almost my entire family.   I have voted in every election since I was legally allowed to do so.   There were times I split my vote, but for the most part, I voted the party line.  Those times are fast ending in part because of the endless vile and abusive comments directed at ANYONE on this board not blinded to Obama’s faults, and there are many.   No human being is flawless and that includes Obama – he is a ...

Obama's Still Got ItOct 21, 2014
On Sunday, President Obama hit the campaign trail in Maryland and Illinois. The following is from Josh Lederman's report, Associated Press October 19, 2014 (the Associated Press--a legitimate news source) * * * Roughly 8,000 people packed a high school gymnasium — with more in an overflow crowd next-door — where Obama adopted his party's mantra for this election season by claiming the midterms would come down to one thing: "Who is going to fight for you?" "The Republ ...

Obama Is NOT WelcomeOct 05, 2015
says publisher of Roseburg Beacon. ...

Vetting ObamaMar 05, 2012
Andrew Brietbart's new site http://www.breitbart.com/  has quite the eye-opening piece called "The Vetting, Part I: Barak's Love Song to Alinsky" You can read it here:  http://www.breitbart.com/Big-Government/2012/03/04/obama-alinsky-love-song ...

Obama In His Own WordsFeb 29, 2012
Remember folks, these are Obama's words. On June 24, 2008, Obama said in demonizing Bush: What Washington has done is what Washington always does – it’s peddled false promises, irresponsible policy, and cheap gimmicks that might get politicians through the next election, but won’t lead America toward the next generation of renewable energy. And now we’re paying the price. Now we’ve fallen behind the rest of the world. Now we’re forced to beg Saudi Arabi ...

Democrats, Who Do You Want Obama To Run Against? Feb 28, 2012
Romney or Santorum?  Other unknown?  ...