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Those who are against BCP coverage

Posted: Mar 16, 2012

Do you believe insurance should not cover maternity costs also.  It is a lady's choice to become pregnant, so is that the same category of covering birth control pills.  How about should employers be allowed to deny coverage of pregnancy if mother is not married.  That might violate some employers religious beliefs to pay for illegitimate children. Interested in where people draw the line.




What DO we do with the unmarried pregnant? - ruh roh :o

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Interesting point. I hope this doesn't give them any ideas!

In the old days if you had a single...sm - oldtimer

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policy pregnancy was NOT covered, only covered if you were married and had a family po.licy

maybe this is why the US has one of the highest infant mortality rates - in the industrialized world

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Fortunately, as we have progressed through history, women have been granted greater access to health care.

How about if an unmarried woman is raped and - sm

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she does not believe in abortion?

It remains her CHOICE. - NM

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Oh I agree. I was just proposing a situation - sm

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which may not be so clear cut for those who may oppose pregnant unmarried woman being covered.

First it is BCP and maternity, then - sm

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it will be if you have lung disease, you must have caused it yourself (not pollution!). If you have a bad gallbladder, it must be from eating fatty food, not because everyone else in your family for 3 generations has had a bad gallbladder, too. Pay for it yourself! But, keep sending in those insurance premiums!

BCP coverage - sm

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Sure they should pay for BCP. They should also pay for your aspirin, Pepto Bismol, Maalox, Aleve, arthritic cream, Pamprin, etc.

Okay, so it costs less than $10 a month for birth control and some places it costs even less, and if you qualify for certain progress you can get it for less. I guess I just don't understand what the problem is. Why do people want to have insurance pay for it. It's pretty cheap. People probably spend more on soda or candy every month. Don't flame me, I'm just curious why people want insurance to pay for it if it's cheap. Either way it doesn't matter to me. I don't want any woman to have a baby they don't want. I'm just not understanding the whole situation and why has it become a problem now. Hasn't this been going on for years and years. Just looking for someone to explain to me because I could be wrong about it. Just don't know. I'm welcome to all discussions and opinions. I could be wrong.

The women who need birth control the most are - often the ones who can least afford it.

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Apparently it isn't as inexpensive as you - think. NM

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It's relative. If you're poor, even a dollar is a - lot of money.
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That's why there are "free" clinics - and PP
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No facts, as usual, with the "too poor to buy BCP crowd". Old topic and nobody buying what you're selling...move on.

Just my personal experience here, but - mthead

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every insurance plan I have ever been on has covered birth control pills. Oral contraceptives are a prescription drug and most people who have insurance have insurance coverage for those prescription drugs, except maybe for experimental drugs. The problem here is the people working for Catholic-affiliated institutions whose insurance plans won't cover the cost of BCP on moral grounds. So most of us have access to insurance coverage of birth control pills, just like we have coverage for antidepressants, antihypertensives, Viagra, acne medications, etc, but that group doesn't. I guess they pay out of pocket or go to a clinic or maybe use their flexible healthcare spending account. I do know that my brother-in-law, who worked for a Catholic hospital, was unable to get a vasectomy at that hospital, nor were any of my sisters who delivered their babies at that hospital able to get their tubes tied after their C-sections. I love my BILs, but I thought it only fitting that they should undergo, just a couple of times, the same sort of awkward doctor visits that all of us women go through, LOL!

My mother said she wanted her tubes tied after her - first child was born. Unfortunately, (sm)

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she gave birth at a Catholic Hospital, and they wouldn't do it. She had 5 more children after that.

(*Note: She didn't choose this hospital; she was visiting family in another state, went into labor early, and that Catholic hospital was the only one in the area; so literally and figuratively, she had no CHOICE.)
So is it the Catholic Church's fault? - Just wondering
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Literally and figuratively she had a choice after baby #1 to find a hospital that did tie tubes. What century did this occur in?

My daughter-in-law had her last child at a Catholic Hospital. She wanted her tubes tied, so she went to another hospital. They have two children.

It's stories like yours that make me wonder if the Stone Age mentality is alive and stirring in the era of obama.

In my sisters' cases, they could have chosen - mthead
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to deliver at another hospital, but their gynecologist didn't have privileges at the other hospital and they didn't want to change gynecologists. But lucky for them they had a choice if they felt strongly about it.

Obama compromised on that. The insurance - company will SM

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have to cover it themselves. Actually, I learned that there are many religious affiliated institutions who have been covering BCP for years who have not made a peep about it. Now though, all this hoopla is because of the Affordable Care Act and the republications aversion to anything in it. Never mimd it is helping and will help many people with no more preexisting condition discrimination, etc. This has just snowballed from BCP coverage to Arizona wanting to pass a bill forcing people to prove to their boss that they are using BCP for reasons other than birth control with physician verification. Don't you think this violates HIPAA? I do.
Yup. Agree with you on all points. - mthead
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And the thought of having to talk about something as personal as that with some of the creepers who have been my bosses makes my skin crawl. But that's a whole other thread, LOL!
me too - nm
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